Undoubtedly, this is a hard time for the three of them. Chlea, in particular, is in a tight situation as she aims to be at the middle ground, to not be on anyone's side on this situation. As much as she do not want to get involved, but if she does not interfere, there may no hope for Gayle and Molly to reconcile at all. Gayle is very much driven by her anger towards Molly which is why she pushes anyone who tries to come near her and explain as she does not see the need to do so. As for Molly, she has somehow lost the urge to explain her side to Gayle as she keeps on pushing her away. Molly remained in contact with Chlea to ask for suggestions when in reality, Chlea does not know a thing. Gayle is a woman who is very hard to please when it comes to situations like these. Once she does not like someone, she does her job of not liking them seriously.