The First step

I was thrown back to the first time I stepped into the arena. I have been starved for a week.

I was beaten and bloody.

I saw my opponent was a large dog. It was foaming at the mouth and it looked starved too. I jumped at me and I struck. Hitting his nose. He whimpered and stepped back.

I love dogs, but this dog was trying to eat me.

Its a kill or be killed world

I ran at me again and I kicked his nose. The dog lunged and bit down on my arm. He was trying to tear a piece of my arm off. I yelled in pain. And grabbed his throat and snapped it to the left.

The dog fell dead. I kneeled near him and started to cry. I have never killed anything before. I passed out after that from bloodloss.

I sat up quickly and saw it was morning. I got up and scavenged for nuts and berries. I found the old blueberry bush I used to munch on with Seth. I ate and then cleaned myself at the river.

And let me tell you, using maple leaves as toilet paper is uncomfortable.

Daniel at least let me use toilet paper.

I walked out of the woods, not bothering to jump the bush since it was stepped on by bear and Seth. I walked out and kept my hood over my face. I hid behind my house then crept up the road past their house.

When I was in the clear, I started to jog. Even though I was forced to run with daniel, running made me feel powerful and free.

I ran down the road and past the small town. I got on the bus heading for New York City. It was 45 min away. My hell hole was on the outskirts of the city. I enjoyed the scenery and watched how the forest changed to concrete and glass. The bus stopped and I put my hood up and walked out with the crowd.

I walked toward the city hall. Should I talk to the mayor or maybe the governor? I wasn't sure. Maybe the police commissioner. I tried to strategically form a plan in my head weighing the pros or cons. Then I remember the mayor had visited the fight once, so I couldn't go to him. The governor wasn't involved that I knew of but I heard some of the guards talk about the governor and he was definitely corrupt in more ways than one. I head towards the police headquarters.

How was I going to do this, I need an appointment. They would never let me in.

As soon as I entered the building I saw a metal detector. I have metal all over me, In my bones, the stupid collar around my neck, and the knife in my waistband. Then an idea popped into my head.

The lady in front of me had a small rubber ball in her purse. I took it and rolled it secretly into the path of a guard. I yelled with a lower voice, "snake"

I know...I know that was not my finest moment.

I knew it was stupid but suddenly a lot of people freaked out. The guard jumped and thought the ball that zoomed past him was a snake. I secretly jumped onto the trash can then jumped up and grabbed the hanging light. I climbed up and jumped to the second floor over the balcony.

I was so surprised at how that worked. I almost laughed at how stupid that event was. The guards never saw me.

I face towards the ground and walk facing away from the cameras. I got in the elevator and it was about to close when a man with glasses jumped in. He looked like a typical socially awkward nerd, and he glanced at me weirdly. I put on an innocent cute little girl facade. I stood there softly humming and smiling. Acting like I was meant to be here. He bought it and got off the 20th floor the doors closed and I sighed. The elevator opened again and I saw it landed on the 25th floor, the very top floor. I got out and walked confidently. I glanced around the corner and saw a secretary in front of the door that said the Police commissioner.

I thought for a second and went around the corner and found the bathroom. I went in, I put my hair up in a cute ponytail to make myself appear younger. I opened the bathroom door when I heard heavy footsteps.

I waved at the old man walking by "Sir, can you help me please." I whisper adding a shy face to the mix.

He stopped and he gave me a kind smile.

"You see I just started my um… You know what and I don't have any hygiene products. I was wondering if you can go ask the lady at the desk around the corner if she can help me." I say sweetly adding some stuttering and make myself appear nervous and embarrassed.

The guy looked uncomfortable when he realized I was talking about my monthly. He nods quickly then walks towards the desk. I crept out and hid behind a huge plant in the corner. The man and the lady walk towards the bathroom and I creep and open the door of the office.

I shut the door quietly and turned around to face an old man around 60 who was staring at me with humor and curiosity.

"So young lady, are you going to tell me who you are?' he says with a straight face. I gulped, I didn't plan this. "We need to talk sir," I say firmly while walking to the seat in front of his desk. I was surprised he didn't question how I got up here or threw that door without him being notified. That made me instantly like him.

I kept my back straight, and put my serious face on. I looked him in the eye, and he knew I meant business. I put my hands on my lap and took a deep breath. I handed him the paper hidden in my pocket. I wrote the list of names on the trip here. I asked a nice old lady near me on the bus to use a scrap of paper in her notebook. I slowly handed the man the paper with more than 100 names on it. He took it and looked at me then to the paper. He put on his glasses and looked back at the paper.

"What is this?" he asks and I look him dead in his eyes.

"Sir, this is a list of people who have involved themselves in a group who participates in illegal operations" he looked confused but curious.

I pointed to the name on the top of the list. It was the mayor's name.

"The mayor had entered and joined in betting in illegal fights happening outside your city. He betted more than 10,000 dollars total for the best fighter to win," I say, and he grunts.

"So you are saying the mayor betted on illegal fighting." he looked at me like I was crazy. He knew if it was true he needed more evidence to believe me. I was blunt. I started to explain the illegal underground fighting ring to him. How a man named Daniel King was in charge. I explained they kidnapped kids and adults and were forced to fight in an arena to the death. He looked curious but also like he didn't believe me. I grab my left sleeve and pull it up enough for the visible brand on my wrist, Property of D.K.

It was my worst scar, and I couldn't even look at it. It repulsed me. I showed my wrist and he looked at me with pity and looked angry. "The man Daniel king kidnapped me 5 years ago, he killed my family and brought me to his arena. I am one of those fighters, and sir another thing is, I killed Daniel King."