Tree house

I suddenly was jerked awake, and I froze up and grabbed my knife. I noticed after a long tense moment that the bus stopped and it was light out.

Even tho I had a nightmare, that was the longest I have slept. I stood up and waited for everyone to clear the bus. I wiped my eyes from the dried-up tears. That was the first time I have cried in years.

I walked through the town square and smelled the familiar smell of evergreen and forest. This town was surrounded by forest, and I had a lot of memories roam through the mystical-looking forest.

I walked to an old diner and entered and almost wiped my knife out when a sudden loud bell rang when I opened the door. I am glad I realized it was just a bell to warn about customers.

As soon as I entered I knew a lot of people were staring at me. I knew they knew I was new. wow, that was a tongue twister. I walked to the bar and sat down on a red leather stool. Nice looking lady with a big smile came up to me and gave me a once-over.

"What you want to eat honey?" she asks nicely. "Um, can I have the biggest burger you got with bacon and tomato and everything else? and a side of fries, please." I ask nicely, and she looked surprised.

Burgers were and probably still are my favorite food in the world. I loved them before my world turned upside down. She comes back ten minutes with a burger that I think I could literally die happy with.

She chuckled at my face, and I dug in. I eat quickly out of habitat since daniel always gave me a short time to eat. I tasted the bacon lettuce cheese tomato and all of the sauces.

I hummed out of content with which made me smile at myself. My taste buds are in heaven. I finished my food and started to think about what I was going to do. This town was about thirty minutes to an hour from my hell hole. I was close but still far. I had names and faces still locked in my memories of every single person working for my master and everyone that came to those fights. I couldn't go to the police. I had to go higher up the food chain. But for those, I have to make a formal appointment. Where am I going to sleep? Would anyone recognize me?

I walked out after paying and leaving a big tip for the nice waitress I walked down the road. I had no clue where my body was going but my mind was sucked into a memory.

I was thrown back into a dark cell. I had tears over my face, and dirt and grim on me and my clothes. Daniel was in front of my chained and hanging body. He had a knife and was cutting through my sweatshirt and was dragging across my skin. I yelled. It was one of the first times he had cut my skin.

I wasn't used to the pain. I screamed, and tried to thrash but moving made it hurt worse. I closed my eyes trying to remember my happy past, but the pain went through my hip, and I saw the knife was hilt deep in my hip somehow missing my bone. I screamed until I felt blood leak into my mouth.

I suddenly passed out. I shook the memory away, and looked around, and saw I was standing in front of my old house. It looked abandoned, and the glass was broken and the paint was chipped. The backyard was the familiar forest I spent hours exploring and having adventures in. I smiled and walked past the house towards the woods. The old footpath wasn't there, plants and vegetation-covered it now.

I jumped over and through two of the thick brush. I didn't want it to look like someone walked through it. I wanted to stay hidden. I walked past the trees and found the large oak with an old star engraved on a big root sticking out of the ground.

I put my head against it and breathed in the familiar smell. I closed my eyes and let the memory in.

"Dad looks at this tree, it's huge." my younger self was laughing on my dads' shoulders.

We were about 5 and was a small skinny twig of a girl. My dad chuckled and patted the bark of the tree.

"Wow it is"

I opened my eyes and saw the familiar bump on the base of the tree. It was my stepping stool up the tall tree.

I climbed up to past the branches and leaves and saw the secret trap door. I opened it and pulled myself up. I gasped.

When I built this it only had a floor. But now it has walls and a roof. Even a small table and one rocking chair in it. I was so confused. Who made this? Is this a trap? It is not safe here.

I went to climb down when something caught my eye. A photo was tacked to the wall and it almost made me cry. It was me my dad and my best friend.

He used to live across the street, and he lived in my house. He was always over and eating our food, sleeping in a sleeping bag in my room, and exploring the forest with me. His name was Seth.

He was a skinny little black-haired kid. His mom was Hispanic so he had a golden tan. In the picture, we were both ten. The funny thing was we had the same birthday. He was an hour and 45 minutes early. That's how our parents met and became friends.

They moved across the street and we grew up together. At Seth's feet was his new chocolate lab puppy, named bear.

I smiled at the picture and suddenly it hit me. Does he still live there? Is he okay, did he get taken too?

I quickly jump through the trap door and I let my body fall towards the ground. I landed on my feet and then I ran. I jumped out of the clearing and stopped when I saw his old house. It was still in good condition. I snuck around and went to the side window. I probably look like a creep right now, but I was desperate.

Seth and his parents were like family. My only living family left. Seth was my best friend, and we were so close, we never kept secrets from each other. I peeped through the window and I didn't see anyone.

Suddenly I heard paws. I turned and saw a full-grown lab. He was about to bark. Was it bear, maybe, no I can't be. "Bear" I softly say and he starts to wag his tail. He ran up to me smelling me. I guess he recognized me. I rub behind his ears and smile at the scruffy dog.

That means Seth lives here. I jump up and let logic fly out the door. I didn't even think. I ran to the front door, and threw the door open, bear following behind me. I ran through the hallway and into the kitchen.

It was empty but I saw the huge family picture on the wall. The family consists of Mary who was the mother, her husband Dave, Seth then there was another small boy probably a younger brother. Then bear at their feet. I walked closure and saw Seth was a grown-up. He was taller than mary. He was not a skinny little kid anymore. He was tall and had a strong jaw. He had broad shoulders, and huge biceps but not steroid huge. His blue eyes looked even bluer and he had dimples now.

I felt tears run down my cheeks and I felt a relief flow through me. They were okay, they were safe. I knew no one was in the house but I walked out the way I came and let bear out too.

He walked to the back and lade near his dog house like a good boy. I smile at him and kneel in front of him.

"You can't tell anyone I am here okay. Love you Bear." I laughed. He can't talk, I don't know why I even said that.

I walked away and back towards my house. Should I stay at my treehouse?

I am pretty sure Seth fixed it up.

But the brush wasn't stomped on so he hasn't been there in a long time. I took the risk and went back to the treehouse and climbed up making sure to leave no trace that I was there.

I took my sandals off and felt my toes relax. I hate wearing shoes. I walk over to the old pillow in the corner with a blanket. They were filthy and old, but it was something. I grabbed the blanket and the old Dora water bottle near the window and hiked towards the river a mile away.

I cleaned the blanket and let it hang to dry. I filled the bottle and set it near the blanket. I gathered dry wood and started the fire with my knife and some flint I found.

I let the fire build up then striped. I folded my clothes near the fire which was drying my blanket. I slowly got into the water and felt the cold water washing the grim and old blood away.

My open wounds were scabbed now and were almost healed. I washed and then braided my long hair into a thick braid.

I looked down at the pink zigzagged scar that was placed over my heart. I was suddenly sucked into the dark memory.

I was back in the arena and I flat no collar on my neck. This was my first arena fight. I just received a beating, Master threatened if that I didn't fight I would go back into the chamber. The chamber was a room dedicated to torture. It was my master's favorite room. I was thrown into the arena and in front of me was a skinny but tall guard. He was found to be a rat, and daniel wanted him dead. He wanted me to get to kill him. The guard was scared but only because he knew if he won he would still get shot by his old boss. He jumped first and grabbed me and held me in a headlock in front of him using me as a shield. My master didn't seem to like this so he gave me a look. I was going through training now and daniel knew I knew how to get out of this hold. But I stood still hoping daniel would just shoot and kill both of us. I remember my brother's face and I felt my heart break further. I just wanted to die, but I didn't even have control to make that decision. My master gave me a look and aimed and pulled the trigger. I felt blood leak down my neck and touch my ear. I had shot off my earlobe but shot the guard hiding behind my tiny body in the head. That night I found myself tied to a table and restrained. I learned for the first time what it felt like to have a red hot knife felt pushed into my skin and dragged across my skin.

I snapped out of the memory and I grabbed my head. Sometimes I really wonder if my brain is against me too.

I carefully washed around my neck and avoided making contact with the stupid collar. I climbed out and sat on the rock near the fire drying off fully before putting my clothes on. It gets cold at night and wet clothes can lead to hypothermia.