Turn of Events

{AN: Don't know how many years went by, even while going on the internet there was different years so forget how many years went past.}

Years went by since the meeting, Friedrich and Uhtred found a family in Earl Ragnar's Family. Growing up Friedrich saw Thyra as a Little sister that constantly pestered him for attention. Sigrid took care of his hair when he grew it out mostly turning it into a Ponytail or man bun, she took care of Uhtred when Earl Ragnar allowed Friedrich to teach Uhtred to wield a Sword, bandaging his body from the onslaught that Friedrich gave was how she took care of him.

As for Earl Ragnar, he taught Friedrich how to fight while Duel wielding with a shield and Sword, 2 Axe's, 2 Swords and even dagger's Surprisingly. Though he didn't teach Uhtred personally, he believed his brother should, causing Uhtred to be beaten up until he went unconscious. All in general, Earl Ragnar saw Both Brother's as a son which in return Friedrich and Uhtred saw him as a Father.

Ragnar before embarking in a journey to Norway approximately in 3 year's time took Friedrich out to attack Farm's or gain fighting experience by raiding places. Coming back, Ragnar would help Friedrich with 'training' Uhtred, these 'training' and Raids helped develop a brotherly bond with the 3.

Life as a Dane was an exhilarating experience and suited both of them a lot. Learning the Culture and everything about Dane's fascinated Uhtred as well as Friedrich but not as much compared to the latter. At some point, Friedrich chose to adore Danish tattoo's on him gaining Cries from the family. Even Earl Ragnar! Guess Danes weren't always serious and had emotions.

Taking his head out of the water, Friedrich pushed back the hair that covered his eyes and looked at his reflection on the water. Still having his natural Dirty blonde hair but styled different, Shaved all around his head, a tattoo covered the shaved parts barely because of the faded in black ink. The only part that wasn't touched was the top which was normally tied in a ponytail. Dark Brown eyes similar to Uhtred's but lighter giving a Dark chocolate colour, a nice stubble and an shallow cut from his temple to the corner of his right mouth.

Jumping out of the Ocean, Friedrich sighed and looked off to the distance thinking about what was to come after this day. Looking again at his reflection but showing his full body, Friedrich before being captured stood at 5'4 now after year's is 6'3, same height as Ubba with a ripped body. Tattoo's were faded into his skin losing the black a lot but still very visible on his right arm, upper chest and back. The only other thing that also changed slight was the increase in cuts.

{AN: Click on this paragraph, I will be posting what tattoo's he has and what his hairstyle looks like.}

"Friedrich! Are you finished? I've been waiting for you, for quite some time now."

"Just wait a little longer." Responding to his little brother, Friedrich tied up his hair like usual and wore his wool t shirt and leather trousers.

"Done. Let's get going before Mother gets on both of our ass." Walking towards the settlement, Friedrich put a arm around his brother and asked.

"So... You and Brida? She clearly has the eyes for you, what you going to do?"

"It is up to her... I just thought to become a Dane you needed to marry one." Uhtred said trying to sound like it made sense.

"If you don't go forward, than I will take your place and I can say there are men that would too. Just don't believe because you have Saxon blood in you that you aren't a Dane, Father would agree with me." Statuing Facts to his younger brother, Friedrich slightly punched Uhtred's arm leaving a mark to cheer up his brother. Rest of the walk both men stayed silent to think on separate things.

Getting to the Settlement, hearing faint voices from inside the hall Brida came out carrying a goat. Noticing Brida taking a glance at Uhtred, Friedrich just shuck his with an amused smile. Stepping into the hall, Friedrich let out "Woah! Looks nice in here." Nodding with his brother in agreement, both of them walked further in the hall.

"Friedrich, Uhtred do you like my wedding necklace?" Show casing a box with her wedding necklace, Friedrich just walked up to Thyra head patting her while sending some Hormones that made her feel comfortable.

"I do, very pretty." Peaking over at the necklace, Uhtred gave his approval.

"He doesn't know anything about necklaces. Should of asked me." Laughing at the end, Uhtred walked up Ravn and hugged him slightly from behind like a old man.

"Uhtred, with me. You can help me slaughter the goats." Speaking up, Earl Ragnar walked past Uhtred and Friedrich to the entrance of the hall.

"I've only just washed."

"Hahaha. The goats will be pleased." Looking at Friedrich for some help, only getting a shooing hand movement. Uhtred gave a betrayed look and decided to follow his adopted father.

"Later you can sweep the floor." Coming in Brida said while having a joke getting a jab step from Uhtred. Why do they always flirt, was the only thing that went through Friedrich's thoughts.

Seating down at the table, eating a couple of vegetables and fruits. Friedrich relaxed in his seat and taking in the fresh air, compared to modern world where pollution spread all over the world, here where no such things were invented. The air was way fresher.

"Friedrich boy, got something on your mind?" Seeing Friedrich relaxed, Ravn took noticed over the year's that Friedrich only did this while he had something on his mind.

"No, I'm fine... Just stressed." Lying through his back teeth. Ravn didn't push no further, noticing this, Friedrich thanked him in his head.

The day went as like any other day, helping the family with designing the hall and doing chores. Turning night finally Friedrich didn't see Uhtred or Brida in sight or around the settlement meaning everything went according to the story. Everyone went asleep except Friedrich, waiting for the event to come soon.

30 minutes later, The hall was set on fire. Smoke covered inside of it, coughing, Earl Ragnar awoke from his sleep by his father's voice.

"Ragnar, smoke!" Seeing the fire from out side the window, Earl Ragnar stood up and shouted.

"Fire!" Clearly hearing Earl Ragnar people inside the house screamed.

"Thyra! Wake up! Friedrich! Wake up!" Fake waking up, Friedrich ran to Ravn to support him seeing him having difficulty standing up.

"Ravn, I got you... Father! Try the doors quickly!" Helping the coughing Ravn.

"The door is blocked!" Thyra Shouted loudly to her adopted brother.

"So is this one!" Confirming as well on the other side, Earl Ragnar pushed and pushed getting no progress.

"This one's open, this one's open!" Suspiciouly finding an open exit, without questioning Thyra went towards the Exit meeting Danes.

Following the random Danes that exited with Thyra, Friedrich carried Ravn to the exit. Manslaughter was what met Friedrich's eyes, woman and men were slashed apart by the attackers. There was at least 40 men there. Did somehow Friedrich being there changed the number's of men that Kjartan brung?

"Archer's!" Following the familiar voices command. 3 Archer's were set 4 Meters from the door.

Releasing there arrows. One of them was heading to Ravn's chest but getting in the way, Friedrich's Shoulder protected him. Grunting with slight pain, Friedrich gave Ravn to Sigrid.

"Take Ravn. I will go on ahead... Thank you for taking care of us Sigrid." Holding her neck and connecting foreheads. Friedrich didn't know what was to become of him, he knew that his body could last up to 40 men head on. But they had armour while he had nothing including the Archer's that was ready.

Somehow like fate wanted this, an axe was sitting close to the door. Picking it up, Friedrich headed out to face Kjartan and Sven bare chested.

Running to the 3 Archer's, Friedrich Cut them down without no remorse but rage. Connecting his Axe to the last Archer's head, it became stuck to his head. Grabbing a bow and Arrow from the dead man, Friedrich Fired 3 Arrow's simultaneously at another 3 Danes.

"Close the door, we already have Thyra."

Looking behind him, Friedrich saw men already shut the door. On his own surrounded by 34 men all armed with Spear's or Swords. Friedrich looked at Thyra trying to Struggle against Sven, Standing up and extending his arms mocking the group of men.

"Kjartan! I already see your one eyed son, if he is here so are you. Are you a coward? If not, Face me like a man!" Hearing his voice that was deep and Clearly hearing the influence of living with a Danish family. Freidrich tried to provoke Kjartan getting no comment or aggressive remark, Friedrich decided to just fight.

Getting Infront of someone, he grabbed his head and kneed him loosening the man's grip on his sword, Friedrich took it in his right hand and stabbed the man in his heart. Catching a glimpse from the corner of his eye, Friedrich turned around and sliced the person behind him in the throat taking his head off.

When killing the man, there was already 2 men also behind him. Kicking the first guy in his knee, Friedrich booted the man square in his chest with his other leg to the other person's sword, impaling him in the head.

Feeling danger incoming towards his head, he ducked underneath touched the ground with one hand hitting the man that tried to kill him with his heel, officially snapping his neck as well as the other Dane while rotating. Friedrich stood up back up with his right foot behind his left one. He killed both men with Meia Lua Pulada.

Already using his Hormones control from the start increasing his Adrenaline, fought 10 men continuously without any break either killing them by a stab to the chest or a slice to neck. Killing 30 men after 7 minutes of fighting, Friedrich had cuts on his body. About to start again, he suddenly Heard the door to the hall burst open.


Coming out of the Doors was Earl Ragnar on fire swinging his sword, killing 2 men before almost dropping to the floor but thankfully being catched by Friedrich. Dying there, Earl Ragnar said his last words before meeting his wife in Valhalla.

"I'm Proud to have 3 Great warriors for son's..."

Tear's slipping from his eyes, Friedrich placed Ragnar's body with his sword in hand to let him meet his family in Valhalla. Getting shot in his back 2 times with arrows, not hitting any vitals. Friedrich started battle once again.

While this was going on, Arriving at the scene of Earl Ragnar's death. Uhtred Saw his brother get hit by 2 arrows.

"No! I need to help him, if this carries on he will die." Panicking with mix of emotions, Brida held him back from his arms.

"Don't be stupid. If you go our there, you will die." Trying to reason with Uhtred, all that she got was a steer by him.

"If I die with him than so be it. I don't want to see him die while I stand here and watch!" Rage was left of Uhtred from just thinking about what Brida said. Noticing an all too familiar person, Scallion. Uhtred decided.

"If I can't interfere directly than at least I could kill that man." Stealthy going towards Scallion, Brida tried to stop him.

"Uhtred, no!"

Pulling him in the Stable without notice, Uhtred turned him around and stabbed him in the chin.

"It is me, your looking for."

Killing the rest of the 40 men. Friedrich stood there with 3 Arrow's in him, Cuts ranging from deep or shallow. Groggily moving forward, Sven and Kjartan ran for the Horse's after being frozen in fear. Sven knocked out Thyra and placed her on the horse while mounting.

"Are you going to fight me Kjartan, Sven!?!? ...Cowards!" Seeing them take a glance, Friedrich tried to move with no success. Seeing them depart with Thyra, Friedrich noticed Uhtred and Brida running to him before connecting with the floor, going unconscious.


The Members in the Harem is: Aethelflaed, Aelswith, Mildrith and maybe Gisela, depending on how you guys want her. Reason I'm having a daughter and mother combo is if I reach towards S4 and Aethelred dies. Aelswith could support Friedrich becoming king.

Not else to say than Next Chapter will be when they see Ubba and Go to Wessex so, Hope you enjoy the Chapter and Thank you for reading! Bye👋👋