Chapter Thirty - The Ex is Back (Part 2)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Bad Boy by CARYS"

Menacing tension fills the air. I take a threatening step forward as does she.

"Calling names? We're not in high school anymore." I jeer. This is kind of fun. Usually, I don't like confrontations but something about this woman rubs me the wrong way, in every way imaginable. Sometimes in life, there's this one person you meet that you just don't like for unknown reasons. You can't get along, and you can't stand the sight of them. Well, she's that person for me.

Dae emerges from the room, carrying his overnight bag and coat. "Let's go, Aera. If I leave the both of you together any longer, you might tear the penthouse apart."

How thin are the walls here? I'm too vexed to feel embarrassed that he overheard me staking my claim on him. I march out the door, eager to leave. The less contact I have with her, the better. She brings out the worse in me and today I learn that my green-eyed monster isn't well-behaved. Heck, I've never dated anyone before Dae.

If jealousy has a virginity, then I just popped mine seconds ago.

"I'll contact you soon, Jin Ae. Rest well." Dae declares and shuts the door. When we're finally alone, he asks. "Now will you tell me what the hell was that all about? How do you know Jin Ae?"

"You first," I retort heatedly as we walk to the lift. "And not about your past. I want to know why you were both half naked."

"Like I said, she barged into the penthouse unannounced and told me about her situation. She needed a place to stay, and I needed her help, so we got to talking over some wine. She accidentally spilt the bottle and ruined our clothes. I offered her an extra shirt. That's when you appeared."

I want to throw my hands up in defeat. "That's the oldest trick in the book! She was coming on to you. I'm confident that with your experience, you already know that."

The insufferable man grins, like he's enjoying every second of my tantrum. "You're jealous, admit it."

"Of course, I am! What sane woman doesn't get jealous over a situation like that? Do you know how many couples fight and then break up over stupid misunderstandings like that?" My chest heaves with every breath I take. "How would you feel if that was me with another man?"

His face is suddenly all lines and angles, male beauty in its purest form. "I'll kill the bastard."

I give him a pointed stare. "Then do you see where I'm coming from?"

"Yes." He sighs, mouth firming. "Don't worry. Jin Ae and I are long over. Besides she's no longer my type." His eyes darken. "I'm into a certain hellcat."

Oh no. He's not getting away that easily. "Your taste in women was highly questionable." The lift arrives and we step in. "For your information, I met her at the recent dinner party. She was hitting the poor staff for accidentally tripping her, and I couldn't just let it happen. Needless to say, your friend is a bully, and we hate each other. To death."

"Jin Ae's always been high-strung and prone to fits. She's spoilt."

"No shit. She had no right to mistreat another human being. I don't know what you saw in her." I pull a face. "On second thought, I think I know why and please don't answer that."

He concedes, regarding me with open amusement.

We reach the basement and I see his black Range Rover parked up front. He takes my bag and loads up the boot. I climb into the passenger seat and strap on my seatbelt. "I don't want to talk about her anymore. I don't like who I am where she's concerned. As long as you know your limits around her, then I trust you. Look at me." I wait until our eyes meet. "If I ever catch on that you are with her, in any way that hurts my feelings, then we're through. That's where I draw the line. The same rules apply to me. Do you agree?"

"You have my word." He vows solemnly.

"Good." I settle back for the ride. "Then we have no problem. And I'm sorry for chewing your ass out. Jealousy feels like I'm tackling constipation."

He chuckles at my remark. "I think you handled it quite well. I enjoyed the show you put on. I especially love how you marked me as yours. Poaching, was it?"

"I knew it! You were eavesdropping."

"No," He's cool as a cucumber. "The both of you were just loud."

"Enough of that," I change the subject. "By the way, where's Ji-Hoon? He isn't coming with us?"

"He's staying with Secretary Park."

"Does Secretary Park have a personal life? He's always running errands for you, and now he's playing babysitter. I admire his dedication, but I can't help feeling bad for him."

"Don't be. I pay him well to do his job." President mode, on.

"We should bring him a souvenir from Jindo." I reflect.

Dae grunts.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you. A few days ago, Minister Wang came to visit me at the hospital, and he told me…that he wants to officially adopt me into his family. Which means, I'll be publicly acknowledged as his daughter."

Dae digests this information in a dead silence.

It makes me a little anxious. "I didn't ask but I think he might be doing this to…help me."

"I know what he's doing." Dae growls softly, tightening his grip around the steering wheel. "And we don't need his help."

"What are you aware of that I'm not?" I demand with sneaking suspicion.

"You'll know soon enough." He responds vaguely. "Minister Wang's only doing this because he thinks I'll fail. Now I'm certain he has been keeping tabs on me."

Concern overrides skepticism. "You're not involved in anything dangerous, are you?"

"Of course not. I'm working on our future, and when the time comes, you'll know. Everybody will."

I feel sad that he's unwilling to share his plan with me. I hope he's not assuming again, because my future is tied to his. If we're going forward, then we have to make decisions together. "You know I don't like having decisions made for me." I remind him warily.

"Oh, I remember." The tiniest of smiles appear on his face. "Just anticipate it as my gift to you."

I lean away in mock horror, deliberately teasing. "That sounds scary."

"I think it'll be the most romantic thing I'll ever do in this lifetime."

His bold statement has my brows flying up. "Oh-ho! Really? I can't believe the word romantic is coming out of your mouth. Now I'm piqued."

He laces our fingers together, cradling our hands in his lap. Gravity weighs down his jauntiness. "To be truthful, I'm worried about the outcome of this trip. I may sound confident but, I've been taught to never show my weaknesses even if I'm not feeling brave. Everything I have, I'm putting it on the line. Up to date, this might be the biggest risk I've ever taken, and thanks to you, I finally know what I want in life. Growing up in the Yun household, the elders shaped us into what they want their children to be. I never thought about what I'd like to be when I was a child. I just knew I have to be the heir. I have to compete with my siblings. I have to be number one. I have to be the President of Yun Corporation. Reflecting on it, yes I have the riches and power but in the end, I was like the family dog who obeyed their every command, even married a woman I didn't love."

"Never once had the thought of rebelling crossed my mind until I met you. And I don't want you to feel burdened by my words. You told Jin Ae that I'm a grown man who can make my own decisions." That has me blushing. I can't believe he heard that too. "And you're absolutely right. When we first met, I was falling for you but the bonds I shared with the Yun family held me back. I'm not proud of being afraid but, I guess it's natural to fear the people who made you. I'm not talking about my parents, but the entire foundation on what my family is built upon. Decades of culture and history lives and breathes inside me. It's hard to shed it off overnight."

I caress his hand with my thumb, instilling my spirit into him.

"Because of me, you went through hell and nearly lost your life, and I'll forever regret that, even if you forgive me." The remorse in his voice pierces my heart. "I boast about being a free man but I'm never truly free. So, this time, I want to break free and live life the way I want to, with you and Ji-Hoon. Just the three of us, and hopefully the numbers will soon grow." He stares intently at the promise ring on my finger.

I flush, knowing he's talking about children. I'm also touched that the man I used to think is cold and impenetrable, is baring his soul to me. It mustn't be easy for him. "Thank you for confiding in me. It's been hard not knowing what you're thinking constantly, but I appreciate you telling me this. And I hope you'll continue to do so in the future. We can't read each other's minds and I know it's not easy, to pluck up the courage to be honest sometimes, but we're in this together. You're not alone anymore. I'm here with you and I'm ready to fight for us. Months ago, I was afraid too. I didn't believe in you…us…and there was your deceased wife. We've been through plenty and I think this time, I can envision the end of the tunnel when I'm with you. I'll go wherever you want to go. I just want to be with you, and Ji-Hoon."

A tight squeeze from him tells me he appreciates my honesty too. I don't expect words from him, because they're not necessary, not when our hearts are beating as one.