Chapter 8

After Einar declared his Lineage, people were shocked, scared and confused about what to do with him. Aethelred sent guards to imprison him to the dungeon, he didn't know what to do in this situation. He was a close friend of Bertha, killing her son even if he had Dane blood and was an heathen. Was disrespectful towards his long lost friend, so he chose to trust the information he gave and head to Abbendum to face the Danes.

Staying in the Dungeon, Einar got meetings from Uhtred and Brida. Brida verbalised her shock and forgave Einar for not telling her, Uhtred was just as shocked, in disbelief of his ancestry and took a couple of days to forgive him. In the end all that Einar did was speak to Uhtred about his plan. Uhtred planned to become an ealdorman of Wessex to gain Wealth, Land and fame, in the end Uhtred promised to owe him back if he was asked for anything in return for Possible victory. He would recommend Uhtred to become an one.

Relaxing on hay, Einar was throwing stones at the wall to reduce boredom. The sound of opening a metal door was heard in front of him.

"Apology, Lord, this is the best I could do without first speaking to Alfred." Beocca came near the bars and brought forth a basket of bread and Fruits.

"It's fine, Beocca... So, how did the battle go?" Einar grabbed one of the bars with left leaning forwards while getting an apple.

"Good news, Wessex won the battle and became victorious. They defeated the Danes." Chewing into the apple, Einar let go of the bar and finished it, throwing the apple away.

"Why is that good news? I still don't know what will become of me." Laying done on the hay, he asked Beocca.

"Alfred acted on your advice. You share the glory with him."

"Hilarious! While they had the time of their life in battle, I sit in this shit hole, rotting away. Un-fitting for a King and Dane, wouldn't you say?" Einar just laughed at the notion of what Beocca said.

"Friedric-" Beocca was interuppted.

"It is Einar, Father Beocca now. I'm not a Saxon and never will be." Einar corrected him, tilting his head away from the roof to him.

"...Einar, give Alfred time. It isn't easy to let a Man that has the Blood of Ragnar Lothbrok, walk around in a Saxon Kingdom." Beocca said trying to explain to Einar, it wasn't easy being the grandson of a Viking that scares every Saxon with just the mention of his name.

Not speaking to each other, just the sound of Einar drinking water from a Chug. Einar said putting down the cup. "...If there is nothing to say, you can go Father Beocca." Hearing his word's, Father Beocca left out the same doors he came into.

Einar was released the next day. Cleaning himself with bucket's of water, Einar styled his hair in the usual Viking haircut he has with a braid going down the side. Sitting on the ledge in the courtyard about to go towards the Library where Alfred works. Einar with Wool shirt and leather trousers, peace was interrupted by a person sitting next to him.

{AN: Going to show you what he normally wears when he chilling, including his battle armour when he rides or walks around outside his home. I can't be arsed describing it.}

"It was rather rude walking away from a Lady such as my self, after looking at me with such eyes." Turning his head to the right, his face met the same woman he saw in the Corridor hall's.

"Couldn't be helped. A woman of such captivating beauty couldn't be unnoticed by my eye's." Einar smiled at the woman giving her a complement. Happy that such a man, even if it felt weird speaking to a Dane in such a nice way, said.

"Thank you for the complement, erm... Sorry but, what is your name sir?" Taping her chin and tilting her head to the right acting cute, she asked him with a apologetic face.

"*Chuckling* It is Einar. Einar Lothbrok or Uhtredson from my father." Einar just patted her head that went to his shoulder.

Connecting the dots, Aelswith looked fearful and shocked facing Einar. She was sitting next to a Child of the Famous Ragnar Lothbrok, she hated everything about the man from what she heard by her father and mother. Only thing she respected about him was the leadership he had towards his fellow Danes and men. The thought of hurting him or killing him never crossed her head because of the soothing sensation Einar gave her by his Hormone control.

"Don't worry, I don't harm/kill woman, if they don't try to kill me first. Also, how can I kill such a Beautiful woman." Einar continued the patting, Aelswith flourished in his head pat's even leaning in them.

"If I might enquire, Who are you? I have told you my name, so it's fair if you tell me yours."

Snapping out her Daze, Aelswith coughed in her hand and Spoke politely. Still not taking his hand away.

"I'm Aelswith. A noblewoman from Mercia and also the Wife of Alfred. Nice to meet you."

On that very spot, the man's brain exploded into various pieces. Einar had questions going through his head, why did Aelswith look more Beautiful than her Netflix counterpart. Einar wasn't ready for this development... Yet. He could see Fascination and curiousity in her eyes, if they kept on meeting often, Einar being an Aethelflaed fan didn't want his involvement to cause her not to become real.

"Your already Married? Ha. What a shame... I have to get going, I have a meeting with your husband. Hope you have a good day, Lady Aelswith."

Einar departed giving a bow placing his left hand holding his belly, bowing slightly. Turned and Leaving, Aelswith had a complicated expression, patting her head to get the same effect, she didn't get what she hoped for. She just looked at his manly back that gave a sense of security unlike her husband and prayed to God there, and then for more meetings with Einar.

Almost outside the doors of Alfred's Library, Einar decide to call out the stalker that he sensed stalking him while he chatted with Aelswith.

"Come out! I know you are there, if not, I will end you here and now." Speaking loudly, walking out around the corner was Uhtred with his arm's up.

"Calm down brother. I was just curious about the woman you was speaking to. You can't blame me, I've never seen you speak to any woman other than Brida." Uhtred walked to Einar with a Curious smile and slapped his right arm playfully.

"She is Aelswith, Alfred's Wife. It shocked me that such a woman of her status came to me first, I won't deny, she is probably the most beautiful woman I've seen." Einar only displayed a lazy face giving his brother the eye roll. The little Shit was trying to tease him for revenge when he did the same with Bida and Uhtred.

"Einar, don't play stupid with me. I can clearly see you both talking each other up. I know it was friendly, but if someone from the Witan saw that exchange. You and her would be executed for adultery immediately. I will support you, if you decide to proceed in such a thing, after all we are Danes. Christian law doesn't apply for us." Uhtred spoke serious and supported him if they went into a Forbidden relationship.

"You little Turd, shut up and wait for Brida with me. Do not tell her anything of this conversation, it is only between me and you." Warning Uhtred, Einar and Uhtred waited for Brida.

When she arrived, all 3 of them went inside to wait for Alfred. Beocca first came in, than Alfred.

"Ah, Einar please accept my apology for the delayed release. King Aethelred told me of his relationship with your mother, even if you are a Dane and have the blood of Ragnar. I'm sorry for the treating, you was given." Alfred said with a nod. Alfred probably heard from Beocca of the sudden name change, you can tell by the way he said it that he doesn't like it.

"It's fine, and I accept your apology." Einar just said casually.

"It seems you spoke the truth." Alfred said.

"I did." Einar said while leaning on the shelf of Scrolls.

"Though I realize our victory is temporary, I am indebted, Wessex is indebted. Is my apology enough?"

"It's not, lord." Einar said shaking his head quickly. Beocca looked at him and tried to help him.

"What Einar means is that it is not necessary-"

"I don't care about anything, all I want is for my brother to become an ealdorman. He is after all an ealdorman." Einar quickly replaced Beocca's words standing from his form position and was Infront of Alfred.

"In Northumbria,yes. But this is Wessex." He tried to deny the request.

"This is England. One kingdom is what you said, no?" Einar didn't allow him to slip away.

"He is without lands, completely."

"Then that's what I want; that's what I deserve, land." Uhtred got involved into the conversation.

"I brought you here solely to convey my thanks, but we shall talk further at some point, nod, I have other, more important matters to attend." Alfred went past Einar trying to slip away again, but Einar was allowing that again.

"I brought you victory, what is more important than that?" The tall Dane said not looking at him.

"The king is dead." Alfred said turning around after stopping at a halt.

"Since when?" Beocca asked to Alfred.

"I have not long left him. My first act at king will be to offer the Danes a peace." Alfred walked back rubbing his side towards Einar.

"They will just think your spineless. Supporting there claim's of Saxon's being farmers." Einar said directly in his face.

"Then I must convince them otherwise." Replied in his face.

"Girl, bring some fruit to my chamber: some chopped apple's and milk. Rest, wash, eat well, you have earned it." Alfred told the Servant he was having an affair with. Then directed the last bit to Einar.

"What are you saying? You do not speak to a Future king in that manner." Beocca whispered to Einar and seeing the servant girl leave.

"Why shouldn't I have? I'm royalty my self. Alfred and I, have the same status. I shouldn't cower and lick his arse, I'm the Grandson of Ragnar Lothbrok, I take and speak however I want." Einar went into Beocca face telling him clearly that he isn't no one. Einar had an angered face, currently it was clear he was related to the Lothbrok family. He could be seen to act similar to Ivar.

"There is your Dane acting up again. Just listen, Einar: Alfred is the man to follow. He is your way to reclaim East Anglia and Bebbanburg, for you and Uhtred."

"Uhtred's path is Uhtred's business, not that of a priest." Brida saw Einar's head shaking but not Uhtred's. Worried, she spoke for him.

"Forgive me, lord! I must leave, pray for strength and to expunge these unholy thoughts that fill my mind." Beocca just looked at Brida the whole time speaking, then leaving.

"You want land in Wessex?" Brida moved to face Uhtred directly.

"It's my way back to Bebbanburg." Uhtred just said.

"Any silver you find under Alfred will be taken by the Danes, along with your life. They can't be beaten." Brida said honestly having full faith in the Danes, but only if she really knew.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I've said, wealth." Uhtred said again turning his head to speak towards Brida. Smacking Uhtred in the chest and turned to leave, only Einar and Uhtred was left.

"Uhtred, I will stay with you in Wessex. But, you need to face the fact's that the only chance your getting to become a Ealdorman, is marriage. That is the only way to become one without land or wealth." Einar only said while placing his arm in his shoulder.

"Thanks brother. I will take that in consideration." Uhtred said with a thankful voice and nod.

Organising the plan for the peace treaty with the Danes, Alfred went to his quarters and saw his Servant doing his food.

"Do I offend you? Watching you?" Alfred asked getting closer to her right side.

"No, my lord... Never." She looked down and then to her right.

Touching there foreheads together, looking into one another's eyes. Alfred said with Lust.

"I will defend you with my life." Kissing her on the right-hand side of her cheek aggressively.

"You stand as everything that is precious, you are Wessex, England; Always to be cherished, never to be violated." Turning her around, the servant put her arms around Alfred's neck and exchanged a kiss on the lips with passion and lust.

"Only to be loved... Vigorously." Tilting his head, they resumed kissing until a knock.

"Who is it?" Opening the door was Beocca, he looked to the right like he saw something, then said.

"My lord."

"My conscience." Alfred said already changed his connection with the servant who walked away only just when Beocca came in.

"My Lord, would you care to join me in prayer, perhaps, for the passing of the king?" Beocca asked, hands holding up front.

"I will, Father. I give you my thanks." Alfred said.

"Forgive me, my lord, the milk has soured." The servant held some milk in a jar that Aethelwold spitted in off screen, Walking out the door after Alfred gave no words.

"I am tired of milk and apples. I need meet." Alfred rubbed his thumb against his forehead.

"But you are a martyr, my lord, to meet." Beocca said.

"My lord needs feeding! My lord is a Saint and never shall be! I have survived battle, I need meet!" Alfred shouted to Beocca. He seriously needed some meet, no gayness in intended.

"We shall pray together my lord; for strength." Beocca step forward.

"Why does it have to be a sin?" Alfred said being a hypocrite. He acts like he isn't already sinning against Aelswith.

While this was happening inside Alfred's room, Aelswith already around the corner. She heard everything when she was outside the door, her heart broke hearing every word he spoke. They have a baby, a little girl currently 1 and he is cheating on with a servant. Crying, Aelswith ran back to her own quarter, she didn't know what to do. One thing was certain, she needed to make a male for the contract marriage condition to be done. Than she can stop having contact with him and make the marriage just a, Perfect King and Queen thing without them knowing what was happening behind the scenes

Praying in the church with the dead Body of Aethelred with his crown on. Alfred was in a praying position, on his knees facing his dead brother.

"Already, it is a burden. It seems never to be about what I would wish to do. it is about what I must do. " Alfred said. Grabbing on his brother's hand that are together on his midsection. He continued.

"Ask God to give me the strength to wear the crown as well as you." Resting in the same position for a couple of seconds, Beocca behind did the cross gesture on his body when he said that.

"Father Beocca... A moment." Alfred said seeing father Beocca leave.

"Yes, lord."

"Uhtred may well have a use." Alfred said touching his forearm.

"I'm pleased that is what you think, lord." Beocca said looking in Alfred's eyes.

"This Brida, She is what to him?" Alfred asked Father Beocca looking to him as well.

"I would say a hindrance, lord." Beocca continued to speak honest.

"A wife?"

"No, no, never. No, no." Beocca denied the notion of it.

"She is restless." Alfred said.

"She is the devil on his shoulder I fear." Beocca said his opinion.

"But he is fond of her." Alfred said from what he saw.

"Yes, that is his way." nodding his head slowly. Alfred said after.

"We shall see. Thank you."

"My Lord." Beocca bowed his head, than walked away. Leaving Alfred to think.

Over the next day, Young Odda met Guthrum and got his horse stollen like a bitch, but he got the invitation for the peace treaty from Alfred accepted by Guthrum. Waiting for Alfred and the rest, leaning on a wall with Uhtred, both heard steps and saw Alfred, Odda and Young Odda with amour in his hands walking beside them.

"Good morning, Einar, Uhtred." Alfred said entering past them in the room.

"Good morning, lord." Both men said almost at the same time.

Before Young Odda could enter, Einar walked inside stopping him to enter last, Uhtred saw this and smiled, doing the same. In the room unlike before, had a round table. Both men stood together opposite Alfred.

"That's a fine coat of mail." Uhtred said seeing Young Odda place the armour on the table.

"It is. And it is yours. The battle dress of a Saxon warrior, a gift." Alfred said unexpectedly.

"In return for what? There's always a price." Uhtred said staring at the amour, Einar was just chilling checking his nails. At this point, it was turning into a habit.

"Which you have paid in full; our victory at the hill. Young Odda, have you offered your apologies to Einar?" Alfred just glance once and asked Young Odda.

"My sincere apologies, you spoke the truth." Said to Einar in such a non apologetic voice whole glancing all around him but his eyes.

"A small both, perhaps?" Alfred said glancing at Einar's uncaring demeanour then to Young Odda.

Getting a small bow from Young Odda, Einar looked at him, amused smile liking the way the young boy was being obedient to his master like a mut.

"You can leave us, now." Young Odda did one last bow to Alfred, than left outside the door. Odda just like at the exchanged.

"A good king relies upon good advice, Einar, Uhtred. For example, my nephew, Aethelwold; the kings son. He is young but sees himself as the rightful heir. How am I to deal with him?" Alfred walked around the table to the pair.

"You should kill him, Lord, as my own Uncle Elferic, would kill us. Not to kill him shows weakness." Uhtred said his opinion, showing his young age.

{AN: Went into analysis for his age. He should be 15 and Einar is 17, Because Uhtred was born in 856 and currently it is 871, and a couple of days. So Height wise, Uhtred should be 5'7 and can grow an inch or 2. Einar though saying 6'3 as height, he didn't mention it becoming a limit. So he is 6'4 can grow a inch or 2 the same, I'm not doing this for him to be tall and big but for him to use it as an excuse when killing people with his fist.}

"Brother, you need to think. If he kills him, it will look like he is admitting that Aethelwold has a claim to the throne. Which he doesn't, but only a few know this and that was the people who were there to hear his last words. If the boy escalate the situation and makes either, indirect or direct harm to Alfred, then he can kill him for treason towards the king." Hearing word's of wisdoms, all three men saw Einar both hands on the table leaning in them, looking at Uhtred to tell him, to think with his head.

"Your Correct, Einar... Uhtred, you think like a Dane. Change it, take Einar for an example, he has Dane blood in him, but he doesn't limit himself to only decide with violence. But to have a specimen of the heathen mind in council will be useful." Alfred gave a compliment to Einar, both men still had some bad blood but they have similar smart mindsets, cut out the bloodlust, revenge, hate and being a battle maniac. Then they would be very similar. Walking past Uhtred, he asked.

"What do they fear most, the Danes?"

"They're warriors, they live to fight." Uhtred said to the Alfred getting a drink.

"But when they lose, as at the hill, what then?"

"In battle, they'd rather retreat than lose too many men. They take there men into consideration, same as any other country. So, fear of losing there men is the only weakness they have." Einar stood back up facing Alfred, answering for Uhtred.

"They love to fight but hate to lose, hardly a revelation." Odda said.

"Odda appears not to value your council." Alfred told both men.

"I do not." Odda said firmly.

"I rather do not care, for a petty old man that can't face reality... We are you're only chance to face the Danes, head on. Take it or leave it." Einar gave the middle finger to Odda through words. Uhtred agreed as well.

"I also, care not for this man's opinion." Uhtred shrugged.

"I have been thinking on your request, to be recognized as an ealdorman." Alfred gained Uhtred's attention, All that Einar did was place his bum on the table to relax.

"Which is nonsense." Odda said.

"I am an Ealdorman." Uhtred said Firmly directly speaking to Odda.

"Without even a goat to your name, never mind the land to graze it." Odda walked facing against Uhtred. Einar was sitting in the middle while Alfred was opposite him.

"I am an Ealdorman by birth, Lord." Uhtred again firmly voiced.

"Would you perhaps, consider becoming an ealdorman by marriage? I know of a marriage that would bring you land and title." Alfred just looked at his glass while saying these words then to Uhtred in his eyes.

"I have no need of a wife, Lord." Uhtred denied.

"A woman helps you grow." Alfred just said.

"Grow old?"

"Grow roots and that is what you are missing." Alfred spoke the truth, even Einar agreed saying.

"Uhtred, he isn't wrong. I can see Brida still holding onto her Dane life, while you have abandoned it, only leaving your thirst for battle. You need to grow older as well, mentality, sooner the better." Nodding with agreement to Einar, Alfred continued.

"Marriage would show your commitment to Wessex." Uhtred didn't know what to think, all he could say was.

"My sword is yours."

"At a price." Odda added.

"Everything that I have has been taken from me. I need title, I need to make my wealth." He looked into Alfred eyes to bargain.

"Are you offering me your sword, or are you selling me your sword? To become an ealdorman you must possess land, that is the law. However, stand at my side during the negotiations ahead, help me read my enemy, and in return, we shall talk further of wealth and reward." Uhtred was quite throughout his speech, all he could do was listen and think.

That was the only thing of worth while in the meeting. Uhtred went to see Brida after the meeting and Einar went to go get some ale, he needed to relax and drink his depression and anger away. Relaxing and drinking, many beautiful woman went towards him and tried to chat with him. He didn't care to speak towards woman currently, all he wanted was peace so he told them to go away.

After a massive hang out and wandering around. He headed for the announced, king ceremony. Joining the Line at the front, with his usual, jacket, shirt and battle pants. Einar didn't give a fuck about traditions and decide to wear what the hell he wanted.

At some point seeing an unnoticeable puffy eyed Aelswith, he only gave a glance which wasn't seen by her thankfully. He saw her taking looks at him, checking him out. Her eyes showed she wanted to talk to him and go for him to cry her heart out, Einar felt sad a bit but he couldn't care less. She wasn't his wife. Never the less, he would still care for her if she came to him.

Walking in abruptly, Alfred walked in with a red cape, he had a professional face. A priest in front of him held a Golden staff with a circle and Cross inside. Gems were on them, taking off the Cape by a woman in front a massive cup of holy water. Another priest was at the front doing the ceremony. Uhtred walked next to Einar, The chants began.

"Our God, in His Heaven, we ask you to find favour with your devoted servant, Alfred." The room was still quite, hearing the priest voice.

"Bless him with courage, strength and wisdom. Never leave his side. Amen."

"Amen." the crowd said together.

"Allow him pure and holy thoughts and the power to carry out your work on this earth as our king." Brida walked out cannot cope to be in this Christian surrounding.

"Allow this anointing of Alfred to enable your will. You are God's king Alfred of Wessex" The priest put his hand in the cup and put the holy water on his lip, a cross on his heart then his forehead. Uhtred left to go find Brida.

"Vivat Rex Alfredus!" The priest shouted.

"Viva Rex Alfredus! ...Viva Rex Alfredus! ...Viva Rex Alfredus! Viva Rex Alfredus!" All of the people in the room repeated what he was chanting. Einar just stood there, not chanting like the rest and looked at the window and saw a hand on it. The Dirty Bastards were having sex while there was a king's ceremony going on, the other side.


Changed his name to Einar because it sounds better and can be remembered better as well. Also to symbolise who He is as a person.

Gave some Romance between Aelswith and Einar. I don't wanna rush the relationship into straight away sex but build up it up before getting into the goodness.

Hope you enjoyed the 4,200 word chapter. I didn't speak upon Aethelwold or Odda's perspective because they are simply bitches and I personally hated them.

Einar is very similar to Ivar with his smartness and ruthlessness, Bjorn for his Leader ship and his own completely different Cockyness. Einar won't take any shit from no one and does what only he wants, plus he isn't a simp like most Main Characters.

That is all I have to say, Please carry on reading my Fanfic and give some ideas, if you have something to change or something completely opposite. Until Next Chapter! Bye Bye! 👋👋👋