Chapter Ten - La La Land (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Unfold by Alina Baraz & Galimatias"

After dinner, I take a cab to Dae's place, feigning fatigue when Hyeon offers to buy me a congratulatory drink. If they knew I'm spending the night with a man, Hyeon will blow a gasket, and Nari, well…she'll force me to spill the dirt and then congratulate me for losing my virginity. In that exact order.

I tip the driver and let myself into the house, still unaccustomed to its massive size. Dae's home is easily thrice of mine. Yet another reminder that he's not just rich, but obscenely wealthy.

Unsurprising, Dae awaits me by the foyer. Grinning ecstatically, I jump into his open arms, inhaling his scent - bergamot and clean laundry. "I missed you." I murmur into his sweater, squeezing him tight. "You smell nice."

He returns my hug twice fold and we stand there unmoving for a few minutes. "Who did you go out with?" He asks, stroking my hair.

"Hyeon and Nari. I dated them first so it would be rude to cancel on them." I lean back slightly, meeting his half-mast eyes. "I always keep my word."

"Hmm." Dae rumbles, the masculine sound echoing in his chest. "A woman of her word. How rare."

I smack him playfully. "Don't compare me to your other women."

He chuckles, finally releasing me. Those coal eyes stare at me intently.

"What is it?" Jittery nerves grip me when he remains silent.

"It's weird how I still haven't gotten tired of looking at you." He's half ruminating, puzzling what to make of me.

I purse my lips in faux annoyance, hands on my hips. "Do you want to be?"

"No. It's just a first for me. I don't think I ever will be." His voice turns dry. "Trust me, I've tried."

"Careful, lover boy or you'll just make me fall for you." I warn teasingly, moving to the kitchen for a glass of water. "Bet you'll never guess what surprise I have for you."

"Oh?" He arches a brow. "I love surprises."

"No, you don't." I retort playfully. There's no way a regimented man like him loves surprises. "But you'll love mine."

He watches me with sheer amusement. "Oh, really? I'll have you know, I'm very hard to please."

Setting my glass down, I walk up to him, head tilted. "Promise me, if you like my surprise, then you'll grant me one wish." I add for good measure. "Anything I want."

Dae rubs his chin thoughtfully, pretending to think hard. "That depends on your surprise. You know I don't hand out anything easily."

Oh, I know.

I vividly recall how hard he made me crawl for those apple pies and thanks to that experience, I'm wiser now. A mischievous smile creeps upon my lips and I urge him into the living room. "Turn down the lights and sit on the sofa."

Hours earlier, I pulled on a set of seductive lingerie I bought years ago but never had a chance to use. Now, I get to fulfil one of my sexual fantasies. A woman has no use for cute underthings if no man's going to see it.

Highly amused, Dae follows my instructions and sits elegantly with his legs crossed. Those midnight eyes track me like a wild animal, watching and anticipating.

Playing Alina Baraz's 'unfold' in the background, I step to the center with my back facing him. As the sensual notes croon from the speakers, my hips begin to sway.

With a sharp yank, my coat falls wide open. Slipping it off my shoulders, I take my hair down, letting the curls unravel to my waist. Dancing to the sultry rhythm, I turn around, noticing Dae's rapt attention. Stark, raw need replaces amusement.

Hands lifting, I slowly unbutton my fluffy, thin sweater, biting back a smile when his leg hits the ground.

Pop. One button slips open.

Pop. The lacy top of my bra plays peekaboo, teasing him with glimpses of my skin.

Pop. Pop. I slide one arm out, then the other, tossing the top aside.

Hands smoothing up the curves of my body, I tilt enough to display my lacy, eyelash bra. Soft pink, and luscious. Teasingly, I cup my full breasts and trail wicked fingers from my cleavage down to my navel. With a deft flick, my skirt unbuttons. Painstakingly slow, I shimmy it down my hips, making sure to bend over. Once its off, I smirk at his burning desire.

No longer composed, he's strangling the edge of the sofa. Hard.

Turning a full circle, I swirl my arms over my head, rolling and flexing my body before dropping to my knees. Like he taught me, I crawl, adding an extra sway to my backside, squeezing into the space between his legs. Grabbing his thighs, I lever up until our noses touch, mimicking the act of going for a kiss. Falling for it, he leans in, and I pull back immediately, smiling coyly.

Catching him off-guard, I forcefully shove him back and stand, hips undulating. Dae's eyes zero in on the pink lace garter and matching panties. His Adam's apple bobs. Turning around, I bend over, my pussy right at his eye level.

"Aera," He hisses in a breath. "Fuck!" Dae moves to grab me but I evade him, shaking my head. He reluctantly settles back down, his restraint taut like a rubber band about to snap. Intentionally, I bite my lips, knowing it turns him on. I climb onto his lap, pretending to ride. The song blends into a new one, this one with a sensual chorus of words singing 'undress you'. I meet his dilated pupils. "Can I?"

"What?" His thoughts completely muddled. I like how I affect him.

Ghosting kisses along his neck, I breathe him in. "Undress you."

"Go ahead." He leans back comfortably, waiting for me to lift his sweater and pull it over his head. Once he's half naked, I rake my nails lightly down his torso, leaving red marks that has him shivering.

"So, do you like my surprise?" I whisper into his ear, nuzzling his cheek like a kitten.

"I fucking love it." He growls in his sexy voice, fingers digging into my skin. "This is the best surprise I ever had." Gripping my chin, he force our gazes to meet. "It's much better than what I had planned for the night. I hope you're ready for stirring me up, hellcat."

His arm snags around my waist, holding me in place while a big hand creeps into my panties. "Did you enjoy your little strip tease? Is that why you're so wet?" He traces me, squeezing my puffy lips between two fingers. I moan at the sharp twinge of pleasure. "I bet I can slide into you right now."

Gasp! "That's because…I like how you…watch me." My lashes flutter as he plays with me, stroking and circling my clit – slow, then fast.

"You like being watched? Look at me." He commands forcibly and I can't deny him. "I want your eyes on me when you come."

"Ah!" I scream when he shoves two fingers inside me, his thumb continues rubbing me. I clutch him for balance, feeling the tension building inside me. He stretches me by adding a third finger and my pussy contracts involuntarily.

His malicious smile tells me he knows exactly what he's doing to my body. "That's it, hellcat. I want you to come all over my hands. Let me see how pretty you are when you come."

My mouth parts, my thighs shake from the intensity of hovering over him. A strangled moan escapes me when the first wave of my orgasm hits and I double over, crying out loud when he touches the elusive spot inside me. I find myself coming again, the pleasure doubling in intensity. "Dae! It's too much!"

"Yes, I can feel your pussy sucking me in. You can take it, Aera." He praises, pumping lazily before removing his fingers and holding them to my lips. "Clean them."

I obey, sucking my orgasm off his fingers, so enthralled by him that I don't notice him releasing his hard shaft until a round head pushes into me. I squeak in protest, reeling backwards. He's not wearing protection!

"Shh, relax. I'm clean and I'm not going to fuck you bare." He promises gently. "I just want to feel you. Just once. You make me crazy, Aera."

Emotions so raw, reflects in his obsidian gaze. I stupidly nod.

Because I'm so wet, he slides in smoothly. We groan simultaneously at the amazing feel of our sexes fitting like two pieces of a puzzle. I'm tight, and he's filling me to the point of breaking. Our bodies are covered in a sheen of sweat, his big body shuddering from the effort of holding still. "I knew you would feel so good." He grunts unevenly. "So hot."

He swells even more. I can't explain it but feeling him without a condom makes everything more intense. Voice thick with desire, he bites out. "Hold onto me. We're going to the bedroom."

With my legs around his waist, he marches up the stairs. The jostling movement sends him deeper inside and I involuntarily clench around his length.

"Stop it, Aera. If you squeeze any harder, I'm going to come inside you."

"But, it feels so good, Dae." I lean in to capture his lips, sucking on his tongue. Long fingers dig into my curves, as I move my hips, a shameless moan escapes me.

"I warn you before not to provoke the beast." His guttural voice spills.

I smile, tonguing his lips. "But it seems like you've woken up mine."

Reaching the bedroom, I protest when he pulls out of me and dumps me on the bed. I watch him undress and roll on a condom in record time. He rips off my panties, leaving on my garter and bra.

"We're going to do this all night long," He warns, dark passion on his face. "So show me your pretty tears." And then he plunges inside me.