Chapter Three - On My Mind

Chapter Song Suggestion - "At the Bar Again by Franz Gordon"

One month later | Kang-Dae

I can't stop thinking about her.

Weeks pass but she lingers in the back of my mind. Vivid memories of her smile, her laugh, the scent of her hair, the taste of her skin…they're seared into my brain. My fingers twitch, recalling the silkiness of her hair. Soft, and fragrant – reminiscent of sweet almonds.

I want to touch her again.

We never exchanged names but I know hers.

Aera. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, inside and out.

She captivates me with her unique candor — a genuine desire to be with me, even for those few hours. Women walk in and out of my life, but they're all the same, vying for my attention, my money, and my connections.

Is she a novelty because she treats me like an ordinary man? Unafraid to tell it to my face? Amusement suffuses me at the memory of her violet tinged eyes flashing with anger. I knew she was tempted to hit me.

No woman has held my attention like she does.

Caught? Yes. But hold it? No.

What is it about her?

I fight the urge to smile, recalling how a sex novice like her pulled a Houdini on me. I'm a light sleeper, yet I failed to hear her leave. Insomnia is a constant companion from my erratic schedules, but that night I slept like a babe.

With one phone call, I can get all the information I need, but I don't. A man of my status shouldn't be dallying with an innocent woman. Aera's the kind who thrives on commitment, and that's one thing I'll never be able to give her. My conscience nauseates me. When have I cared about what's right or wrong? People's opinions don't matter. If I want her, I'll have her and when I'm bored, I'll discard her. And yet, something holds me back.

Frustration consumes me. A quick fuck will help to take the edge off. I've been so busy of late to entertain a warm body.

"President Kang, are you feeling alright?" Secretary Park's voice penetrates my thoughts.

"What?" I whirl around, realizing I've been staring blankly at the skyline.

Park clears his throat, holding up my cashmere coat. "It's time for the Chinese Ambassador's welcoming party. The car is waiting below."

I sigh wearily, slipping into my coat. "Why can't we hire a representative to go to these bothersome parties?"

"It would be an insult to the Ambassador if you don't make an appearance." Park reminds me gravely. "He's one of our biggest investors. And it's better to build relationships in person than to send a substitute. It's statistically proven to potentially last longer."

"I see you're outspoken as always." I remark dryly, though I never begrudge Park for his honesty. Ten years with me and he's the only man I trust - with my life.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Sir." As usual, it's hard to get under his skin.

Together, we head for the lift. "Let's get this night over with."


Social parties are boring. It's a congregation of power-hungry carnivores, charlatans, shameless housewives and materialistic frauds.

Does that make me one?

Obviously. It takes one to know one.

I'm not a hypocrite. I was born into this superficial, dog-eat-dog world, so it's natural for me to get my hands dirty. My family's name paved the way, but I'm the one who secured my spot at the top of the food chain. You don't accumulate all the wealth and connections by being a good egg.

"President Kang," A sultry voice purrs. Its owner sidles up to my side. "I didn't know you'll be attending tonight. You've been so busy."

"Madam Hwang." I acknowledge, appreciating the voluptuous mounds spilling over her red dress. Wife of a business partner, I fucked her once at a mutual party. She offered, so I took. And it looks like she's on the prowl tonight. "I changed my mind on the last minute."

With a coquettish smile, her hand inches up my arm. "You must be absolutely bored. If you're looking for a distraction, I know a perfect place."

Brazen as always, she's the type of woman I prefer. She understands the rules that need to be obeyed. We fuck, we have fun and then we go our separate ways. No feelings hurt and everyone leaves satisfied. A few years my junior, Madam Hwang has a voracious appetite her elderly husband can't satisfy. I'm not the only one she plays with now and then. For people like us, fidelity doesn't mean shit.

"Why not?" I shrug indifferently. I'm in the mood. It has been weeks since I touched a woman, mainly because of work and another reason I'm unwilling to dwell on. She leads us out of the ballroom, and we head for the elevator. How convenient to have a dinner party at a hotel. Stepping in, she presses a number.

As I look straight ahead, the strangest thing happens. Just as the doors are closing, I see her. Carrying a bouquet of flowers in her arms, she passes by in slow motion. I freeze with eyes wide open, drinking her in like a man dying of thirst.

How young she appears without make-up, remarkably more radiant.

"Kang-Dae, what's wrong?" Madam Hwang studies my face intently. The doors shut and up we go. Unexplainably, my heart starts pumping. I break out in cold sweat even though it's a chilly autumn night. What is this feeling? Reaching up to touch my chest, I swear it's…excitement?

When was the last time I felt this way?

"Are you in pain?" Madam Hwang's concern rises a notch.

"No, I'm fine." I frown in response. Is her voice always this annoying? The 'ping' of the elevator tells us we've arrived, and I gesture for her to step out.

As a boy, I was rigorously groomed to be the perfect heir. Ultimately, words like 'doubt, waver, and impossible', don't exist in my vocabulary. And I've never experienced how it makes one feel.

Yet, for the first time in thirty-three years, I waver. It's both unpleasantly daunting and thrilling, like wanting to ride your first rollercoaster.

"Kang-Dae? Aren't you coming?" Her surgically enhanced lips pout.

It's odd how I never noticed the flaws on this woman. Why am I seeing them now? She's an ugly beauty compared to Aera's natural allure.

"I'm sorry, Madam Hwang." I apologize and close the doors before she can stop me. Jabbing the lobby button, I think about what I'll say to Aera. I don't believe in fateful coincidences, but this is too good to be true. Once I reach the lobby, I rush out, scanning for her.

Where has she gone?

The hotel is packed, making the situation hard for me. Marching to the reception desk, I fire out. "Excuse me, have you seen a woman in a cream sweater? She was carrying a bouquet of flowers."

"Oh, yes. She's headed to the Korean-Chinese Affiliate Dinner at ballroom five."

That's the party I was attending. "Thank you." Like a madman, I search for her, growing impatiently frustrated by the minute.

"President Kang, I've been looking for you." A business associate steps into my path, earning my aggravation. "There's someone I'd like to introduce you to."

I scowl fiercely. "Later. I'm busy." Taken aback, the man hesitates, so I shove him aside. On stage, the Chinese Ambassador is wrapping up his speech. What catches my eye is the flower bouquet being handed to him.

"Damn! Am I too late?" I curse, taking a moment to catch my breath.

Just then, she walks right out the exit. Before I know it, my legs are carrying me toward her.

"Aera!" I call out. Foreign relief overwhelms me.

She stops, looking left to right.

Closing the distance between us, I repeat her name. "Aera…,"

She whirls around, long curls streaming. Her stunned expression is adorable. Fuck. I've never called a woman adorable. Even as a teenager, I don't find women cute. But Aera is. And the sudden need to kiss her, grips me.

Surprised, her mouth drops. "It's you!"