Chapter Twenty - Dad (Part 2)

Perking up, I blink at the intimidating fellow. "Y-yes?"

"My employer wishes to have a word with you." He gestures to a black MPV parked by the curb, his intent obvious.

"And who is your employer?" Does he think I'm an idiot? Hell no, am I getting into a stranger's car.

"It's Minister Wang Won-Shik."

Immediately, I stand to attention. The man I assume as the driver opens the door for me, and sitting comfortably inside in all his elegant glory, is the man who has piqued my interest.

"Minister Wang." I climb in carefully, arranging my skirt. "To what do I owe this honorable visit?"

"It's time, Aera."

I cock my head, slightly puzzled. "Time for what?"

"We have a lot to talk about and I'm tired of waiting." He holds me in a penetrating stare. "It's also time you knew the truth about who you are."

Now I'm downright confused. "I…don't understand...,"

"Has your mother ever spoken about her past?" He asks painstakingly, like he's afraid to know. But what does he have to fear?

"No. My mother doesn't like talking about her past." I cast him a suspicious look, boldly demanding. "Why are you asking?"

"This is harder than I thought." He mutters, pulling out a paper file from the seat pocket in front of him. "Take a look at this."

I withdraw two sheets of paper. "This is a…DNA report." I find my name written in the column. It's my DNA tested against Wang Won Shik. I skim to the bottom. "99.9% match?" My hands begin to shake. "No. This isn't possible." I lift my eyes back to his. "You're telling me t-that…you're my father?"

"Yes, I'm your biological father."

Strength leaves my body and I collapse into my seat. "How is this possible…?"

"Would you like to hear a story? About your mother and I?"

I nod weakly.

"Your mother and I dated for three years in high school. Assuming based on your age, it seemed she lied about the miscarriage." He morosely shakes his head. "When you get your heart broken at eighteen, it feels like the world has ended. Thinking back, it's embarrassing how a teenager's mind works. Until I discovered your existence, I believed your mother never loved me and that she married Suk Chin to get back at me. The three of us have a complicated past. Once upon a time, I planned on marrying her, but my mother opposed our relationship. On our third year, Alina met Suk Chin and things started to fall apart." He visibly grimaces, as if recalling a bad memory. "I stupidly believed she fell in love with him but recently, I learnt she was forced to leave me. Knowing your mother, I believe she chose to do what was best for everyone. We were just penniless teenagers reliant on our family's wealth."

"After the supposed miscarriage, Alina left me. Bitter and broken, I allowed my mother to dictate my life, and married a woman I don't love." He heaves a bone-weary sigh. "Your grandmother passed away last year, and she confessed everything she had done to drive a wedge between Alina and me. I couldn't even be angry at a woman on her deathbed. I thought Alina left me because she no longer loved me but, she left to protect us both."

He returns to the present. "I want to be in your life, Aera. I know Suk Chin is the only father you'll acknowledge, but I'm a patient man. I can wait until the day you are willing to accept me. Your mother doesn't know I've been looking out for you, but now you know the truth. It's your decision whether to confront her about this." He clears his throat. "There's another reason why I wanted to talk to you." He hands me a second file. "This is yours, regardless of whether you acknowledge me as your father because it's mine to give to you. Go ahead, open it."

Fingers unsteady, I identify it as part of a will, and it read…assets…a million dollars' worth…bequeath…to my daughter…Yang Aera. Wait a minute. My head snaps up. "Is this a…?"

"Yes, upon my death, you will be allotted as much as one million united states dollars' worth of property."

"B-but…why?" I ask, feeling like I'm in an out of body experience. "You don't even know me."

"Because you're my blood, and because I loved your mother." He answers like it's that easy.

"Does your wife and children know? Aren't you afraid this will cause a scandal and damage your career?"

"Child." His tone is exceedingly patient. "When you live to my age and accumulate all this wealth…there's nothing much in life that I want more. I've fulfilled my life and done all the things I want to do. Now I just want to see my children happy, and to not repeat my past mistakes."

"I can't accept it." I stuff the paper back. The idea makes me balk.

"Burn the paper, I don't care. When I die, my lawyer's still going to knock on your door. It's set in stone. You might as well just take it."

"This is a lot to take in." I exhale shakily. "Am I like…a millionaire now?"

"Heiress is the appropriate term."

I pause glumly. "I heard about what you've done at the hospital. I didn't get a chance to thank you for saving my life but, this will is too much."

"Does a father need a reason to save his own flesh and blood?" He chuckles, eyes never leaving my face. "The property is yours and that's final. You're a good kid, Aera. Your mother did right in raising you, but I think Suk Chin is the one I should be thanking. He's always been a fixer."

"How close were the two of you?"

"We grew up in the same neighborhood. But after his family went bankrupt, we lost touch...until the day he met Alina."

"You're not angry with my parents for hiding the truth from you?"

Minister Wang looks taken aback. "Whatever for? I'm in Suk Chin's debt for taking care of Alina and you when I couldn't. I was a coward, and I was blindsided by greed. If Alina had stayed with me, I would have turned her into a bitter woman. Our love would fade, and we might end up getting divorced." He notices my woefulness and shrugs. "Or maybe we would have ended up happy and given you a sibling or two. But that's all in the past now. Your mother, Suk Chin, and I…we're history. Right now, only our children matters and I'm talking about you. My daughter is married and so will my son. And then, there's you, my eldest daughter."

I assume politicians are glib and tactful, but the following words out of his mouth aren't. "I thought you've stopped seeing that Yun boy. He's not right for you. His family is a bunch of rotten eggs despite their elevated status. That wife of his…" His lips thin with displeasure. "Steer clear from that one. If you're trying to minimize contact with Yun Kang-Dae, you shouldn't be going out with him."

"You think I don't know that?" My voice rises in frustration. Just because he's my biological father, doesn't give him the right to tell me what to do. "Please, don't talk about him. There are too many things happening in my life…and I…," I shake my head. "I just can't."

"I understand. But, if you need any help, know that I am here for you. You're not safe, Aera." He stresses the last part. "Your attacker is on the prowl and if I had it my way, you would be somewhere safe and sound. Suk Chin's still in a coma, so it's up to me to protect you in his stead. As your father, there's no reason for me not to."

"You keep saying that, but I don't know you at all!" I lash out fiercely, knowing he doesn't deserve my full anger. "We're strangers, Minister Wang. I can't just warm up to you because you want me to. I don't trust you. Do you understand where I'm coming from?" I vomit out several weeks' worth of emotional anxiety. "There's a psycho out there who's trying to kill me for God knows what reason! And my father's in a coma for God knows how long! I'm trying my best to keep everything together." I draw in a jittery breath. "A-And…I'm constantly making sure mom doesn't fall apart. Every. Single. Day. This is all I think about when I eat, sleep or work. I haven't had a moment's peace. It feels like my head's about to explode!"

My vision starts to blur, tears stinging my eyes. "A-and then…there's Dae…" I jab at the place my heart resides. "I can't get rid of him! And now he's back where he doesn't belong, messing with my heart and mind. I-It's…too much!" I sob, sniffling hard. "I've been so stressed! There's no one I can talk to who understands what I'm going through. Everyone else is busy, I don't want to burden them. It's been tough…I just…I just wish…my dad was here…I miss him so much!"

Minister Wang surprises me by tenderly pulling me into his arms, the warmth of his body – a father's scent. I cry harder. I miss being comforted. I miss having someone to rely on. I miss my Dad. He strokes my hair like I'm a little girl, patting my back in a gentle, rhythmic pattern that calms me down, almost like a lullaby. "Shh…shh…everything's going to be okay."

It feels like an hour when I finally stop crying. Cheeks flaming, I apologize for staining his shirt. Minister Wang unexpectedly laughs it off. "I get to hold my daughter after twenty-seven years…a ruined shirt is nothing in comparison."

"Thank you, for hearing me out." My head lowers. "I didn't realize how much I've been bottling up inside. I feel better, and my head's clearer."

"Good." He sounds pleased and sure of me. "It's always good to get your priorities straight. Think about what I said when you're home." Rummaging in his coat pocket, he hands me a name card. "Whatever you need — big or small, or if you need someone to talk to, just call this number. I've never been father of the year but whatever I can do for you starting today, don't you hesitate to tell me. Alright?"

I pocket his name card. "Alright."

The car comes to a complete stop, and I see we've arrived in my residential neighborhood. The door automatically slides open for me.

"Go on." He urges. "I know your mom's waiting for you to drop by the hospital tonight. Get yourself cleaned up, and don't let her worry. She needs you to be strong."

I stare at this man who is my real father. Studying him, I realize my blue tinged eyes are from him, not my mother. He really is my father. Launching my arms around him again, I give a final squeeze. "Thank you. I hope we'll meet again. I'd like for us to get to know each other."

His body relaxes, and he pats my back. "I'm glad you feel the same way."

With a tiny smile on my lips, I walk into the house, setting my purse aside and changing my clothes. Packing my mom's overnight bag, I include some snacks and leave out the back door to grab my bicycle when a large hand covers my mouth from behind.

Eyes wide, I scream, though it's heavily muffled. A sharp blade digs into my neck. I feel a sharp sting. "What did I say! I told you to stay away from him! Why didn't you listen? Now you just made me mad and you're going to have to learn another lesson. Bitch!"

I don't get to brace when the punch slams into my healing ribs.

"Arghhh!" I hunch over from the excruciating pain. My assailant flings me to the ground where I nurse my throbbing injury. It's hard to breath, let alone fight back. He picks me up by the collar of my shirt and throws another punch into my cheekbone. I crumple to the ground. Curling myself into a protective ball, I endure the unrelenting kicks and cruel stomps to my hips, back and legs. I'm close to passing out when I hear a couple of men yelling in the distance. It scares my attacker enough for him to run off.

"Hey! Are you alright?" A man drops beside me. I can't focus on him, overwhelmed by pain. My ribs are in bad condition. Nausea grips me when they try to help me up. Immediately, I vomit. The two men jump back. "Oh shit, this is bad."

"Hospital. We need to take her to the hospital." The other man insists and scoops me up. "You drive. I'll inform President Kang at once."


Author's Message : How's the story so far? I'd love to hear from you. Comment below :)