The longer she looked, the more fluttering the auras became, as if everything was made up of just that.
- Celine - Leila called her, Harumi was already on her feet, groggy beside her - Are you ok? You were staring at both of us.
Celine refocused and her vision returned to normal, no more auras in sight - It's nothing, it's okay.
Raphael guided the boat slowly down the river, too focused on what he was doing he didn't notice when Nevra approached with a small plate.
Nevra called out to him a few times, but Raphael kept looking straight ahead. Nevra looked in the same direction thinking he'd seen something, but there was nothing but a long stretch of the river they followed and the forests on the banks. Facing Raphael again he passed his hand in front of his eyes, finally getting his attention.
Raphael stared at him stunned. Nevra raised an eyebrow and handed him the plate, holding the helm as Raphael slowly took the plate.