Chapter One - Coal Eyes (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Oh yeah by PARKWON ft SunMi"

"Please! Please! Please!" My best friend begs shamelessly, giving me those puppy dog eyes. "This will be the last favor I'll ask of you. Say you'll sing at the lounge tonight."

A sigh escapes me. "I told you, it's not a good idea for me to sing at your high-class social bar. Imagine the horrified faces of those elite snobs the moment I start belting out the lyrics of a rock song." On second thought, that's a fun idea. It'll help to pull the stick out of their asses.

"But this client specifically requested for you!" Nari argues, not taking no for an answer. Four days. That's how long she's been at this. "And it's a lounge. Not a bar."

I love and hate Nari's persistence — love, when it's inflicted upon some poor sucker — hate, when it's directed at me. "Lounge, bar, what's the difference when alcohol's involved." My eyes narrow suspiciously. "And how does this client know me?"

She straightens immediately, her gaze darting left to right, a telltale sign when she's nervous. "Umm...I might have mentioned that you're a part-time bar singer." A shaky laugh rocks her shoulders. "Imagine my surprise when he recognized you!"

"Hmm." I hum favorably. "Guess he's pretty cool." Nari's lounge only caters to Seoul's upper-class members. Indie rock bands are as foreign to them as washing their own laundry or bathing their pet poodle. "But it's still a no."

Like a dog with a bone, Nari insists. "Come on, this might be a great opportunity for you! Who knows, maybe a talent agent will be on the guest list tonight and before you know it, you'll be rich and famous. So famous, that you'll forget about this poor friend of yours."

I scoff, hardly impressed. Unlike people with big dreams, I have no aspirations but to live life simply and happily. "Don't bother kissing my ass. I'm really not interested."

"I'll pay you for it!" Nari proposes fervently, betraying her desperation. "Don't you need money? Besides, you owe me one for helping you with that psycho bitch back in college." She smiles smugly, eyebrows dancing. "What's it going to be? Get paid or fulfil your debt?"

My lips flatten at her underhanded offer.

"This guy is a deal breaker." She persists, going for the rational approach. "He's the grandson of Choi conglomerates and he's booked the entire lounge for his birthday party. If everything goes well, it'll secure Nari's with a steady flow of clientele." Gravity befalls her pretty face. "Please, Aera! Just this once, do it for your bestie?"

I sigh aloud, knowing she's got me cornered. When your best friend pulls out the bestie card, and you know she deserves it? I will be an ass to refuse. And months ago, I quit my job after considering how the work stress imbalance isn't worth the depression. I'm twenty-seven and I'm not going to rely on my parents at this ripe old age. "Fine, I'll do it." Holding out my hand to stop her glow of excitement, I warn. "But I won't go easy on you just because you're my best friend." Waving three fingers in her face, I demand. "You'll pay me three times what I'm paid hourly."

"Deal!" Nari agrees in a heartbeat. "You won't regret this! I have your outfit ready at the lounge. The make up artist and stylist are on their way."

"You little minx!" I accuse without heat. "You had this all planned out, didn't you?" I should have known better. Nari's family is deeply rooted in Korea's legal affairs, it's no surprise she learns a trick or two. No one dares to mess with her. We often joke that she should have followed in her older brother's footsteps to become a prosecutor.

But, Nari rebelled by opening a niche lounge catering to her own social class. Those who don't know her will accuse her of being fanciful, but I know the struggles and effort she's put into the place. It's her baby.

Setting aside my task at hand, I ask. "What time should I head over?"

"Oh, don't worry about it." Nari waves off my concern. "I'll wait for you to finish up and we can go together."


Hours later, I'm spruced up in a silky, body hugging gold dress with a keyhole cutout baring my cleavage. From the waist up, it's wickedly backless. While the stylist applies the last touches of my makeup, I study my reflection, completely in awe of how stunning I look. Thanks to my mother's mixed European heritage, I know I turn a few heads, but the sophisticated woman staring back at me looks like she can conquer the world. It's an empowering thought, enough to give me goosebumps.

"Knock, knock," Nari enters the room with three young men in tow. "Allow me to introduce everyone. Guys, this is Yang Aera, our vocalist for tonight. Aera, these guys are my regular performers." She gestures to the tallest "This is keyboardist Yong Shik," Then to the shortest. "That's bassist Kamyung," And lastly, the one who has been smiling endlessly. "He's our drummer Duri."

Unable to stand, I nod acknowledging. "It's a pleasure to meet everyone. I look forward to working together."

"It's our pleasure, noona." Yong Shik returns politely. Judging by his mannerism and attire, I assume he's the so-called leader of the three.

"You never told us what a babe your friend is," Duri winks at me. This one must be the official playboy.

"And she's off limits." Nari warns, shooing them off. "Aera will meet you guys for the rehearsal in a few minutes. Why don't you start practicing?"

"We'll see you later, noona." Yong Shik remarks and ushers the boys out.

I chuckle lightly, noting the warmth in Nari's demeanor – almost maternal. "They seem nice."

She rolls her eyes, approaching me. "They're still boys paying their way through college." Her hand squeezes my shoulder approvingly. "Well, just look at you. I'd be choking in jealousy if you aren't my best friend. In fact, I'm jealous of your mom's genes. You have killer eyes and a perfect nose."

That reminds me, Nari had nose job for her eighteenth birthday, though she'll likely deny it if anyone asks.

"Even I'm jealous of how I look." I confess, unused to this glitzy version of me. My hand covers hers. "Thank you, for the beautiful dress. And for the stylists."

"You're welcome." She beams proudly. "And it'll be worth it based on how much you're ripping me off for the night. By the way, this is the song list."

I pore over the requested songs. "It seems Mr. Choi Jr. has good taste in music. Once again, he surprises me."

"And you'll be the one to uphold his standards." Nari quips, checking the time. "I have some things I need to check on. Will you have any trouble singing them?"

"Just leave it to me."


The party starts later than expected, the guests trickling in only after half past nine. Since my shift doesn't begin in another hour, I people watch at the bar, nursing a glass of honey. My attention drifts to a pair of women on my left. It's odd how they're whispering anxiously and dodging glances in the distance.

What are they looking at?

A blanket of tension descends, silence ensuing, except for the muted jazz in the background. Curious, I turn. The dim lightings make it hard to see the tall, dark figure by the entrance but there's no doubt about his compelling presence – a man of influence and power. Those broad shoulders certainly don't belong to a woman.

As he walks in, the guests disperse, giving him a wide berth. It's like they're afraid of him.

My brows scrunch together.

Who is he to evoke such an extreme reaction?

Inaudible whispers travel in the air, making it obvious they're talking about him. He steps into a shaft of light, and I widen my eyes at this gorgeous specimen.

What the hell?