
I opened my eyes to the familiar cell. I groaned in pain and took a deep breath. Smelling the familiar smell of rusty copper. I opened my eyes again and saw the smell lead to my stomach. The wound was dried up and blood and dirt were stuck to my skin. A pool of blood surrounded me. I sat up and grimaced, I went to the corner of my cell to the old bucket. There was stale water inside, I carefully started to clean my wound. It was a long process because it is very deep. I wiped all the old blood away and began to put some vertical pressure to stop the bleeding. I grabbed my metal needle which I made myself, and some thread I ripped from my clothes to patch myself up with. I quickly stitched myself up and sighed when it was over. A beam of light caught my eye, I looked up and saw the bard window. Looking through it I saw freedom. Out there I could see the woods and the sky and the clouds. It's been a while since I have been outside. I let a grin form on my lips. I looked over at the cracked and foggy mirror in the corner. I stood there looking at the stranger in the mirror. I was taller, I lost all my fat on my body and it was replaced with muscle and ugly scars. I'm pretty sure scars cover 80% of my body. Everywhere but my face. Daniel the man responsible for every single pain in my life wanted to keep my face untouched so I can stay pretty. My wrist has handcuffs on with a long chain and padlocks nailed to the wall. I was trapped here, I have crazed look in my eyes. It is actually quite scary to see my reflection I could tell I am a different person. My face is pale and my brown eyes are dark and scary. My hair is knee-length and the ends are dead crimson red. It was forbidden to cut it. My teeth are slightly sharpened. None of these were my choices. I looked down at the one scar I hated the most, it was burned and branded onto my skin. Property of D.K. Daniel King the man I'm forced to call Master. The man who forces me to fight in a ring full of other monsters. The man who figured out how to control me through a metal shock collar around my neck. It sends a current through my brain from the long needle in the back of the collar that goes into the back of my neck. All daniel has to do is press the button. It makes me forget who I am and feel uncontrollable anger. I am caged in like an animal because honestly, that's what I am.