Void and wishes

When Alex came to he was surrounded by nothing but darkness he tried to find a way out of there but even after walking for what felt like days nothing had changed he decided that instead of wondering aimlessly he would use his photographic memory to rewatch his favourite movies tv shows anime etc. as to not lose his mind

Alex has no way of measuring time in the blackness but he was sure he had been in there for hundreds of years he was just rewatching and rewatching everything he could remember he was still sane surprisingly

After what felt like a few hundred more years he was surprised when suddenly something talked to him it sounded like a old man with a deep voice that shook my soul he said

"There you are I've been looking for you for 5000 years you were lost in the void when you were killed before your time"(being)

"Who's there"(Alex)

"Were are my manners sorry child I am the void that exists between all universes multiverses omniverse etc. most of the gods call me void king and since I surround everything and everything came from me they also call me father or grandfather it took me so long to find you because even though I am the void I also encompass everything so it takes even me a while to search all of myself"(void king)

"Okay well my name is Alex it's nice to meet you could you tell me what will happen to me now?"(Alex)

"Of corse child since you're life was cut short before your time and since you have been here for about 5000 years I have decided to give you a second chance and reincarnate you with wishes in a fantasy world with your memories"(void king)

"Really!!! how many wishes do I get and what worlds can I be reincarnated into???"(Alex)

"Yes really and just state your wishes and I'll tell you if I'll grant it or not and any world you want wether it be a movie world or tv show anime game anything you want"(void king)

"Awesome!!!! okay I'll start with my wishes"(Alex)

:one ability/skill creation

:two multiverse travel were I can decide the world I want to go to I also want to be able to enter any world at any time period and chose my own background and also I can make any world a crossover with the story line I want

:three instant mastery

:four wish fulfilment

:five the ability to use any energy from any world I travel to

"Granted since I'm all powerful and knowing this will be easy for me"(void king)

"Thanks!!!!! okay for the first world I want to go to the mcu world as Thor when he turns 2 please???"(Alex)

"Done goodbye for now child"(void king)

"Goodbye and thanks again"(Alex)