Chapter 1: The Return of the Fortune Teller

"Zijin, although you are our biological daughter, we have raised Xiao Xuan for fifteen years, and we have a deep relationship with her. She has been rich since she was a child, and not as hard as you have been in the country, so the eldest lady of the Ying family is still Xiao Xuan."

"You will be wronged, but you're so kind. Mom knows you won't mind. Don't worry, you would have nothing less."

"What? You want to go? Are you kidding? What people want is a celebrity. You don't even know a piano song. You will only lose face when you go."

In the dream, there are chaotic figures with their disgusting and contemptuous glances, and noisy words.

After a few seconds, Ying Zijin woke up completely.

Her long eyelashes moved, her eyes opened, and what caught her eye was a white ward, with the smell of disinfectant in the nose.

"Yo, awake?" There was a sarcastic voice from above her head, "I thought you were dead. Don't move, what do you move? What are you going to do if the needle missed?"

One hand pressed her, seemingly inserting the needle but in fact, pinched her wound hard, used her nails to pinch it into the flesh.

However, there was no trace of pain on the girl's expression. When she flipped her wrist, she pressed that hand back on the bedside table.

The woman suddenly suffered pain and screamed; "Are you sick?!"

"Xiao Jin!" There was another young woman in the ward. She was taken aback and hurried forward, "This is Doctor Lu, she's not going to hurt you."

The girl turned her head, a pale to bloodless face was exposed to the air, sick and lacking energy.

But when you look closely at her facial features, they are very delicate. She has a beautiful phoenix eye, with a slight turn, there is a shallow light passing by, floating green and flowing pill, bright and extinguished.

She has a powerful charm that makes people lose their minds.

The woman's eyes flickered, and with a caring voice; "Xiao Jin, is there anything else that makes you feel uncomfortable?"

The girl did not say a word but her hand loosened.

Doctor Lu rubbed her wrist and backed away, reprimanding; "It really is an uncultivated white-eyed wolf."

Ying Zijin raised her eyes, her long and narrow phoenix eyes were still stained with water and dew. Her voice was wrapped in the low dumbness that came after waking up, and it was gloomy and cold: "Sorry, I just woke up, I thought a dog bit me."

Dr. Lu's expression changed: "You!"

"Okay, Xiao Jin already apologized, stop arguing." The woman persuaded with her softened voice. She pursed her lips, her face was full of self-blame, "Xiao Jin, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for my illness, you don't have to give me a blood transfusion. I didn't expect that this time would make you faint."

"That's what she deserves!" Dr. Lu looked disgusted, "Isn't she the poor adopted daughter of your Ying family? You still need special care and ask me to help her raise her body? You are not so good to your real niece, are you?"

The woman sighed with relief, "Xiao Jin has suffered so much, how can he compare with Xiao Xuan?"

"It's not comparable. "Doctor Lu laughed contemptuously," I heard from my brother that she is second in grade, but unlike some white-eyed wolf who has been admitted into the elite class by money, and was dropped by more than 300 points from the second to last place, it's really embarrassing."

The woman frowned, "Don't say that, Xiao Jin was still number one in her former middle school."

Doctor Lu sneered: "The first place in a county can't even pass the exam."

However, the conversation between the two did not affect Ying Zijin at all. She glanced at the woman casually, and a name emerged in her mind— Ying Luwei.

Her Little Aunt, 25 years old, is the first lady in Shanghai and a famous pianist in China. Because of genetic mutations, Ying Luwei suffers from hemophilia.

Once a wound occurs, patients with this disease will bleed continuously and are difficult to heal. Moreover, her blood type is extremely rare, Rhnull, which is extremely difficult to match, and there is no complete cure yet.

Ying Zijin glanced at her slender wrist where she could even see the blood vessels, and looked lazy: "Tsk."

She's not dead yet. She died in the Spiritual Cultivation world and returned to Earth where she once came to, and her name is still Yingzijin, but she is no longer the God of the world of spiritual cultivation who "determines life and death with one hexagram, sees misfortune and happiness at a glance".

She is now an adopted daughter of Ying's family who can't be shown, or Ying Luwei's living blood bank available on call.

This time she fainted because Ying Luwei was injured. She was forced to draw blood for several days, and she couldn't resist.

"What the hell was going on at that time?" Doctor Lu looked at Ying Luwei, "Who pushed you down? You are beside her, did you see it?"

The last sentence was addressed to the girl.

Seeing that she didn't move, Dr. Lu suddenly came up with anger: "What do you want to say, dumb?" "Noisy." Yingziyan was lazy, "Quiet."

"What is your attitude?" Dr. Lu slapped the folder in her hand on the table with a sneer, "Lu Wei, I'm sorry but look at how she behaves. I'm not going to cure of her now."

Ying Zijin slowly gathered her clothes together: "The door is there."

Doctor Lu wanted the girl to say soft words and begged her. She didn't expect to punch a cotton. she looked embarrassed for a moment, and her face was aching in pain. She dropped a sentence "What kind of prestige do you think you have, bitch?", left in a hurry.

"Xiao Jin!" Ying Luwei scolded, "Doctor Lu is an expert convalescent physician. If she goes away, what should you do with your body?"

"Well, an expert on glucose infusion." Ying Zijin said faintly, "I don't know. Yes, I thought I was going to have some major surgery."

Ying Luwei's heart jumped: "Xiao Jin?"

Ying Zijin sat up on the bed with her elbows: "But what the Doctor said makes sense, and I want to know it too. Whoever pushes my little aunt down, the evildoer will always show his feet."

She picked up the phone by the bed and looked at the woman: "Don't you think so?"

Suddenly, the girl's momentum was overwhelming and Ying Luwei couldn't stand it at all. She frowned and was displeased: "Xiao Jin, you shouldn't be willful anymore. I don't care if you hurt me or not, but if you keep doing this, one day when you ran into a big person, how can I protect you?"

"Thank you in advance, I heard that this ward was specially selected for me." Ying Zijin looked up at the number plate, and seemed to be smiling. "The number is good."

After she finished speaking, she didn't look at the woman's expression, and went straight out of Ward 914.

Ying Luwei bit her lip, her eyes condensed.

She pondered, pressed a number on the phone, and then turned and whispered: " Moyuan? Xiao Jin normally listens to you the most, can you help me persuade her?"

The other side of the phone didn't expect to hear such a sentence, and there was a moment of silence, indifferent: "You take good care of her, leave her alone, and if she has to keep an inch, I will send someone to send her away."


The snow is fluttering and everything is wrapped in silver.

The city of Shanghai stands along the coast, and there is no snow in the middle of winter, but at the beginning of this year, snow fell in mid-February, scattered in the night sky, freezing cold.

People come and go on the streets at nine o'clock in the evening, which is very lively.

The girl only wore a simple black shirt, her legs were slender and straight, she was carrying a shoulder bag, walking slowly, and she was extremely incompatible with everything around her.

Her face was pale but she was beautiful, and occasionally the light of neon lights flashed between her eyebrows and eyes, as if tiny stars were slowly wafting away.

The opposite street--

"Hey, Seventh Young Master." Nie Chao's eyes were certain, and he slammed into the waist of the person next to him, "Guess who I saw?"

"Huh?" The man looked loose, "You saw your old lover again. Is it?"

He leaned against the wall, slender and lazy, with a frown.

His fingers playing with jade, but his hand is whiter than the jade.

The wind and snow dimmed his eyebrows but did not hide the exquisite beauty. On the contrary, it became more dusty.

The man has a pair of naturally smiling peachy eyes which are slightly bent, looking at everyone as if they are showing affection, and sultriness.

Born to be an enchanting evildoer.

Nie Chao thought to himself, it's no wonder the ladies couldn't see anyone else when facing such a face, he wanted to kneel even when he is a man.

"What old lover, I never eat grass. I saw the girl adopted by the Ying family a few months ago."

The man hummed absent-mindedly, his right leg bends slightly, and the slightly raised face is just right and perfect, whether it is the curves or outlines of his face causing the passersby to look back frequently.

Nie Chao knew that he was not interested, so he said: "You just came back, you don't know, this Ying's adopted daughter seduced her little aunt's fiancé." The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally reacted: "Jiang Moyuan?"

"It's him. "Nie Chao sighed, "She's so courageous."

Jiang Moyuan is a generation older than their elder brothers, but he is only five or six years older. Before reaching thirty, he is already the number one in the company, a native of Shanghai. People will respectfully call "San Ye Jiang".

Jiang Moyuan and Ying Luwei are also very close friends, both from the four giants, one is the first lady in Shanghai, and the other is the man most ladies want to marry.

Nie Chao sighed: "Seventh Young Master, you say that if you are doing a good job, with your face, you must be the one they want to marry the most."

Apart from Jiang Moyuan, the most famous man in Shanghai City is in front of him. The seventh youngest master of the Fu family, Fu Yunshen.

It's just that the latter doesn't have a good reputation. It seems that apart from having a face and being rich, he can't find any other advantages.

But Nie Chao felt that he could not see through this dude brother.

Fu Yunshen narrowed his eyes and smiled casually: "I don't want to be like him."

"That's right." Nie Chao said, "It's better to spend a lot of time in drinking. I'm this free because I'm not the only one in my house, and won't be caught by the old man to inherit the company."

Fu Yunshen said nothing.

"You may not know that Ying's family will adopt her just to provide Ying Luwei with blood. It's very pitiful." Nie Chao said again, "But poor people must be hateful. I think this Ying family's adopted daughter doesn't have a good character."

He looked at the girl, inevitably amazed: "But she is really good-looking. Tsk. Tsk. Those in the imperial capital can't compare to her." Fu Yunshen still didn't respond, his peachy eyes were slightly low, not knowing what he is thinking.

He is the only one gossiping, and Nie Chao became bored. Just as he was about to ask a man if he wanted to go in the newly opened bar, he was suddenly surprised: "Hey, seventh young master, this Ying family's adopted daughter seems to be in trouble."

There are five street gangster, who didn't know where it came from, blocked the girl's way, with a malicious smile on their face, two of them still have knives in their hands.

Many people around saw it but they all just glanced indifferently, and then hurried away.

"I believe now that there is retribution." Nie Chao didn't move, watching the show, "Look at her thin arms and legs, it's pitiful."

Fu Yunshen did not look at it but said: "Go help."

"Help?" Nie Chao suspected that he had heard him wrong, "No, seventh young master, you actually asked me to help her? Do you know how bad her reputation is in Shanghai? If I go there, it will be fishy. "

"She's just a little girl." Fu Yunshen lifted his eyelids, "What you heard are just rumors. With the deep waters of the rich where black and white inversion is the norm, how can you know what kind of person she is?"

Nie Chao thought so too. "But why am I going to help?"

Fu Yunshen was lazy: "You can do karate."

"Good, good." Nie Chao was helpless, "I'll go help, but if I'm taken by this Ying family's adopted daughter, I can just say it's you."

"Yeah." Fu Yun said faintly, "Count me."

Nie Chao stepped forward reluctantly but before he arrived, an accident happened.

He saw the girl suddenly clasped the bastard's arm with no expression on her face, raised her backhand, and was doing a shoulder throw. The action was extremely fierce and fast.

Within ten seconds, she punched and kicked, lifted her elbows, and quickly knocked down the remaining gangsters without panting.

Almost everyone was caught off guard, and all passersby around were shocked.

Nie Chao was dumbfounded: "..."


Fu Yunshen narrowed his eyes and slowly stood up straight, raised his peachy eyes, and suddenly smiled.


=Author's Note:=

Precautions for entering the pit:

1. The kind of cookies that are both physically and mentally clean and redeem each other, which is super sweet without abuse!

2. The female protagonist, a full-level boss, counts the world, is an important role that appeared in the last book "Ling Fei Qingtian: The Demon Emperor Has Been Captured", interested babies can take a look.

3. The male protagonist is flirty and beautiful, showing off his thigh?

4. Favorite baby collection + leave a message, don't like it or don't hurt it, please read the article in a civilized way~