Birthday shopping

And it's just my luck that today was the day I said I would go with mother to get some presents for Loki's birthday so of course she barges in just after dinner time when I've only had four hours sleep I can of course go months without sleep but that's not the point I'm not whining you are...

"Thor get dressed we're going shopping for Loki's birthday"(Frigga)

Mother says without even acknowledging that I'm naked and with two naked men in my bed we didn't pull the covers over us because I run hot so she can see everything Fandral and Ryan both squeak and scramble with the pillows to hide themselves while there faces burn so bright I fear that there blood will start dripping out there pores

I just ignore her and try to sleep which is a bad idea she used to send a spell that felt like a slap but when she saw that it didn't work on me she changed it to and there it is I think while spluttering freezing water it of course only hit me but it was so cold in fact if I was human I would be dead magic I mutter under my breath while also cursing it

When I look up I see my mother there with another ball of freezing water so I shut up and give her my most charming smile causing her to huff but cancel her spell when I get out of bed mother turns and starts looking through my closet and when I say closet I mean room for my clothes that's bigger than my actual bedroom

Mother always makes sure I have clothes for every occasion from royal events diplomatic events fighting quests and everything in between and while I'm fine with 20th century fashion I'm not with these older styles and royal clothes why can't I wear pants and a shirt but no not for the crowned prince of Asgard sigh

I turn to Fandral and Ryan and say

"You should probably get dressed and run before she gets out of there and drags both of you with us"(Thor)

And that's what they do in record time I give Ryan a big kiss as they leave and kiss Fandral on his cheek and tell him we hope to see him again with a wink causing him to blush when I shut the door mother walks out of my closet saying are they gone seeing my nod she says

"Good you know I've had the clothes for today's shopping picked out in my head ever since we planned it"(Frigga)

"I know mother but I want you father and Loki to meet him when he is ready not because I forgot you would be here"(Thor)

"Well he must be good if he can make you forget our shopping trip for Loki's birthday"(Frigga)

She winks making me blush i love shopping for presents especially for Loki so she is right I might have feelings for Ryan it's not love yet but it could easily turn to love I ignore her teasing and get dressed in the clothes she picked out for me then we leave

We first head to my contact that travels the other realms and other worlds for expensive powerful rare etc. items the first things I buy from him are 7 grimoires that not even mother has seen they of course aren't books on how to tap into energies that will corrupt the mind then I buy some enchanted boots that will let him fly I could have figured out how to enchant some just like them but I just bought them instead

And lastly I buy some gems that boost the users ability to use elemental magic over time which even mother was jealous of mother buys some clothes from him they are clothes from all over the realms and worlds Loki loves fashion and clothes so it's a good buy she then buys a gem that will boost his mind magics over time and she is going to give him one of her personal grimoires on mind magic we thank the seller and leave after that

When we are walking to the shops I talk with mother about one of my new projects it's an idea I got from making Loki's daggers I want to add runes to anklets and bracelet the runes will increase weight to make the wearer stronger by upping the weight over time she was blown away by such a simple but effective idea

When I ask if I should make some for Loki's birthday she agrees quickly and tells me to work on a way so the weight won't effect anything but the user so if the weight is to heavy the ground won't crack or if I accidentally fall on somebody I won't squish them into paste but I've already thought of this problem and figured it out I just didn't know if it was a good idea and when I tell her that she beamed at me with pride shining in her eyes which makes my day

When we get to the shop I quickly head to Loki's favourite underwear and socks what they are essentials!!! Plus I buy him some every year and so does he it's our thing we buy him some more clothes then head to the blacksmiths the expensive one that works on jewellery there I ask them to make two bracelets and two anklets for his weight runes to be added to I told them I wanted one bracelet and one anklet to look like snakes with emeralds as scales and ruby as eyes then the other two should be dire wolves made of black diamonds and emerald eyes

They said they would be ready in four days before Loki's birthday I created an illusion of what I wanted and mother agreed and complemented the designs which I had been thinking about for a few days after that mother wanted to get Loki some new armour to match his new daggers the armour would be from father who is to busy running Asgard to buy gifts but that's to be expected and we never mind

Last but not least we head to the most expensive clothing store it reminds me of Gucci there we buy him more clothes his favourite cologne new shoes then we head back to the palace most of the stuff will be dropped of at the palace and the things that won't be we put in our pocket dimensions we could have let our guards carry them but we didn't

And yes we have guards even tho mother is the most powerful person in Asgard after father of course she can easily destroy states and more if she has the right spells and I can destroy a city easily and am an excellent fighter it's more out of status it's expected that royalty have guards even tho most people in Asgard are totally loyal to the royal family

When we get back to the palace we head to eat with just Loki this time father is too busy today this happens a lot that's one of the reasons I created a skill to make elixir of life that extends lifespans I've been secretly adding it to fathers drinks I've extended his life by thousands of years he should be immortal but with all of his fights over the years his lifespan decreased a lot

The elixir will extend his lifespan indefinitely if he takes it often which I will make sure he does so I won't have to be king until I'm ready now I just need to come up with a reason to go to earth when the avengers movie starts but that's a thousand years away so I'll think about it later right now I'm sitting with my mother and brother who's hair I've just turned bright pink

It's his own fault he cut my hair as a prank so now he'll have bright pink hair until my hair grows back it's not all gone it looks like the hair Thor has from the fight against Thanos minus the design in the sides which is the only reason I didn't make his hair pink permanently when he sees it he screamed like a girl which I will never let him live down

He then started telling me to turn it back to which I answered it will only turn back when my hair grows back to the same length as before he started casting all the reversal and cancellation spells he knows on his hair to turn it back none of them work his hair just starts cycling from light pink to neon pink making me laugh

When he asked how he would leave the palace like that I told him he would just have to use an illusion which he did then left to search his spell books for the counter spell he wouldn't find it I personal made that spell for my revenge but he would still learn while reading so it's fine not to tell him about that on his birthday and the day he receives his weapons I would stop the spell but the day after it would be back

Mother just ignored our pranks we were having fun so she didn't mind if our pranks got out of hand then she would step in after food I headed to my room to perfect the runes for the weighted jewellery I have a few thick metal bands that I will be practicing on I think I have it pretty much done I'm just making them perfect before Loki's birthday and his jewellery his bands are pretty thin so I think I can only make the weight 500 tons before he will need thicker bands

I could create a power/skill for this but I like working with runes and it's better gifts if I make them personally with hard work and dedication I did make a skill/power to be able to use my lightning to engrave the runes instead of doing them by hand like most other asgardian's now I just think the runes and control my lightning to engrave them

It takes three tries to get the runes perfect on the bands I then engrave the runes on the asgardian steel bands I have and am going to wear personally {I don't know if Asgardian steel is real but this is my story so now it is the steel is a powerful metal but easy to make and not to expensive} when I am wearing the bands I make them have 20 tons of weight I can feel it but I can move easily so I up the weight to 60 tons that's harder and we're I'm going to keep it until it's easy to move again these bands can go up to 1000 tons because they have more room for runes

Now all I need is Loki's jewellery I'm so excited for Loki to see his presents and his weapons just as I'm about to go to sleep there is a knock at my door when I open it it's Ryan he looks upset so I invite him in and ask if he wants to talk about it when he says no I ask if he wants to snuggle and go to sleep he agrees so that's what we do