#1 Leaving Kesla

The door opened. Asterin looked calmly at the young women inside the room, who were staring at her in anticipation, reaching into her coat and fidgeting a bit, she pulled out a small jade hairpin.

Celine approached, her eyes gleaming – He make it?! That's really amazing...Raphael really stole from the director's office.

The girls soon cheered up, they returned to finish their preparations, and after they heard the news, Aysel and Elaxi also joined them:

– ...He really did it.

Something didn't feel right, that man became the headmaster for a reason, but did an ordinary human manage to just steal something from his office?

Aysel and Elaxi looked at each other, realizing that they had both been thinking the same thing, but, as there was no way of knowing, they just accepted what that little luck would be.

Elaxi took a small object from her uniform and watched it for a while, raising her eyebrows she looked at Harumi – What about Ikuto? He will quickly realize that you are missing.

Harumi stared at her thoughtfully, sighing:

– You're sure we can't talk about this to him? He's very powerful and he can be a big help...

Elaxi interrupted – Big help for what? We don't even know if we're going to fight, besides, we already have great wizards, Asterin is one of the most powerful wizards in this school, Aysel is skilled with the sword, Leila has made great progress since joining and will soon move to a new level, we already have you like a Fire Mage, we don't need Ikuto, I can talk to animals, which helps us with tracks and stuff, and Celine, she's probably the one who can feel things, which makes her a Sensitive Mage, maybe she even has the gift of clairvoyance, and, she is the daughter of the Greatest Sorceress of the Nine Kingdoms… oh yes, and we have Raphael, our ticket…

– Ticket? – Celine eyed her doubtfully.

– Exactly, our ticket, he has the amulet of the First Mage of the Night, which not by much coincidence, is what can help us leave Kesla, besides possibly helping us with many other things during the trip...

Celine nodded, Raphael have the amulet, he was the key…


– Did you want to see me? – Ikuto nodded to Harumi.

Harumi looked away from the smile that would probably make her tell anything, from small events of the day to her deepest secrets:

– Yes… I wanted to talk to you about something… – Harumi muttered as she sat down, they were in the small side garden, and lunchtime was almost over, as soon as he heard that Harumi wanted to see him, Ikuto hurried to finish his meal and even brought his girlfriend a small lunch box.

Ikuto frowned upon noticing a small indication of discomfort in Harumi, as he sat beside her he handed over the lunchbox, Harumi ate in silence, Ikuto was sweating cold, in his mind all the situations that occurred between them passed from their relationship, looking for something he's done wrong, and finding nothing he relaxed a little, sighing as he crossed his legs – If there's anything bothering you, just tell me, if it's something in me I can change it right away...

Harumi stared at him with wide eyes and a mouth full of food, a little astonished. Ikuto stared into those big black eyes and couldn't say anything else, he waited until Harumi swallowed her food, then handed her some water.

As soon as she finished drinking, Harumi stared at him, Ikuto had long hair to his shoulders, his eyes sparkled when looking at her, it was probably because of this that Harumi fell in love with him as soon as she met him in Waterfall, while visiting Leila, she found in the study room, the two precious disciples of King Leonar, both incredibly handsome, Ikuto attracted her with just a look, and unknowingly, the same had happened to Ikuto, so Harumi's visits to the Kingdom of Waterfall increased a lot, with the excuse that she was just improving her friendship with Leila, she started a secret romance with Ikuto, not that it was very secret these days, maybe the only reason her father the Emperor of Yuugen didn't freak out yet was the fact that Ikuto is the disciple of someone very important, his father would not have the courage to offend Waterfall in any way, choosing only to watch his youngest daughter dating an orphan who luckily became a disciple of a Great King.

Harumi smiled, holding Ikuto's slightly trembling hand, she replied – I just wanted to say that we won't be able to see each other tomorrow...– Harumi paused to observe Ikuto's expression, which even though still worried, had shown some signs of relaxation, he asked – Something happened? Can we at least have lunch together?

Harumi looked away – Well... I have some activities pending and I'll spend the day with the girls trying to sort it out.

That excuse sounded good, Ikuto would never doubt her words, and that's why Harumi felt even worse for hiding something from him, there were no secrets between them.

Ikuto sighed in relief, smiling – All right, we can see each other the day after tomorrow then...

– The day after tomorrow we won't be able to see each other either! – Harumi interrupted him, and staring at Ikuto's astonished expression, she lowered her head – Maybe we can't see each other for a few days… I'll be very busy.

Ikuto stared at her in shock, Harumi's abrupt speech left him with some doubts, but thinking again that there couldn't be anything wrong between them, Ikuto replied – Okay... thanks for letting me know... I'll wait for you.


In the middle of the night, where the moon, shrouded in clouds, was no longer illuminating the land, a group of girls were waiting for their exit ticket, ready to leave Kesla.

– What does that mean? – Elaxi pointed to the three boys following behind Raphael, who stared at her with a disinterested expression:

– It was Matheu and Felipe who found out about the spirit amulet, and Nevra wants to know more about what attacked him and made him reveal the greatest secret of his family, I think it's fair that they participate...

Elaxi was staring at Raphael in astonishment, and as soon as she had opened her mouth to say something, she was interrupted by an excited voice.

– The more people the better! – Aysel clasped her hands together with a clear sound.

– What? We're not going on a tour, we're leaving on an investigation, a lot of people would just slow us down – Elaxi said as she stared in disbelief at Aysel

– Come on Elaxi, it's going to be fun… – Elaxi stared at her with narrowed eyes again, ready to try to discuss…

– Either they will or I will sta.

Everyone turned to face Raphael, who was playing with his amulet in one hand.

'Maybe if I took your amulet… sigh, forget it, it wouldn't work without it being in the hands of a Tasvali…' - Elaxi contorted her expressions a little:

– Okay! They can come with us...

Staring at the boys' victorious expressions, Elaxi could only think of how she could beat them up, but as a senior, she would set an example…

– So what's the plan for the first part of the breakout?

– Let's jump over the wall...

Elaxi rubbed her face with her hands, showing her frustration.

– Hehe, that was the idea I had… – Aysel smiled as she stared at Elaxi, who sighed and said with a tired expression – This might be possible only for you and Matheu, since you are shapeshifters, but the others wouldn't be able to do that.

– We can use a levitation spell, we can float from side to side… – Celine spoke as she looked at one of the pages of her magic book.

Nevra shook his head – We would be detected by the use of magic.

– Then we can hide our aura – Celine spoke again, now showing the page of the book, where there were pictures and writings of the levitation spell.

– Invisibility of the aura is one of the most complicated spells to be made, we took a while to do it that night, and it didn't work as well as it should – Felipe commented as he approached Celine to observe the spell, the spellsbook that Celine carried with her were very old, the spells contained more elaborate descriptions, besides showing the phases and any possible improvements.

– I can work this out – Everyone turned back to the expressionless boy, who even now in the beautiful moonlight, his eyes gleamed with…disinterest…very boring.

– And how do you plan on solving this?

Raphael showed the amulet – Trust me, at the right time I will hide our auras.

Everyone looked thoughtful, their expressions complicated. They could say that right?

– I don't think that's how it works... – Leila said while looking at the surroundings strangely.

– Trust me, if not, trust the amulet – Raphael took the lead toward the wall – What about the patrol shift?

Aysel approached him – I've already solved that, so the levitation spell and soon after, we'll pass the barrier.

The teenagers stopped in front of the wall, almost 10 meters high, facing them.

Elaxi hesitated as she looked at the wall, then sighed heavily she said – Forget It. Come with me.

She turned to the right and walked her hands lightly along the walls of the wall.

The others quickly thought she knew some secret passage, so they hurriedly followed her, watching her start to whistle a faint tune, not bothering to draw attention, it was almost like a bird's last call to sleep, perhaps a call to his companions to come close to him… that's it! Elaxi was calling something.

After a short period of walking, something finally appeared.

A tiny bird landed on Elaxi's palm, and they started talking.

Elaxi was not a great Mage, but she was known as the best connoisseur of the language of animals, she spoke all of them, could understand all languages, of different animals and races, even if she had never heard or spoken, by the time she entered contact with such a language, she learns naturally, being able to speak fluently only after hearing a few words.

That is, after listening, the language of a bird is not written, for example, because what would be on the paper would not make any sense, it would see like anyone else, that on this paper would be the familiar sounds of animals, and not their language in themselves.

Animals always had a different way of communicating, they are able to convey their feelings to each other from that, on the other hand, the other races, when written, would depend on the one who was reading whether they could actually understand what the other had written, it would not only depend on the feelings that the one who wrote had put on paper, as each one has a different understanding of what he sees, reads or listening.

The bird flew again, Elaxi looked at the others behind her and waved – This way.

She kept walking, following the bird that stopped every time it got too far from the group, occasionally spinning around and around the place where he had stopped, he seemed to be in a hurry, the slowness of those who followed him irritated him.

Elaxi smiled, quickening her own steps a little, prompting the others to hurry as well, the group was completely silent as they followed the little bird, looking back towards the school, which was now obscured by the trees of the grove of the school complex.
