Chapter Two - Come with His Voice Alone (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "I miss you by REMAINs"

"Good evening, everyone. I hope you're having a wonderful time." Nari's voice filters backstage as we get ready.

This is it. I take a deep breath in.

Knowing he's watching makes my heart race. It's been awhile since I felt nervous before a gig.

"Please welcome, Aera and the Sensational Brothers!"

I cringe visibly. I should have consulted Nari about the band name because now we sound like a circus troupe.

"Break a leg, everyone!" Yong-Shik shouts over the loud applause.

Taking our positions on stage, I address the audience to warm up the show. "Good evening everyone. Before we begin, I'd like to wish our star of the night, Mr. Choi a Happy Birthday." I glance at the man sitting in the front. He raises his glass to me. "Thank you for having us and we sincerely hope you enjoy the performance."

Surreptitiously, I peek at the bar to find it empty. Disappointment hits me.

Adjusting the microphone, I scan the crowd, almost giving up when I see him - a tall, shrouded figure sculpted in the lounge's dim glow. Nobody else wears that unyielding posture better than he does.

Spirits lifted, I nod at Yong-Shik who opens the performance with a stellar arpeggio. Opening my mouth, I sing unreservedly with my heart and soul.

Is it wrong of me to want to impress him?

By the time we reach our third song, my eyes seek him out. Like a magnet, I'm drawn to him. The weight of his stare fires me up.

"I'm walking this street without you,

Why is it so unfamiliar to me?

I'm still holding your hand,

Feels like you're walking this street."

"I miss you, I miss you,

I miss you right now, the smile that laughed at me,

I miss you, I miss you,

I miss you right now, the smile that laughed at me."

This ballad is my favorite. It's romantic but sorrowful, singing about a broken love. Reaching the end, I know in my heart that I'm singing for one person in this room.

"I love you, I love you,

Because I love you, I miss you so much now

I love you, I love you,

Because I love you, I miss you so much now."

A deafening round of applause snaps me out of my trance. The song has ended. My chest rises and swell like I'm running a marathon. What the hell is happening?


Flustered, I realize Yong-Shik's cueing for the last song. Nodding jerkily, I bring the microphone to my lips. "This will be the final song for the evening, it's called True Crime."

As I sing, I fight to keep my eyes from straying back to him. This is insane. My emotions are jumbled. I've never been so attuned to anyone, let alone a complete stranger. He could be a serial killer for all I know.

Why does he affect me like this? He's just an attractive man. Yes, that's right. Any woman will feel the same way. Get it together! Shoo, annoying hormones!

The piece ends beautifully with a standing ovation and my job here is done. Thanking everyone, I step down and chat with a few enthusiastic fans, Mr. Choi amongst them. After that, I excuse myself for a glass of water at the bar, chugging it down. "That felt so good." I moan blissfully, earning a chuckle from Ju Won, the bartender.

"You were amazing tonight, Aera." He flashes a killer smile, reminding me why Nari hired him in the first place. Ju Won's the popular, easy going type but I'm unaffected by his charm. "I didn't know you could sing."

"Thank you." I say, a little bashful. "It's a hobby to kill time."

Ju Won's eyes shift pass my shoulder, and I know it's him. My body comes alive, humming like a livewire.

"You sing beautifully." His seductive voice breathes into my ear. A hint of his cologne tells me he's very close. "I think your voice is sexy too."

I think I just died and gone to heaven. Before I can turn around, he grabs my wrist. "Come with me."

"W-wait a minute!" I exclaim, fear and excitement warring inside me. I struggle to keep up with his longer strides, noticing how everyone is staring at us. "Where are we going?"

He leads me outside, passing several empty hallways before pushing me into a hidden corner. I have no time to brace when his lips crashes into mine. I gasp, completely shocked. Taking advantage of my open mouth, he slips his tongue in, tasting me deeply. I've been kissed once and back then I was driven by curiosity, not attraction. There had been no passion, no hot blood filling my veins or the explosive chemistry overwhelming me now. An uncontrollable moan escapes me when he pulls me forward, my chest plastering against his. The heat of his hand seeps right under my skin, electrifying my senses. I can feel the hard bulge of his desire digging into my belly.

Breaking away for a second, he studies me intently. "If you still have time to think, then I'm not doing a very good job."


His mouth crashes back into mine and this time, he coaxes me to participate, those warm lips sculpting and probing, gentle then hard, soft yet demanding. I've never experienced such an arousing kiss. I fall right into it. Following his gesture, I suck his bottom lip and trace the inner corners of his mouth with my tongue before tangling with his. My enthusiasm fuels his and I yelp when he bends me backward, his large hand engulfing the back of my head to devour my mouth.

He's barely touching me, yet it feels like he's touching every part of my body. Our choppy breathing fills the silence, the soft scraping of our clothes is an erotic symphony to my ears. Mouths separating, I am dazed and highly aroused, even more by the string of our saliva.

"If you're willing, spend the night with me." He coaxes seductively, his lips burning a path down my neck.

What do I answer? Yes or no?

I'm not an idiot. This attractive man is prepositioning me, and I've never felt more alive. The lust swimming in his marvelous eyes is an aphrodisiac. It's heady, knowing I can make a man like him crazy for me. I bite my lip, grinning naughtily. "You realize you're the one coming onto me now?"

"Guilty as charged," He swipes his thumb erotically across my lower lip. "You look so good. I want to eat you up."

That voice! I suck in my breath, face flushing hotly. Who knew underneath his starchiness lurks a carnal beast? Parting my lips, I took in his thick digit, tongue swirling to taste the salt on his skin. An approving hum resonates in his chest, his pupils dilating further.

Can I do this? I've never had sex, let alone a one-night stand. And this gorgeous male wants me. I'll be crazy not to.

"Yes," I breathe aloud, never breaking eye contact. "I'm willing."

He smiles then, a frighteningly beautiful expression. Teeth gleaming under the lights, he reminds me of a predator after a glorious hunt. "Good girl."