Spilling Milktea on My Nose

Chlea, Gayle, and Molly made it on time before their first class started. They were sweating so much when they arrived due to their sudden coffee shop fiasco.

The day went on and Chlea is already heading out of the university after a long tiring day. The university is so big and spacious. Looking around, there are some football players practicing on the field. There are also students sitting on the benches under the shade of the mahogany trees. Students are laughing and talking with each other.

Chlea let out a deep breath and smiled. This environment is totally different from what she grew up with. Now, she gets to be with people. Real ones who are unbothered with social status, just who they are. Being admitted to Cebu Eastern University is no joke, students undergo a series of examinations and interviews before they could get in. CEU is considered to be the place for the underprivileged because everybody can get in without tuition fees and without charges given one can pass all the necessary intellectual credentials. The students may not be rich but they are sure proud they made it to study here.

However, there are also wealthy students who chose to study here because they know it will challenge them in terms of performance. One of them is Vaughn. He can actually afford to be in South Dale University but he insisted on studying at CEU.

In CEU, nobody knows who he is. Nobody knows his filial status. Unlike in South Dale University, people are so competitive when it comes to wealth. Professors can be bribed which is why academic performance is not so serious because money can buy it as well.

Starving, Chlea decided to go outside the university and eat street foods. She is actually salivating seeing the wide array of foods at a cheap and affordable price. Basically, you get to have a skewer and you just have to pick on the food you want to have and put it inside a cup. As for Chlea, she had 'kwek-kwek' or quail eggs covered in orange flour batter and fried. It tastes absolutely delicious especially when paired with sweet and spicy sauce. She also got herself a cup of coconut juice.

'This is what I call food!' Chlea happily went to a table and devoured her food to ease her rumbling stomach.

The 'kwek-kwek' is very crispy but when dipped into the sweet and sour sauce it gets soft and literally melts inside your mouth. You would not taste any single grease as you thought it would be due to the sweet and spicy sauce. The cold coconut juice also replenishes her thirst and is a great compliment as well to ease the spicy flavor.

Her phone inside her pocket buzzed. Chlea reached for it to see who texted.

1 unread message from Hyolyn ♡

3:37 PM: hey Chley, you done wt school? let's go grab a drink at Boba City Cafe. I'll send u the location, see ya!

Chlea just can't believe her cousin.

"Why does it seem like she has all the time in the world? Geez. Anyway, I'll go, it would be great for me as well to explore the city." She said to herself.

Chlea then booked a taxi using an app on her phone to got the cafe Hyolyn mentioned.

After almost an hour, Chlea arrived at the said café. When she pushed the glass door, chimes also resounded the whole area. Seriously, are chimes really a café thing?

Anyway, Chlea looked around and saw Hyolyn sitting on the seat just by the window while looking down at her smartphone. Hyolyn is wearing a cute black pencil skirt and a tucked-in oversized shirt that complimented her figure. She is also sporting black boots and a black hobo bag. Hyolyn is wearing ring-style earrings which really suits her small face.

"Hi there, beautiful!" Chlea greeted and kissed Hyolyn's cheek.

Chlea then placed her bag on an empty seat beside her.

"Hi there, gorgeous! Nice top! Where did you get it?" Hyolyn asked marveling at Chlea's clothes.

"Oh, this? I believe Ivory bought these for me. Tons of new clothes were already inside my wardrobe when I moved in. So yeah, she bought this."

"Your Dad's executive assistant, right? Well, I could say she has an impeccable taste!" Hyolyn replied in a high-pitched tone.

"Absolutely, she dresses finely as well so I agree with you. Hmm, this strawberry shake is heavenly! Anyway, are we waiting for someone else? Why do we have four drinks here?" Chlea asked while continuously sipping her strawberry milkshake.

Hyolyn's face lit up, "Yes! We are waiting for Brook and Vaughn."

"Seriously?! Do you know I almost got in a fight earlier because of Vaughn?" Chlea ranted almost choking upon hearing Vaughn's name.

"Oh my gosh, why?!"

"Remember when we went to Tisa to eat Chinese foods? Someone from our university took a picture of us and thought we are dating. So there's this girl who was also inside the café we went to with my friends earlier. She glared so badly at me. Apparently, she is so into Vaughn and was so mad at me. What was her name again? I think it was Missy." Chlea replied irritated.

"My goodness! I KNOW HER. Serves her right. That girl is delusional and is obsessed with Vaughn." Hyolyn laughed.

"But still, I don't even have the face to be in the same room with Vaughn. He must have been mad! I should go bye!" Chlea hurriedly stood up.

However as she was about to go outside Vaugh and Brook already got off from the car and is already heading inside.

Hyolyn shook her head, "Too late, gorgeous." She winked and teased.

Chlea could feel her face turn red due to embarrassment. She just can't help but sit down again.

'I hope the ground would open up and eat me alive!' Chlea said to herself mentally.

Vaughn and Brook instantly arrived. Brook sat beside Hyolyn and of course, Vaughn beside Chlea. Chlea covered her face with her hands because she is just too embarrassed.

"Hey Chlea, what's up? Are you sick? Looks like you're about to throw up. Are you alright?" Vaughn said as he is very concerned towards her.

'Is he just being oblivious not to make me feel shame? Why is he being nice!?' Chlea asked  to herself.

"I can hear you. Were you worried about that post? Please don't be. I should be the one apologising to you. I'm sorry Chlea, our school mates must have bothered you a lot for it." Vaughn said.

Chlea waved both of her hands to disagree, "No it should be me apologising. I don't know why but I'm so sorry!"

"Come on you guys, it's normal. If I do not personally know you two I would have also thought you are in a romantic relationship." Brook teased the both of them and laughed.

"Yeah he is right. Anyway, we have gathered you here because we will be going South this weekend! Aren't you excited?" Hyolyn cheered.

Chlea was the only one who does not have a clue what is going on.

"Were you informed about this?" Chlea whispered to Vaughn side ways while the hysterical couple in front of them is jumping and laughing.

"Yes, just this morning. Will you go?" Vaughn whispered back.

'Dang, this man is gorgeous.' Chlea can't help but admire his overall attractiveness.

"Hey, what are you two whispering about!" Brook exclaimed while pointing at Chlea and Vaughn.

"Nothing, you guys look crazy!" Vaughn laughed.

"Chley, please tell me you would go. PLEASE? Pretty pretty please?" Hyolyn begged with puppy eyes.

"Do I have a choice? I AM EXCITED! You know how much I love being close to nature." Chlea surrendered.

"I know right! You'd surely love it there. We'd grill some meat, drink wine, and all other fun things to do to de-stress ourselves." Hyolyn giggled.

"Uhm babe, de-stress? The school year just barely even started." Brook interrupted her excited girlfriend.

"Exactly my point!" Hyolyn replied.

Everybody laughed like crazy which made Chlea's drink spill outside her nose. She was holding her nose out for it to stop spilling milk tea.

Vaughn is also laughing so hard but Chlea's laugh came to a halt when he handed her a handkerchief under the table. On his face he seem not to care but he gave it to her under the table, away from other people's eyes.

Chlea then grabbed it and pat her nose dry still catching up with them. His handkerchief is so fragrant and clean. Like it was meant for moments like these.

'I wonder how many women he did this to as well.' She hissed with a sudden pang of sadness in her heart.

She can't help but stare at Vaughn in awe. In his strict and cool exterior, he is so kind.

'Girl, you better stop thinking about that! You're bound to be married real soon! He is just being nice and courteous stop making a different meaning out of it. Snap it out, Chlea!' Chlea said to while slapping her face as if to wake herself up.