The Military

It has been a couple of days. I have blended in, least trying to.

I am the only female here, so it hard to blend in. I have been blending in with the workouts and the training. Never being last but not first, always in the middle. At night I sneak out and conduct my own workout because I am not burning enough energy to make me feel tired at night. I am used to the brutal training of Daniel king.

I have gotten closer to my troop, They are like brothers, Buck being in charge and the like the parent of the group. Dave being the toddler. Zach being the serious but the most kind. Chris is the smartest and the most sarcastic. I learned my troop is the most elite. The boys might play around but they are skilled in shooting and fighting. They get serious at training, well except for dave.

Dave is never serious.

It's been hard to keep my skin covered. The boys question why I wear long sleeves and pants all the time. I change quickly in the tent in the dark before they wake up. I shower at midnight or after the boys do and they stand out and guard the shower tent so no peeping toms can bother me.

I have had no more groping incidents but there are wolf whistles and catcalling tho. I don't get bothered tho because I am always with one of the boys at all times during the day and they always glare and scare them away.

The day they had chocolate pudding Chris stole another serving for me, He got whacked with a spoon from the chef but he still got it for me. I thanked him and told him he should probably not do that again.

I have not lied to the boys about my past, I just avoid the question I need to avoid. I don't want to lie to them.

Right now I was on a military truck. We were finally shipped out to the front lines. The sounds of grenades and guns are getting closer. My troop and most others in the camp are now cramped into 5 trucks and are heading for the hell hole. I had all my gear on. the bullet-proof vest, the camo, boots, gun, rounds of bullets, and my backups. My handgun in my boot, and secretly five knives are hidden in my pants and shirt.

The guys had serious faces and dave even looked serious. They all were ready but I can tell they were nervous. "Well make it, You won't die on my watch," I say and they all looked at me with a smile. They all nod or pat my head. They probably didn't think I could do that but at least I made them smile.

The trucks stopped and the noises were defining. The gunshots had stopped 5 min ago and the grenades stopped. Each side waiting for someone to react. The screams were the loud noise. There were a lot of injured men.

We put our helmets and on and jump out of the truck we walked in formation and jumped into the huge trench. We passed weary and tired soldiers. We passed a dug-out area filled with the injured. There were about 20 and there were only two medical people helping. I stopped and my trooped noticed. I walked to the nearest person and saw his arm was shot. I grab some gauze in my pocket and wrap the wound to stop the bleeding. He whined but stayed slightly unconscious. I stood back up and looked around.

This was hell.

I followed the troop down the winding trench. I had to stay with my group. I had my gun loaded and ready. We got to our position and all got ready. Zach got to the machine gun that was already placed there. He was very good at using that huge gun. Chris put his medical supplies down in a safe hole and got his gun out and pointed it at the enemy. He was an excellent sniper. His gun was long and is a beauty.

Buck got his submachine gun propped up and ready and dave had his grenades lined up on his vest and his gun pointed to the other side. I had my gun ready and my knives ready for action.

The wait was stressful and boring. Nothing happened for another hour. My trigger finger was itching. Suddenly a bomb went off near the trench to the east of us went off. Screams were heard and then guns went off.

I looked through my scoop and saw a small troop was hidden behind a huge metal contraption. I guess they dug tunnels. Guns were going off. the enemy was using a huge machine gun. Grenades were thrown and my troop started to fire. I aimed my gun and looked through my scoop trying to find a person. I saw a leg slightly out of cover and pulled the trigger. The body went down in pain and landed out of cover. He was immediately shot multiple times by at least twenty guns who were trying to find a good shot. The fighting went on. Grenades, bombs, and even a gas bomb went off. Gas masks went on and screams were heard. We heard jets in the air fighting a war we couldn't be a part of. Tanks were rolling in but not used because if one tank went off they would use theirs and it would be a mass murder. They used the tanks to try to shoot the jets and planes down.

Suddenly their tank moved and shot an attack at us. We were unprepared for that, not expecting that action. They only shot once. We didn't shot back. We didn't want to have a massive murder. We all had more of a chance to live if we didn't shot back and cause a war with the tanks.

There were more screams, that shot tore through the trench east of us. I suddenly realized it was where the injured were.

Death was in the air, fire was burning. Screams were heard. More death, it never leaves me. I stood up and looked at my hands. I could change this, it was suicide, but I had no one except for my troop, and I wouldn't let them die. Chis and buck were both married to lovely wives and all had kids. Zach and dave both had girls waiting for them. I don't need more death on my hands.

It was like time slowed down and I saw the boys shooting and yelling war cries. Men around me were dying and dust and blood were flying.

I unload my supplies. I grab my handgun and load it up. I take the gas mask off since it clear up. I take the bulky bullet-proof vest off and keep my camo on. I take the oversized helmet off and tie my hair up nice and tight. I tie my knives to my pants strap. I grab my handgun in my right hand and my left hand was open to grab the knives. I take one good look at my new friends and jump up and out of the trench, and I run.

I immediately heard shouts. The boys yelling my name. Bullets were flying but with my heightened senses, things were slowed down. I dodged each one. I aimed the handgun and shot at the enemy hiding behind the metal object. I run and dodge, flip and slide. I shoot soldier after soldier popping up from secret tunnels, and behind scrap metal. I finally saw their trench. I run and dodge. They finally start to see me and aimed their guns at me and I jumped high and out of the way and zigged while running closer. Leaving my movements unpredictable. I finally jump in and I take my knives out and put my gun on the strap at my hip. Bullets flew and soldiers attacked with knives. I dodged arms and legs, bodies were flying everywhere. Everything was in slow-mo, I could not hear anything my eyes were flying everywhere. I felt two bullets rip through me. My thigh and side. I threw knives and retrieved them and killed some more.

I had blood dripping off me, my hands started to get slick with it. My movement started to get faster. I was turning back into the monster I tried so hard on leaving behind in my past.

I heard gunshots in a different direction and I knew the American soldiers used my distraction and advancement as an opportunity. They advanced and were now in the trench helping me. I finally made it to the end of the trench and killed the last soldier in my sight. I turned and saw my fellow soldiers arresting and taking guns away from the people who surrendered. The enemy's tank was turned over from being shot at from our tank. They have lost, here and in the air. I pick up and retrieve my knives. I walk slowly with my head down towards my comrades. I didn't see my troop anywhere and it started to worry me. Men were looking at my bloodied form and stepping away from me.

It was probably a horrible sight.

I saw my troop watching the prisoners and I stopped walking. They were alive and safe. I felt relief and happiness flood through me. I turned in a different direction and started to walk back to camp. It was 15 miles away. I went the long way so the trucks would not pass me on their way home.

I needed to be left alone for now.

Alone in my own thoughts.


I had ripped my cameo shirt into pieces and wrapped my shot leg and side. I didn't feel pain, but I would die of blood loss if I didn't. I was covered in blood still. My torso and back were fully on display. Blood and my scars were showing. My black sports bra had a faint red hew from the blood. I walked into the view of the camp and entered. Everyone was running everywhere. The medical tent was busy and people had jobs that needed to be done. Six dead bodies were lined in a row. All in-plane wooden coffins. I walked by and went straight for the colonel's office.

He wasn't there.

I found everyone that wasn't injured and helping with the injured were in the small area in the middle of the tents. The colonel and everyone else in charge was making speeches to the soldiers. Saying how proud they were and naming the dead and the majorly injured. I saw my troop in the fourth line of soldiers and I smiled. They looked tired and dirty but they were fine. The colonel saw me and saw my state, he kept talking though. I also saw the general in the front and he gave me a kind smile. I probably looked like a monster but his smile made me feel loved. The general suddenly headed towards me, eyes landed on me. He walked up and grabbed my bloody hand. He bowed his face in respect pose.

I don't deserve respect.

"Thank you, You saved these men," he said with a kind smile.

I step back.

"I don't deserve your praise, Frank."

"Look at me scars...the blood...the wounds. I don't feel any pain, ...I am a monster."

He just smiles at me. "I see a young lady, who has been through hell and back. Who is strong and brave, and kind."