Eli Pov
After 1 week of rest Cav confronted me in my room and began saying "I need someone in Bolivia with me to find my Brother, we'll leave after you've finished your next match in a week remember don't tell anyone this is between me and you, i also received information that the cartel there is working with white Mask agents experimenting with new neurotoxins and bombs and someone under the name Bosak is here also" Cav handed Eli an image upon hearing about the facility and recognising the face on the image with this I agreed and we left it at that.
Time skip 1 week
-Today was the day of the match-
I had trained harder much more than I did previously my fainting had also only now happened when I was mixed in with large crowds. my team was the same and we were up against (Cav, Vigil, maestro, melusi and valk)
We divised a plan of attack making me the decoy and I would try to take the objective with ace while Ash and sledge would flank in and twitch would stay outside aiding us.
After the 45 second timer for the defenders. we proceeded with the attack, me and ace went to the reinforced walls which would allow us to get entry I began by placing my shrowds disabling the banshee and ace began breaching the wall, as the wall opened maestro came running out with his lmg knocking out ace who was shocked I ran back in cover and reported "Ash ace is down I'm pinned down" ash replied and said "Loki were on our way hold out" as I began shooting I managed to make maestro fall back and I proceeded back into the building. I placed my drone and began trying to find vigil or caveira, a white aura encompassed my drone and I look straight across to see vigil punch me in the face sending me to the other side of the room I had my guard up and began fighting back I managed to push vigil away and we began having a gun fight. Ash who ran in the room saw vigil and shot him knocking him out and grabbed my hand pulling me back up to my feet however caveira had snuck up on us and knocked sledge who was covering for us then snuck up on me and Ash and punched Ash knocking her out and then proceeded to knock me out my banging on my helmet a few times then cav then picked me up and rested me on the wall allowing me to recover for later,
Cav Pov
I injured him just to keep him out the game for now, I went to find twitch and saw her advancing on valk who knocked her out with the f2 using that as a distraction a knocked twitch and began saying "game over"
Defenders win
3rd person
Cav went back to Eli and helped him back up and left in the opposite direction exiting the main base.
At the announcers room Sam and Six were watching realising Cav and Eli aren't there. They looked at each other in disbelief.
They then checked with Eliza if she had any info but she was shocked when informed.
Six then said "those two operatives care alot about there family so why would they disappear like that" after informing Iana, Kali and operatives twitch and Valkaryie they began there search hastily looking for them. Twitch then got the info from her drone which saw, them she reported to Six and said"he went with Caveira somewhere Loki threw the match so something incredibly important must've happened as we know cav is very competitive and wouldn't accept a loss by forfeit she also helped him to his feet and left the building after the match Was over.
Sorry for the shorter chapter.