Chapter Seven - Thirty Days Begin (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Time by Dane Amar"

It's amazing how sex can transform you into a ravenous beast – for food. Considering how much sweat is involved, I suppose it's a form of exercise. Muscles I don't know exist are screaming in protest with every move I make.

"Are you okay?" Dae touches my cheek, concern in his eyes.

Warmth envelops my heart. It feels nice to be cared for...different from familial love. I've only seen or read moments like this but to experience it firsthand, makes me sad that it's just a temporary arrangement.

I fix on a neutral smile, pushing aside the bad feelings. "I'm fine. I'm stuffed but otherwise, very satisfied." Openly, I eye his body. "I'm surprised you don't mind eating pizza. I don't think that chest or those abs are made with pepperoni and cheese."

When he asked me what I wanted to eat, I blurted out pizza and less than half an hour later, three stacks of pizzas arrive on his doorstep.

"It's a secret. If you tell anyone, I'll have to kill you." He winks and serves me a glass of wine while he has whiskey.

"Was that a joke?" I chortle, holding onto my tummy. "The more I get to know you, the more you amaze me. Do you know what's my first impression of you?"

His eyes are twinkling. "Go ahead, I'm all ears."

Leaning forward on my elbows, I tick off my fingers. "Impenetrable. Emotionally stunted. And very, very hot."

A corner of his lip curves up. "Unfortunately, I've heard them all before."

"Exactly!" I agree instantly. "Which is why it's astonishing how you don't fit those descriptions sometimes. But-" I pause, my voice gentling. "I like this version of you."

He rounds the counter to wrap his arms around me. Nuzzling my cheek, his breath tickles me. "You like me like this?"

I giggle when his hand sneaks up my thigh, the soft caress on my sensitive skin has my legs curling to my chest. "Stop it!"

"But you said you like me just the way I am." He doesn't relent. Yet another trait of his that I find vexing but admirable.

Twisting my head, I capture his lips with mine, tasting a hint of black label. He picks me up effortlessly and carries me to the sofa. Before I can get frisky, he pulls away. "I almost forgot. There's one thing we need to take care of."

The gravity of the subject reflects in his tone as he sets me down and removes a folder from a drawer. I take it from him, mildly curious. "What's this?"

"Our agreement contract."

A splash of cold water in my face. "I...I thought this is a mutual arrangement?"

"It is." He confirms. "But you know how paranoid I am. I can't afford mistakes, and this helps to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings during our time together." His words are cold and hurtful, a painful reminder of what I'm getting into. The way he's handling this, proves he has done it countless times. "Read it before you say anything else. If you want to add a clause in, I'll be happy to amend it."

Acquiescing, I read in silence.

Both parties agree to :

1. Mutually end the contract after 30 days and not more than.

2. Withhold personal information unless willing to divulge.

3. Not interfere or be involved in each other's personal lives.

4. Terminate the contract if either party wishes to do so before the 30th day.

5. Be sexually exclusive; automatic termination is granted if either party carries out improper conduct with the opposite sex.

6. Have no romantic entanglements with each other or a third party during and after 30 days of the contract.

"Wow," Air whooshes from my lungs like I just got sucker punched. "You really gave this a lot of thought. I didn't expect you to actually draw up a contract for fucking." A touch of anger colors my voice and Dae catches on, though his expression remains unperturbed. This contract makes me feel like I sold myself without the benefit of getting paid financially.

"I do everything I can to protect my own interest." He states, not unkindly but it's evident he won't budge. "The terms are straightforward, and I've highlighted the important points. Anything else, we can work around it later."

Regardless of knowing I came here unexpecting love, it's bitter to hear and see it written on paper. I'm such a girl. Quietly, I digest every black and white text before me, ending on a dotted line. "Am I to sign here?"

"Yes." Dae uncaps a Mont Blanc fountain pen for me, additional proof that he's a wealthy man. Who needs a thousand-dollar pen just to sign a contract? Rich guys do think differently. My hand hovers over the contract, hesitating to sign. "If I walk out that door now, will you let me?"

Bending on his knees until our gazes are level, he reminds me staunchly. "You want this too." He's not forcing me but the weight of his stare and tone, tells me he's not going to let me leave without a fight.

He's right.

I do want this, even if it makes me uncomfortable. People who know me will be shocked by my decision. I'm the good girl. Jumping into a man's bed or being his one-month lover, isn't like me.

But no one has to know.

I'm tired of not feeling, always being left out of the loop when it comes to sex or relationships. Making up my mind, I sign my name. "I won't lie. This contract is unpleasant, but I want to be open-minded and sophisticated about this relationship, even if it's just sex between us."

Dae relieves me of the contract, admiration in his eyes. "Then I guess we won't have any more problems. Let our thirty days begin."