Sex god and weapon ceremony

When we say goodbye I start walking to breakfast on the way all the maids and manservants that look at me blush and quickly look away which is weird because I have done a lot to get them to stop cowering around me and treat me like a normal person my personal staff even have conversation with me and even tease me sometimes

I'm so shocked by this that I create a power mind reading I have been learning this with magic and while I could read any humans mind I can't yet read any Æsir mind so I create this power and use my instant mastery to make it as powerful as possible

I then read the servants minds and nearly blush myself all the people in the palace are calling me the god of sex and wondering if I hid a divinity apparently making Ryan scream and moan in pleasure as much as I did made everyone wonder

When I get to the dining room I do blush from the looks my family give me my father looks proud with a teasing look in his eyes my mother is smiling big and looks ready to start teasing me and Loki has a mischievous look on his face

Loki is of corse the first to start the teasing "we were wondering when you wanted to make the announcement"(Loki)

"What announcement"Thor asks wearily (Thor)

"Why the announcement that you are now the god of sex instead of being hailed the god of lightning and thunder"Loki says smirking(Loki)

It seams my parents can't help but to burst out laughing by the time they stop my mother has nearly fallen out of her chair even the staff in the room with us are snickering then they burst out into laughter when I mock glare at them

"Okay okay are you all finished"Thor mock pouts(Thor)

Odin is the one who speaks first he says

"Yes we are finished for now and after breakfast you need to get dressed up to be gifted you're weapon"(Odin)

All royal asgardian's receive there weapon when they turn 16 Thor is extremely excited to receive his weapon he knows it will be mjölnir but he has to act clueless for now he also knows that movie Thor needed the hammer to control and draw out his powers but he can do that without mjölnir but it's still an incredible weapon

Thor can't wait to ask his father for a spar when he has mjölnir and can fight with it he might also ask Loki with Thor's training Loki is a little bulkier stronger and better at fighting than he is in the movie he can easily hold his own against other asgardian's

Thor at age 16 can lift over 100 tons can make lightning bolts strong enough to destroy cities and he's an excellent fighter although everyone in this world thinks he has never been in a life or death battle Thor can easily beat all of his trainers in most weapons

Odin is just waiting for Loki to get a bit stronger and better at fighting to bring Thor and Loki to the council of gods with him some of the pantheons have left for different worlds dimension and multiverses etc. but the ones that haven't send there god kings and their heirs to the meeting of gods

Right now Asgard and the Egyptian pantheon are close to declaring war with each other and Odin knows that if Asgard is weakened the other pantheons would attack them to get rid of the threat they posses and while Asgard has pretty good relations with the other pantheons that wouldn't stop most of the others

After breakfast Frigga and Loki come to Thor's room to pick his clothes because he doesn't have the best fashion sense when Thor opens his door he starts stripping on Asgard nudity is not that strange there are ceremony's were the royal family have to get naked and the whole of Asgard are there to watch

It's the same thing with sex and bed partners sex is something talked about openly and gay or straight is not really a thing even the king with Frigga's blessing sometimes takes male bed partners there is no sex in the streets but there are places were you can go and pay to watch people have sex

When I'm naked the servants come in to bathe me I didn't heal my hickeys and the scratch marks that Ryan left on me but when my mom is looking at them pointedly I sigh and use my lightning to heal them although I don't forget to pout

When I'm in the bath the maids and manservants are washing my crotch and cock when my mother is asking what clothes I like the best she always chooses the opposite of what I say so I don't know why I bother and she does the same this time as well 😔

When I'm clean and dry the servants dress me first is silk underwear then black trousers with gold trim then a plain black shirt then a dark red jacket with lighter red and golden accents then black boots with red accents

When I'm dressed my mother leaves she has to be in the throne room with my father to wait for me to enter for my weapon Loki has to enter with me but he has to stay seven steps behind me until I kneel in front of the Allfather then he has to walk to we're I'm kneeling then kneel as well

When we enter the throne room Odin and Frigga are sat in there thrones there are a lot of our people standing around the side of the room when we get closer to the throne I stop then kneel and say Allfather then Loki walks forward to were I am then kneels and says Allfather as well

Odin waits about five seconds before saying rise my sons I rise first as tradition demands as the first born and the crowned prince then five seconds later Loki rises after that Odin stands and addresses the crowd

"Welcome my people you are all here today to witness your crowned prince receiving his weapon"(Odin)

The crowd cheer at that when they quiet down Odin walks to me he addresses me

"Thor my son today is a joyous day it's the day you officially become a man the day when you receive your weapon"

The smile on my face is so big that it's starting to hurt I'm extremely excited to receive mjölnir when Odin brings it out he starts talking about it's history minus Hela of cores when he's finished he gives it to me and when my hand wrapped around it lightning starts dancing around me and I can feel a storm outside the palace

After a couple of minutes of mjölnir bonding with me the storm and lightning stops by bonding I mean that it now has stronger wether control and if someone that isn't me and is worthy picks it up they will have all of my powers including my strength it doesn't effect my powers if someone else used it I'd still be just as strong as I am now and in future when I grow stronger