Chapter Eight - You're Hired

Chapter Song Submission - "Houkago Teleport by Sayonara Ponytail"

I receive a text from an unknown number.

Unknown : Can I take you out for dinner tonight?

Me : Who is this?

Unknown : I hope you're prepared for another round of punishment.

Then it hits me, and I stifle a laugh, deciding to take a little sweet revenge.

Me : Sorry but, I think you have the wrong number.

It's several minutes before he replies.

Dae : Nice try, Aera. I just double-checked with your phone carrier and this number is registered to you.

Me : A normal man would have just asked.

Dae : I'm not a normal man. Get used to it.

Me : You should have asked for my number first. And to answer your question, yes you can take me to dinner.

Dae : Where are you now?

Me : I'm at Seoul station.

Dae : Stay there. I'm on my way.

A few minutes later, another text buzzes in.

Dad : How was the interview?

Me : I might have impressed Mr. Lee or insulted him for life.

Dad : If Chang-Min doesn't hire you, then he's an idiot.

Me : You shouldn't say that about your trusted manager.

Dad : He should be grateful I'm sending my only daughter to help him.

Me : I'm keeping my fingers crossed. By the way, I'll be having dinner with a friend. Don't wait up for me.

Dad : Okay, be careful. And don't stay out too late.

Dae's Mercedes Benz is parked at the station's main entrance. Secretary Park rounds the car to open the door for me and hurriedly, I climb in, embarrassed by the unwanted attention. The moment the door shuts, Dae hauls me into his lap, the incredible strength of "him" surrounding me.

"Dae!" I berate, arms flailing to steady myself.

He leans into me, inhaling deeply. "I knew this dress would look good on you. Has it only been hours since I saw you?"

His candor brings a rise to my cheeks, though it's short-lived as Secretary Park gets in behind the wheel, his eyes looking discreetly ahead. It strikes me that I'm not the first woman in this situation and I shouldn't compare but, nevertheless it's uncomfortable. Shoving against his chest, I order firmly. "Let me go."

Our eyes lock for a full minute before he relents, allowing me to slide away. I smooth out the creases on my dress and rearrange my hair.

"Secretary Park doesn't mind what we do, Aera." Dae remarks quietly, sensing my discomfort.

"But I do." I shoot him a stubborn glare. "You may be my first but I'm not yours."

His lips flatten disapprovingly but he's wise not to say anything.

I sigh at his expression. This man is like a hurricane of mood swings. "I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with this situation and," I hesitate on the brink of honesty, shoulders sagging. "When I imagine not being the only woman you've ever been with…it just…makes me feel cheap."

It's his turn to sigh. "Look at me."

Reluctantly, I do.

"Do you honestly think that?" He asks, searching my gaze.

I merely shrug. I'm not sure of anything these days.

He falls silent and then opens his arms. "Come here."

There is no deception in his eyes but a stark need to comfort. Without thinking twice, I dive into his arms, burrowing my face into his chest. His wonderful arms tighten around me and he presses a gentle kiss on my head. "Silly girl. You're not cheap. I'll be more careful in the future."

I lift my mouth for a kiss, and he gives me one. "Thank you." I murmur, content to be held for the entire drive. My heart stirs, knowing Dae could have chosen to be callous but for whatever reason, he chooses to safeguard my feelings. I know I shouldn't read too much into it.


The car pulls up outside a double story vintage house, surrounded by lush woodlands. I take in the terracotta walls and beautiful rose shrubs adorning the restaurant frontage. The slight mist in the air adds an ethereal quality to the place.

"Do you like it?" Dae asks, noticing my palpable admiration.

"It's beautiful." I acknowledge in wonderment. "I had no idea a place like this exists. It's like stepping into a fairytale."

A hand on my back, he ushers me into the restaurant. "It's away from the city but their exceptional food keeps them fully booked. They only accept a fixed number of customers every day."

This sounds like a place I'll never visit on my own. I'll bet the food here is above my paygrade. The attendant greets us, asking for our reservation and Dae responds in kind while I observe the interior. The restaurant holds a romantically quaint atmosphere, reminding me of a Renaissance garden. Almost everything is made of wood, except for the plaster carvings and pillars. Fresh plants sit in every nook and the floorboards are covered in Turkish carpets, the walls adorned with gilded paintings.

"If you'll follow me." The attendant guides us up a flight of stairs. Our seats are located on the balcony, overlooking the city lights twinkling in the distance.

"Oh wow!" I exclaim with bated breath, stepping towards the side railing. "It's breath-taking!." A chilly breeze skates by and I hastily brush back my hair, unable to tear my eyes away. "I can't remember the last time I left the city. Even the air smells great." I lift my nose and fill my lungs with the clean, crisp air of mother nature.

"I like to come here and unwind when I can." Dae tells me, pulling out a chair for me.

Reluctant to move but feeling ravenous after the long drive, I sit down and thank the waitress who hands me the menu. "So, what is good to eat here?"

"The steak, if you like red meat." Dae suggests, ordering us some wine. "The pastas are delicious as well and if you like poultry, I recommend the stuffed chicken with rosemary glaze."

"Everything sounds delicious when you're hungry." I give a short laugh. "What will you be having?"

He doesn't touch the menu. "I always have the steak."

"Then I'll have the same since it comes highly recommended." I turn to the waitress. "The steak please, medium-rare."

Once our orders are taken, I continue to appreciate the night panorama. "I've got to tell my friends about this restaurant. It's a hidden gem."

He merely smiles over the rim of his wineglass. "Where were you today? Secretary Park informed me he dropped you home but clearly you didn't stay there."

"I had a job interview."

That surprises him. "Oh? And what kind of job is it?"

"It's an assisting position in logistics. It was a last-minute opening, so the interview was completely unplanned."

A small frown tugs at his lips. "I can't imagine you working as an assistant."

"I don't mind." I say honestly. "The job responsibilities are perfect for me, and I know the manager. I think we'll get along perfectly if he decides to hire me."

Dae's scowling now. "Your manager's a man?"

I give him a saucy smile. "He happens to be extremely good looking too. Are you worried?"

He denies it by coughing aloud. "It doesn't matter because he isn't me. And I'm the one who gets to have you for the next four weeks."

Hands clasping my chest, I feign heartbreak. "Ouch. You sure know how to make a girl feel special. You may have been with plenty of women, but you're not a smooth talker."

"And you shouldn't even bring up my past dalliances." He retorts stiffly.

"I'm not delusional to discount the fact." I consider my words carefully. "Besides, it's a good reminder that our relationship is temporary. It's going to be a nightmare if I fall in love with you."

It's meant as a joke, but an indescribable emotion flickers in his obsidian eyes. Luckily, our steaks save me from having to address what I said, and we soon forget about it. For dessert, I am delighted when the waitress presents us with freshly baked apple pies and declares it's on the house.

I highly doubt it when her eyes never left Dae. It must be nice to have special treatment just because you're wealthy and good-looking. Well, who cares when I get to enjoy free dessert? Everyone's happy and that's all that matters.

Taking one bite, I declare in a heartfelt moan. "I think I just died and gone to heaven."

Dae chuckles, evidently amused by my enthusiasm for pastry. "I've never seen a woman eat as much as you do."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I take another bite, eyes closing in euphoria. "This is almost better than an orgasm."

"You're exaggerating." Dae picks up his own fork. "Nothing is better than sex."

"That's because you're a man. All you think about is sex."

"I'm not going to deny it." He finally takes a bite and then pauses.

Hand over my mouth, I try not to laugh too hard at his expression. "I'm right, aren't I? It's good?"

When he doesn't respond immediately, I pretend to pounce on his portion of pie. He stuns me by parrying my fork with his own. "I'm not gentleman enough to share my pie."

Still hunching over the table, I gasp in mock surprise. "Another joke in less than twenty-four hours?" I lift my eyes to the sky, searching dramatically.

"What are you looking for?"

"I'm watching out for the flying pigs."

He snorts inelegantly, cutting his pie into several bite-sized portions. "You're not funny, hellcat. Now, come here and sit on my lap."

I regard him with unconcealed suspicion. "Why?"

"If you don't want more pie, that's fine. I can finish it on my own."

In a heartbeat, I settle like an obedient child on his lap. "Are we allowed to do this here? I'm afraid the waitress is going to kick us out for indecency."

"Relax. I know the owner and if they want my patronage, they'll be wise not to care. If anybody stares, let them." He spears a piece of pie and feeds it to me. "I want them to be envious of you."

"You're very bad, Dae." I scold, even though I am smiling from ear to ear. One would think he just laid a dragon at my feet.

"Do you like it?" He gauges my reaction, eyes penetrating mine.

I nod happily with a mouthful of pie.

"Good." His voice drops, and he squeezes my thigh. "It's not my habit to hand out free service. You're going to earn this on your hands and knees tonight."

A vision of me crawling on the floor towards him, makes my sex clench in excitement. Leaning down to his ear, I whisper. "Then let's hurry up so you can take me home and make me earn every crumb."

Jaws tightening, his throat bobs up and down. "I'll buy you all the pies you want if we leave right now."

I get to have pies and multiple orgasms? Grinning widely, I say. "Deal."


Relentless vibrations on the bedside table wake me up. Groggily, I fumble for my phone.

"Hello?" I answer with a croak.

"Am I speaking to Ms.Yang?" A woman responds on the other line.

"Yes, this is she."

"Ms. Yang, are you indisposed to talk?"

"Hmm?" I mumble. "Umm no, I'm free to talk."

"I see." Uncertainty fills the woman's tone. "Well, I'm calling from Yang Logistics regarding your application for the assistant manager position."

I spring up in bed, hair draping messily over my face. "Yes, I'm listening."

"It seems congratulations are in order. You have been hired for the job. I'd like to confirm if you're able to start tomorrow morning. Our working hours are a standard eight to five."

"Yes!" I exclaim eagerly, clambering out of bed. "Yes, I can start work tomorrow morning."

"Excellent. Then, we'll see you tomorrow. Have a good day, Ms. Yang."

"You too. Thank you, Ms. Han." The moment it disconnects, I dance happily around the room.

I got the job! Who should I tell first?

Dae's name pops into my mind, but I decide against it. We agreed not to interfere in each other's lives and he might not appreciate me texting him while he's working. Opening my group chat with Nari and Hyeon, I tell them the good news.

Me : Guess who's paying for our next dinner date?

Nari : Hyeon Oppa?

Hyeon : Nice try, Nari. I foot the bill last time.

Nari : Don't be stingy, Oppa. I know how much you earn in a month ;)

Me : It's me! You're talking to Yang Logistics's new assistant manager.

Nari : What? No way! Since when?

Me : Since tomorrow morning.

Hyeon : Congratulations. But, this is quite unexpected. Why didn't you tell us?

Me : Dad pushed me for the last minute interview yesterday. I'm going to work with Lee Chang-Min. He's the guy who used to drop by my house when we were in college.

Nari : Oh, that NEET looking fellow.

Me : Trust me, he's broken out from his cocoon. I got the shock of my life when I met him yesterday. Want me to set you up, Nari?

Nari : Ha-ha! I'd rather date one of my father's goons than that nerd.

Me : You'll regret it. He's gorgeous.

Nari : Then you date him.

Hyeon : Save yourself the trouble, Aera. Nari's destined to be an angry, old spinster.

Nari : (ಠ_ಠ) At least I'll be rich, successful and still have a waistline.

Hyeon : It doesn't compensate for your barbaric behaviour.

I laugh. Nari won't take that lying down.

Hyeon : I have to go but why don't we grab dinner tomorrow night?

Me : Sure. You guys decide on what to eat.

Nari : Let him pay for his own meal. He's wealthier than both our riches combined.

Me : Ha-ha. Are you at home or at the lounge?

Nari : Home. You want to come over?

Me : I'm on my way.