Chapter 8: Tony

Uh, nevermind. So what did he tell you about the Scorpions?"

Tong was even more suspicious now.

"They are smugglers, assassins, and traitors."

Nodding, Mitchell leads me into a room off to the side of the elevator.

"They have some tech we need back. It accidentally got into the wrong hands and it is very important."

My mind is still whirling, what did they know about my dad that I didn't? My dad never bargained for a thing in his life. My mom always made sure of that! Sure she was kind but she was strict and didn't believe in trying to make lower prices for "special exceptions". Something seems off about this place. Mom and dad have alway been… I ponder a word to describe what I am thinking. Supportive of me being a genius, like any parent, but never told me I was anything like my dad in any way. They always avoided matters when it came to asking about their past. My mind began to feel fuzzy. This wasn't making any sense and the more I thought about it, the less sense it made.