For real?

'Stupid pact.' Chlea hissed to herself while getting ready for school as she remembered what happened at their family dinner.

She paused for a while to think. "Well, I apologize. It's not that stupid because if it were not for the Youngs, my great grandparents could have had massive problems during their time up to our generation. Or worst, they could not have survived the difficulties during the Japanese colonization. But why does it have to be me? I

can't get married this young. I was the stupid one all along because I agreed to this." Chlea hissed while brushing her hair.

Suddenly something was scratching her room's door. As she opened it, it was Kiyomi, her beloved dog.

"Oh my gosh, where have you been, baby? Did you have some fun at the pet hotel?" Chlea squealed while hugging her dog.

Kiyomi is wagging her tail so fast clearly ecstatic to see her fur parent. She was all over the place running and jumping. Kiyomi is indeed a happy doggo.

Chlea adopted Kiyomi when she was just around a few weeks old. She was lying on the ground still barely breathing. Kiyomi was covered with fleas and mages that made the poor pup suffer. It looked like she was abandoned.

Three years ago, Chlea was going for a walk around the neighborhood when she saw a weak animal figure on the grass. It was a light brown dog. So still, and seems lifeless.

She picked her with her bare hands, tried to wake her up but it seems like the dog is dead. Out of nowhere, the dog lets out a very weak cry which makes Chlea's heart twitch. It was the sound of being desperate to live. That was what made Chlea adopt the dog and name her Kiyomi.

Since then, Chlea has been spending a huge amount of money to fund organizations that rescue animals and take care of them. She has been doing this for the past three years but her identity is unknown. More like a Daddy-Long-Legs type of charity.

Helping stray animals became her purpose. Her advocate, of spreading kindness and hope. Giving voice to these poor animals.

Of course, her family would not understand. Maybe her Aunt Aislinn could, but not certainly. Of all beings around her, Chlea loves Kiyomi the most. It's this unexplainable feeling of warmth towards a dog that nobody who

has never tried to take care of one would never understand.

Kiyomi could understand her better than anyone does. Chlea still have some time to spare since she got up earlier than she usually does. When she stepped outside her room, the entire house was already back to what it was. There were no fancy flowers around the area anymore which made her calmer and more composed to see her house back to its state.

"Finally! Peace!" Chlea cheered while happily dancing in her living room with the music Cheerleader in the background.

Actually, the house helpers in her house have been reduced to two because there is not really much work to do and it would be best to have them be relocated to their family house where the real deal of chores are.

Chlea is delighted up to this moment because she got to see and chat with her Aunt Jac. Her Aunt Jac has been traveling the world longer than she can remember. She chose not to meddle with the messy world her siblings are in.

Apparently, Jac already knew that Chlea is in a relationship. Chlea was hesitant to tell her at first but she always knew in her  heart that her Aunt Jac is not the type to gossip or tell secrets. She minds her own business on a serious level.

She then went on to call her personal assistant who is standing firmly behind her waiting for orders. "Do you have the bus card I asked you to get for me?"

"Yes, here you go," Catherine said as she handed the metallic blue bus card to Chlea.

"Thank you, Cat. You don't have to drive me to school today, I'll just take the bus. You know, to save the environment. Not to mention the traffic!" Chlea fake laughed trying to make the silliest excuse for Catherine not to fetch and drive her to the university.

"But Miss, it is one of Mr. Regan's strict orders to keep you accompanied and be safe as possible. He'd surely reprimand me if I let you go your way." Catherine argued.

Chlea placed her pointer finger on her mouth to hush Catherine. "Shh, nobody will know. Besides, I can handle myself. And, I'll be with Hyolyn. Is that still something to be worried about?"

Catherine went mute trying to absorb Chlea's suggestions.

"No 'buts'! I'll go now. Goodbye!" Chlea picked her bag and then went outside to take a five-minute walk in their villa before she could reach the main road where the bus terminal is. She sat down on the waiting shed excitedly waiting for the bus to her university to come. It's actually her first time to ride a modern bus alone.

This may not be a big deal to others who grew up being able to explore but for Chlea this is a milestone in her life. A milestone that may seem to be superficial to others but important to herself.

Finally, a bus going to Cebu Eastern University has arrived. People were getting off the blue bus before she could go inside and find a seat by the window where she could feel the morning breeze.

While she's enjoying the view of the city, Chlea felt something in her bag vibrate. It was Vaughn calling. "Hi, good morning." Vaughn greeted in a cheerful voice.

Chlea smiled, "Goodmorning! You seem so happy!"

"Do I? Uhm. I guess this is what a good breakfast makes. Where are you at?" Vaughn replied.

Chlea looked carefully outside just to make sure she does not miss her stop. "I am on a bus on my way to school. How about you?"

"Well, I am actually at the university grounds right now. Can we meet? Remember the bench where we talked the other day? I'll wait for you here, just beside the big mahogany tree."

Vaughn said over the phone.

"Sure, I think I am almost there!" Chlea chuckled as she peeked outside the window already seeing the university's front gate.

Before getting off the bus, Chlea thanked the driver and hoped for their safety. The old driver smiled back and said thank you.

Chlea greeted the security guard upon entering the university premises. "Good morning Ma'am, have a great day ahead and study well!"

What could possibly go wrong with Chlea's day? She has been feeling so happy the moment she opened her eyes in the morning today. Definitely feels like waking up to the right side of the bed.

The green bermudagrass of the university grass seems more alive and vibrant today. The breeze of the wind made the trees' crown sway and with its leaves falling on the ground. Even though the Philippines does not have a fall season, it looks like it right now.

Chlea is merrily walking when she saw a familiar figure from afar sitting on a bench while waving at her. 'What did I do right to have a boyfriend like him?' Chlea smiled while thinking about it.

She waved back and ran to reach the bench faster. "Good morning, Mister!" Chlea gushed as she sat down beside Vaughn. He then handed her a warm cup of coffee as he sipped coffee with his other hand.

"Oh thank you!" She babbled. Chlea took a sip and her eyes lit up, "The best coffee I've had! Where did you buy this?" She exclaimed while turning to Vaughn.

The corners of Vaughn's mouth rose. "I made it myself."

"Ooh~ We've got some good barista right here." Chlea teased as she sipped the coffee.

Chlea noticed that Vaughn has been looking at her intently. "Why are you looking at me with

that wistful eyes again?!" Chlea tried to laugh to ease the situation. Deep inside, she feels sad. She is about to get engaged to someone she does not love and she has Vaughn. 'Why did I even start all of this?'

Vaughn shook his head, "No, nothing. You look beautiful as always." Vaughn remarked and made Chlea smile.

"I know that's not what you are thinking! But anyway, thank you." She laughed to hide her curiosity as to what Vaughn is thinking.

Little did Chlea know, Vaughn is feeling guilty. A pang of guilt surged in him when he thought of the marriage engagement his parents hot him into. He loves Chlea and he can't bear to lose her. Guilt because he does not know how to let Chlea know about this and if he does, she does not want to scare her off.

'Is it bad for me to be selfish this time? I have never been so happy.' Vaughn thought to himself and sighed while looking at Chlea who is enjoying her coffee.

"Chleaaaa!" Gayle shrieked from afar and ran directly towards them.

Gayle hugged Chlea tightly. "I missed you!" She said.

Gayle's mouth went agape when she noticed the man who is sitting beside Chlea. "Oh! Did I disturb you two? I am so careless, I better get going now. Bye!"

Just as Gayle was about to leave Chlea stood up, "No, it's alright. I was about to go to class anyway. Vaughn, I'll get going."

"Sure. Text me when you are free. I'll see you around."

When Chlea and Gayle were already away from where Vaughn is, "See you around. What was that? You silly girl! Come one spill it out!" Gayle teased Chlea.

"Oh, I have something to tell you. Vaughn and I are dating." Chlea said casually hoping Gayle would not overact.

Gayle stopped in her tracks and asked, "WHAT?!"