Fighting for what is right

After I could not help the others I found out that my history was a wolf that my mom and dad did not tell me about before they die. Tyler came in and heard me talking to myself and was about to say my name when the others came in hurt and bleeding to death.

Lanna pov

Hey guys what happen to y'all and we're is Shelby?


Guys were are y'all at and were is the Dino bites cafe. huh this looks familiar? It looks like a den full of wolf tracks?

After we were talking the boys were saying that they saw Tyler and try to follow him to his hideout and bring him back but they were attack by a wolf pack and it looks like they were trying to come here. Lanna we think they were trying to find you and Adrianna Chase said. What are you talking about Chase? I have no clue what you are talking about and if you..... the Dino phone who is Shelby!?

(Shelby on the Dino phone)

Hey I found a den that had has bunch of wolf tracks and I ..... sorry guys I got to run what ever you do tell Tyler I said I love him and Ahhhhhh No!

I froze in fear and fell to the ground and ran outside to find Tyler but I couldn't lose the boys and I told them to stay here and do not follow me please. Lanna we have to stick to... But I interrupt Riley when he was trying to tell me something. Riley I am sorry but I must go alone to find Tyler and yes he is a live. So I ran outside and saddle up my black horse and we rode to the woods and out of no were a black wolf jump out and spoke my horse and starts to buck me off, I land on the ground and was knocked out for a long time and I heard the team coming to help me up. Lanna wake up wake up Tyler said. Huh what happen? You were knock out pretty good and why are your eyes turning gold Chase said? Oh no ummm guys y'all need to get back! I started to growl and snarl at them but they knew I would not hurt them. Lanna calm down know Adrianna said to me in her serious voice. I look up and look at the cave that Shelby fell in and start to walk to the cave but Adrianna tackled me and hold my down until I was back to normal. Adrianna what was that for I was about to find Shelby! Lanna the wolves that you thought that they were wolves were not a wolf Adrianna told me. I look at the team and got up and saw my boyfriend Dominic he was in shock on what he saw and walk to me in happiness seeing that I am ok. Dominic what are you doing here I said? That is my question Lanna? Oh umm the thing is that I am a power ranger. What are you talking about Lanna Dominic said? Dominic I am the sliver ranger that can summon a dinosaur and a werewolf. Lanna Tyler said. We are not so posed to tell anyone our secret Tyler told me. Tyler Dominic does not tell secrets to anyone is that right Domi.... Dominic were are you? Over here Lanna Dominic yield behind me. Ahhh you found a energy gem Dominic but how Shelby ask him in a confusion way? I do not know but I am a orange ranger!shh I said fury is going to hear us. lol I all ready found y'all fury told us! Fury if you my hurt friends or Dominic you are going to get hurt bad!

(Fury pov)

Well look what we got here a wolf girl that is not a wolf but just a scared girl that is a wimp. Hahahahahahah!

Shut up fury .you do not like what you are going to see but just you head on the tree for the coyotes and other animals that is happy to see me kill you and rip you in shreds! Umm Lanna you are getting angry again Koda said. I started to growl and snarl ,grow paws, I let my fangs come out sharper than ever. Adrianna and I was a full blooded werewolf and will stop anything in our paths to get revenge on sledge and fury.

(Rangers pov)

It is morphen time !

Me and Adrianna ran at top speed to get fury but the small vinex was in our way to attack but on the top of the hill standing was Jacob black, Edward, Bella, Sam, and the hole pack was there even the maze runners. I nudge Adrianna for her to look up and point up at the hill and she saw her friends there with the twilight break of dawn. They watch me and Adrianna and the team fighting of the stupid dum vinex. Lanna Adrianna said. what is it? Nothing it I funny how you make a bad remark to fury Adrianna said . Hey know. I tried to make them scared of us but no the one and only stupid edit dum tiger is not smart at all I told Adrianna. Ok that is enough of that stuff about me fury yelled at me and my team. Well fury it is your fault that you are a dum monster and not smart,lazy,try to prove to your self to your boss and you are to slow to even get us fury! Jacob black jump down and attack fury with his pack and Sam's pack following him behind and running along aside them was the maze runners and Bella and Edward fighting with us. I help them and Adrianna took down the vinex will they were busy watching and running to push us off of fury. But I saw them running towards us and I run with my jaw open ready to tackle them.

(Jacob Black pov)

Hey umm who are you and what do you think your doing?

Name is Lanna and I am full blooded werewolf and I am a power ranger that love animals and saving the earth from harm.

When I was talking to Jacob, Fury hold his sword up in the air and lighting was running straight towards me but Adrianna ran in front of me and blocked the attack from hitting me. Adrianna got knock back and hit her head on the rock. Me and Jacob ran to her but she was knock out bad but by that time but that is when things got serious and deadly. I ran at fury for attacking Adrianna and try to kill me but Thomas got there first and tackle fury for me to end fury's life but right when I got to him he knock Thomas over and ran to the space pod and agent back to his ship. Everyone ran to Adrianna and took her to the hideout and put her in the room she was staying in. Adrianna wake up I told her.