An Intruder!

Chlea's Point of View

"Gosh! My spine hurts!" I stretched and grunted while massaging my back using my hands.

I turned to check the time on my iPad and is surprised to see it is already past 3 AM. I have been studying nonstop which made my eyes hurt like hell. How much screen time do I get these days?! My eyes literally sting.

It's time to take a rest or else I will be cranky tomorrow due to lack of rest. I can't function without proper sleep so I better go and tuck myself in. I yawned and put off the lamp beside me. 

For about five minutes, I was already on the verge of getting drifted to deep sleep when I heard a resounding shout coming from our building.

"AN INTRUDER! EVERYBODY HELP US!" A deafening shout echoed throughout our building.