Chapter 21: The 5th member

At once I begin to feel kinda sick. Him? Coming with us? On a mission? I open my mouth to say something, but a loud siren sounds instead.

"That means breakfast!" Conn turns and jogs out the door. I grab my wristwatch. Nicholas grabs his wheelchair's backpack and we both head to the mess hall.

On the way there we meet Bea. I noted to myself that she was still in combat boots and another army green outfit. I also noted that, even though she had a very big army pack, she didn't slouch with its weight, maybe it was the monkey In her? She caught me staring and replied,

"I was trained by S.P.E.A.R. since I was four. I was recruited by S.P.E.A.R. for my special abilities." she hesitates as if wondering how much she should tell us. "I was studied for two years and then dumped in an army camp. I have remained there until this mission." She put her head down and hurried ahead, suddenly shy. I watch her go.

"What's going on this morning?" A girl about my age comes up behind us. "Hi! I'm Huo Lee Chu!" She grins and waves at me. She was only a few feet away but still waved. It was not like I was on the moon. She continues "But since Hue Lee Chu is a lot to sayl, and in another language!" She giggles. "You can call me Honey. I am the Martial arts teacher here at this base. I have a ninth degree black belt in Taekwondo, Karate, Jujitsu, and S.P.E.A.R.'s top defense personale. Oh, and I am a heavyweight boxing champion as well as a kickboxing champion. I take care of everything that has to do with, well, protection of people." She pauses. Nicholas rolls forward.

"Hi! I'm Nicholas, good to meet you!" he holds out his hand and she shakes it enthusiastically.

"I know all about you! Your Nicholas Martian Fury, but your dad gave you to your aunt to take care of you before the war. Your favorite food is lasagna, your favorite drink is club soda, your favorite dessert is cookies 'n' cream ice cream, with chocolate sprinkles, strawberry syrup, walnuts, and pear slices. You also like basketball and your favorite team is the Cleveland Cavaliers. You are disabled due to an attack during the war, in which your dad died trying to protect you. You also have a crush on Selena Gomez." Nick stares as she spills his guts for him. "You absolutely hate long sleeved shirts. You are eighty five percent African-American, five percent American, one percent possibly Jewish, and 8 percent unknown. I read your file." She smiles kindly. She DEFINITELY had a bubbly personality. Nicholas stares at Honey, open mouthed and embarrassed. "And yours," she points at me. I panic, feeling fearful of her doing to me what she just did to Nicholas. Ahead, I see the porch of the mess hall, quite close.

"Gotta run!" I dash off "Gotta get food before it's all gone." I fake a smile and hurry off, Nicholas close on my heels and Conn even closer. Honey's smile fades.

"Oh no! I was supposed to help in the kitchen! I forgot!" She turns and runs off calling "Nice to meet you!" over her shoulder.