It is, what it is.

[Pov: Einar Lothbrok]

"Rghhhh! My fucking head! I need to stop drinking."

Getting hit with one of the worst hangups of both life's, the sun light blinded my sight from the near by window. Looking downwards at my sweaty body and the weird fragrance that stunk.

Memories of the previous night came back, gaining me another strong headache. Holding my head in hand, I lifted myself up with some difficulty and just finally realised what the fuck I have done.

"Out of everything I could of done, I somehow got into Smashing 7 belts of shit into my brothers wife's cunt... Fuck! I didn't sterilize my self neither! I'm a great older brother *Chuckle* Possibly impregnating his wife. Where is the Grammy for the worst scumbag brother of the year."

What was I supposed to do, walk up to Uhtred and say. "Hey brother, sorry but I accidently fucked your wife in the same room as you." or "Brother, I might of impregnated your wife while you drunk." *Sigh* It's already happened, I'll have to keep this a secret because these kind of things could make brothers kill each other, but it's not like he could kill me.

Having enough. I just decided to got to the river behind the house with a dock and clean myself of all the juices and sweat from Mildrith's and mines Sex.

Scrubbing everything away as fast as possible because of the sun rising in the horizon meaning morning. Getting on the casual clothes but with my hair styled this time, I walked back into the house, meeting Uhtred and Leofric sitting down near the fire talking to one another.

"Einar, I was meaning to ask. What happend last night while I was drunk?" Both men looked up at me from the fire to the door.

"Not my business to explain what you and Mildrith did while you was drunk." Sitting down, i wiped my face. At this point all I can do is make an excuse for mine and Mildrith's forbidden relationship, that's if she doesn't tell him.

"Ah... You make a good point, but I don't remember anything happening. Everything from last nigh was a blur." Trying to remember last with his head in his hands. Leofric just ate the food not caring about the arseling.


Barging in the living room, Mildrith stood their with her dress hanging from her frame with an angered expression while about to hit him. "Uhtred! You can't remember when you forced yourself on me! I thought you was different compare to the other Dane's, but I guess I was wrong."

Holding her by the arms to not kill him, Leofric said to the angered Mildrith. "Lady Mildrith, even if he is an Arseling, it's not his fault for something he didn't have no recollections of."

Calming down the strawberry haired woman, everyone seated around the fire with Mildrith sitting next to the Einar. Leofric was by the side with Uhtred opposite the couple.

Throughout the Breakfast was silence and awkardness. No one spoke while eating their food, Finishing their food. Uhtred and Leofric walked out to do some Training, thus leaving both Mildrith and Einar in silence.

Stopping myself from eating, I looked forward not wanting to see her reaction neither caring, I spoke with coldness to put my point across. "Last night didn't happen, just remember it as an accident between 2 drunk people. Am I clear?"

In the corner of my eyes I saw her hands shake with her voice almost breaking."Wh-Did I do anything wrong for you to be like this? If I did! You can punish me! ....I-I-I don't wanna..."

Seeing her break down, even if it somewhat pained my heart. We still had sex and I know in the end just like Aelswith, it will either make me and Uhtred separate or far worst. It pained me to say but I didn't have romantic feelings for her, just desire at the time to take her away from my brother... Still if she has my child, I won't have no choice but to be in her life.

Leaning on my thighs, I turned to her and looked directly in her almost fragile eyes. "I will give you the truth. I don't feel nothing for you, just absolute desire to take you away from my brother. Don't expect love, if we keep this going... So... Do you really want this thing that we have, to carry on?"

"Yes! I-I mean yes, even if you don't have any feelings towards me, I will still try and make you accept me." Immediately accepting my offer. The confidence that she had while speaking these words was very bold, to try and make me recuperate them feelings for her.

Standing up, I walked Infront of her and bent forward lifting her chin. Her eyes was filled with love, determination and attention. "Don't blame me if you get hurt while on this path. You chose it, God neither man can stop what will happen while on it."

"I'm prepared for what will acure from this day onwards until I get what I want." Hearing her resolution, I kissed her, exchanging tongues. Almost like an addiction, she drank all my salvia that met her mouth. I can say she was already addicted to the Drug that was called me.

[Pov: 3rd Person]

Months had past since the affair had happened. Mildrith and Einar found out she was pregnant obviously because of her belly getting big but before that her puking and her lack of Periods. It came as no surprise between the couple, Mildrith was over the moon secretly and Einar was well, happy and uncaring. Uhtred being told of the kid believed it to be his own so he was very happy and wanted the child to be male.

Before their was any symptoms of a child, Mildrith still got her daily dose of Vitamin D from Einar that caused her to pass out or hide the visible wobble of getting pounded.

Life for everyone was Happy and joyful, Uhtred wore the imaginable Green hat without knowing the relationship between his wife and brother.

Looking from above the hill, Uhtred was on the left, Einar in the middle with Oswald and Leofric on his right. They were currently scouting in their line of sight, in their sight was a forest that showed an army of 300 no more or no less moving steadily.

Drying her hair with her pregnant belly visible by the curve of her dress, Mildrith asked while getting in-between Einar and Uhtred. "What is it that you are looking at?"

"There's a scar across the land; there, the never ending line of Danes on the march." Uhtred looked down at her and point to the direction of where the Danes are.

Looking at the direction of the Danes were going Uhtred asked. "Oswald, what town lays in that direction?"

"If they keep going to the west, in a day or so, they will come to meet the fortress at Werham."

"Take your family and the others to the hills 'til we're sure they've past. Do it now." Uhtred said.

"What about Lady Mildri-?" He inquired.

Interuppting him, Einar looked at her and saw her giving him a slight smile. "She will be coming with us... To Winchester."

"Yes, lord." Oswald went to do as he was commanded.

"How many do you see?" Leofric asked to the brothers.

"Depends on how many will follow." Einar simply stated, and embarked to go towards Winchester.

[Kingdom of Wessex: Winchester]

"Wessex is being invaded and we're told to wait while he prays." Uhtred walked back and forth down the hall way.

Einar currently was next to Mildrith while leaning his back on the wall, seemingly to be protective of the child and her.

"God is his strength, Uhtred." Einar questioning her comment of faith in God, she looked at Uhtred.

"He needs to be on the horse, not his knees. I hate this back."

"It grows worse." Leofric said looking at the incoming Young Odda down the corridor.

Coming around the corner, Young Odda saw Mildrith with a shock face. " Mildrith. I was not told you were here. How pleasing to see you."

"Lord." About to bow, Einar stopped her with his arm.

"And so much of you." Young Odda noticed her belly.

"Is he ready?" Uhtred asked on the side with Leofric.

"The king is ready, so is his council. Come with me." Young Odda walked away to Alfred before flashing a brief smile to Mildrith.

Following him in the meeting room around a table. Uhtred explained what they saw to the people in the room.

"You watched 300 men or more march Clean across Wessex and you did nothing?" Odda said from across the 3 men with Alfred and his son by his side.

"I'm here." Uhtred said.

"A messaged could have been sent in your place, a boy." Odda raised his Voice at the last bit.

"Why did you not confront these Danes? You have men. That is your purpose, to create warriors." Alfred verbalised with his hand together.

Putting his hands on the table, Uhtred explained." I have been given barely 20 men and their wives, most of whom work the fields. It would of been a slaughter, lord."

"But you chose not to fight; we'll never know." Odda interfered.

"A warrior can only die once! Why did in vain?" Uhtred continued.

"The Danes have traveled from either Lundene or East Anglia. Were they not being watched?" Uhtred turned to ask Alfred.

"We have been watching the ships, which remain on the tames. A mistake" Alfred gulped at the last bit.

"If Werham is captured, the ships will follow, 300 men will become 3,000." Einar seeing Young Odda's hated face, was getting angry slowly. How can such a scrawny sliver spooned boy who only just came off his mother's breasts trying to grow a pair of balls.

"My advice is that we march, without delay." Uhtred gave his idea.

"I don't recall the king seeking your advice." Young Odda was becoming a pest because of jealousy.

"Boy, speak up! If you have anything else to say, Speak! You have been on my nerves for too long because of a woman." Smashing his hands on the table, creating cracks almost breaking it. Einar face expression showed anger and looked down to the boys scared face.

"You speak in the presence of the kin-" Before the Scared Voiced Young Odda could say anything, Einar walked up to him and picked him up without effort. Squeezing his neck, The Frightened Odda was turning Blue.

"Put him down!" Odda command Einar with anger. Turning to the old man with a sneer, Einar simply mocked the man.

"Oh, and what will happen if not? YOUR going to kill me?" Putting emphasize on the Your, He continued.

"No one in this rooom has the gal, neither the skills to put this beast in his cage." The guards shook with fright. The feeling from this ma- No, Beast! Was too overbearing!

Turning his head to the unconscious Young Odda with a piss stain, Threw him at his father with annoyance on his face while walking away.

"Tch. Thought he would last long as my chew toy, but guess no one still cannot, last against my fangs." Clicking his tongue, Einar exited the room with hands behind his head while giving glances to the guard for the door to open. Which they did, hurriedly.

Walking down the halls towards the Stable to get his horse, bumping into something's back. About to fall, Einar picked the person up and placed them aside without looking.

"Einar? Is that you?"

Going into his ear was a woman's voice, Einar looked at the person and saw Aelswith with a belly. He knew she was pregnant, but somewhere in his heart cracked slightly with pain. Still with his Cold expression said.

"I have no time for you. Go back to Alfred or wherever you came from, I have better things to do than speak." Only a glance at her, he walked away with a care.

Seeing the man in her dreams walk away from her and speak such Cold and careless Words to her. She became hollow inside. Her heart was already broke from his words almost a year ago causing her to show almost no emotion ever since. But when she saw Einar, she became brim with happiness and possibly to reconnect their once close relationship. Now she felt nothing, her life almost became meaningless now hearing these words.

Tears leaked from out her eyes, she tried to express words but nothing came out. Only the slowly departing back of her Hidden crush was all he could do or see. When he left, her eyes showed nothing but blankness without emotions. Only whispering his name and asking for his attention under her breath.

Leaving for Welham, While Uhtred, Einar and Leofric with Alfred and his army departed to go for battle. In the church praying was Mildrith.

Walking into the church, Aelswith saw Mildrith and her eyes grew some emotions of happiness.

"Mildrith, my dear, It's good to see you." She kneeled next to Mildrith.

"My lady Aelswith! How good to see you and to see you looking as you do." Mildrith turned to her with a smile.

"It refuses to keep still." Aelswith looked at her belly with a smile, even if it was Alfred's child she still wanted to give both her children as much love as possible.

"Mine is the same."

Getting some silence, Aelswith kept looking at the alter while praying a bit. Mildrith did the same for almost the same reason as Aelswith. Both had the same main topic of the prayer, Einar.

"How have you been doing my dear?" Aelswith asked Mildrith with a smile.

"Everything has been fine, Lady Aelswith. Einar and Uhtred have been very welcoming to me." Mildrith looked off in the distant thinking about the word welcoming.

Seeing her dazed expression and smile, Aelswith's was curious. "I have heard of this Einar. Supposed to be Charming, Handsome, Muscular and Tall. What is he like?"

Smiling at the Aelswith, not shocked that even the kings wife showed interest in such man said with praise.

"He is a man that could be describe as God. Truly an outstanding man that's blessed by the Gods/God."

Hearing this, Aelswith nodded with agreement but in Mildrith's point of view she could be seen accepting him as a good person. Aelswith being her Close friend since they were child's, Mildrith knew she could trust her with everything.

"Lady Aelswith, I want to ask your opinion on my situation." Speaking nervous, This caught Aelswith attention. Proceeding to gesture to go on, Mildrith cleared her throat and said.

"I have sinned, my lady... Me and Einar have been going forth in a Forbidden relationship since our first meeting. This Child isn't Uhtred's, But Einar's. Pray God give me forgiveness, for I am a sinner."

Aelswith mind was trying to process the information that was given by her close friend. Her face showed nothing like a blank canvas.

Finally processing it, Aelswith anger sky rocketed with jealousy to Mildrith and Sadness. What did Mildrith have, that she didn't? Was she that unappealing to him that he made up an excuse for another woman.

Swallowing her feelings back, she looked at Mildrith and said with a praying voice to Mildrith.

"Pray God give you Forgiveness for your sinning, Lady Mildrith. If this had happen than it could possibly mean that it was God's decision."

"Thank you for not being disgusted of me Lady Aelswith." Mildrith thanked her with a smile.

"No problem dear." She answered back with a Fake happy smile.

After their little talk, Both women were in their own world of imagination. Aelswith was enraged with jealousy to her friend for 'stealing' 'her' man, she was also slowly losing herself in self doubt and Depression. Mildrith was nothing but happiness with seeing her Close friend 'Accept' her Forbidden relationship.


Oooo, some drama going on in Wessex. Einar's Temper has finally been up to his limit with the hatred that surrounds the council because of his and Uhtred's beliefs of The Norse God. What will Aelswith do with Mildrith? Kill her? Or join her? It's hard to say, her self esteem and confidence have been slowly eroding away.

Einar and Aelswith relationship seems to be very complicated. Aelswith needs and wants him but Einar gradually leaves her making her feel nothing. Einar doesn't yet understand his feelings neither realises it. Very weird relationship that shows Confusion and want.

As for Mildrith's and Einar, they both have a very physical Relationship love that realises on one another's body different compared to Aelswith's. Mildrith unlike Aelswith, Einar doesn't love her but slowly is but mostly he feels posseviness towards her like he owns her kind of like an animal. Mildrith Is pretty much devoted to him like he was a god, his sex is amazing and everything else is. She's very submissive to him and she likes it when he's dominant.

Only thing both woman have for restraints are their religion. Unlike Modern age, both of them believe it to be a sin and strongly are against it but Einar is a fruit they can't stop having. If they born in the modern, they would definitely jump on him like Whores.

Hope this explains their relationship with them both, Mildrith feels like she has betrayed her God so that's why she is praying.

This is a short Chapter unlike others, So if your continuing to like these Chapters please send some Stones and give me some support. Until Next time, Bye 👋👋👋