Chapter 11: Fu Yunshen 'My Kidney is Weak?'

Jiang Moyuan's incident was a lesson from the past.

The only thing to be thankful for is that it wasn't known to many. Jiang Moyuan and Ying Luwei didn't care, otherwise the other three giants and the small families in Shanghai would laugh at them secretly.

Since taking the real daughter back, the Ying family has never had a peaceful life.

Moreover, the second lady really didn't know herself and didn't see if she was worthy.

Zhong Manhua said with a cold expression: "That's true. If you didn't mention it, I would almost forget."

It's better to go to Zhong's house to save her from worrying about it. Her daughter, she really didn't learn well.

She would never allow this kind of thing to happen again. If she were to discredit the Ying family, she doesn't know where to place her face.

Zhong Manhua began to call Zhong's family: "Well, yes, by then Shen Zhou will live with my eldest brother. I know that Zhiwan is the same age as him and they can take care of each other..."

Seeing Zhong Manhua changed her mind, the housekeeper put down his heart, went upstairs and call the person who was still sleeping.


In the bedroom on the third floor.

A girl was sleeping soundly on the bed, her sleeping position was not stable, she was curled up and wrapped herself in a quilt into a pufferfish.

Half of her slender legs are exposed to air, and the skin is as white as cold porcelain under the sunlight coming from the window.

Suddenly –


"Dingdong dingdong!"

The cell phone under the pillow rang frantically and vibrated non-stop.

Ying Zijin pressed her head, somewhat irritated.

She opened her eyes, rolled over, took out her phone, and clicked on an app called "Weibo".

It got stuck for seconds before it opened. The message was full of red dots.

The girl lowered her eyes, her frosty eyebrows wrapped in impatience.

At the top of the Weibo homepage, there is a Weibo posted by Ying Luwei at 11:30, which has mentioned her.

In just a few minutes, it was reposted by thousands.

[Ying Luwei V: Thank you for your concern [Love], I have recovered and I came up here to report to everyone. This time, thanks to Ying Zijin, I also want to say sorry to Xiao Jin here. Auntie was too careless, hurt herself, and made you lose so much blood to her. If you blame her, she can understand. But my sister only hopes that you won't run out in anger next time, everyone is very worried. ]

Ying Luwei is a well-known pianist in China, and she is beautiful.

She has a noble status, from a famous family, and a fiancé who dotes on her and loves her well.

This kind of life winner is simply the envy of many.

In addition, she is very friendly. So, she is very popular on the Internet, with more than 40 million fans which is even more popular than the average second-tier celebrity.

After this Weibo was posted, the topic #YingLuwei Recovery instantly appeared on the hot search list, and is still rising rapidly.

All the comments on Weibo are both encouragement and comfort from fans.

[Weibao have a good rest. Waiting for you to have a concert. ]

[Our Weibao is really kind and beautiful, and we have to comfort the children when we are injured. ]

[Weibao is a little fairy. Every time I listen to Weibao playing piano, I can calm down no matter how irritable I am.]

Ying Zijin wasn't interested. She only glanced and directly unload the microblogging, going back to sleep.

But before she quit, there was another string of "ding ding dong dong dong".

It is a private mailbox, which comes from a message from a person who wasn't following her.

[Why did you run? Weibao was worried about you so much, and it was you who injured Weibao. What happened to a blood transfusion? ]

[Just an adopted daughter, dare to blame Weibao? Who gave you the courage? Haha, you are so ridiculous. ]

[Weibao is so good-tempered that she was so bullied. It is only natural for you to give Weibao a blood transfusion. Otherwise, why would Ying Family raise you? ]

[You don't want to pay when you have gained glory and wealth. What is it? ]

All are insults and accusations, one is more vicious than the other.

Ying Zijin pressed her head, even more annoyed.

It wasn't that she was really irritated by these remarks, but she got up very angry.

I finally got a good night's sleep but I couldn't settle down.

Within a second, the phone rang again, this time with soft and soothing music.

She glanced at the name and picked it up.

On the other end of the phone was a man's lowered voice, with a slight smile, as if the confusing voice behind her ears last night was lingering.

"Kid, are you awake?"

The hostility in the girl's eyes slowly faded. She lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "Just woke up."

She didn't lose her temper. She is pretty cute.

"Huh?" Fu Yunshen said with a loud voice, "What did you do yesterday? This voice sounds like a newborn kitten. You haven't slept early last night?"

Ying Zijin thought for a while: "No, I slept at 4 o'clock."

She was only studying the new technology of the 21st century when she found something called a web drama and watched it for three hours.

Well, it's pretty.

"Eleven to one o'clock is the time for liver detoxification." Fu Yunshen's voice prolonged, "Staying up late will make you ugly and bald."

Ying Zijin yawned and didn't care much: "I have a lot of hair. I was born with a beautiful hair."

The other end was visibly stunned then he laughed violently. She could clearly hear his shallow breathing, which was sexy and attractive.

"Okay, kid, you are naturally beautiful." Fu Yunshen finally stopped laughing and sighed. "I am an old man. It's a different kind of old man. If I sleep less for a while, my back hurts."

The girl said slowly: "Your kidney is weak."

Fu Yunshen suddenly laughed when he heard this, sounding ambiguous and stubborn: "My kidney is weak?"

Ying Zizhen bit a hair ring, raised her empty left hand, and held her long hair: "If you don't dislike it, I can make a pill to help you heal it." Her original medicine furnace is also in O Zhou, and now she has to make another one.

He helped her a lot. She should give him some medicine.

"Oh?" Fu Yunshen was very interested. "The kid is so powerful, besides knowing fortune-telling, you are also an ancient doctor? What is your school background? You wouldn't use some nine-yin white bone claws on me, right?"

Ying Zijin was silent for a moment. "What is Jiuyin White Bone Claws?"

"Have you watched 'Yǐtiān túlóngjì*'?" he lazily explained, "a kind of peerless martial arts."

The girl twirled her hair, took out a coat and put it on: "No. Have you seen it? how powerful is it?"

"Well—" Fu Yunshen groaned slightly and laughed, "It can break a person's head with a palm. You are more ruthless kid."

Ying Zijin's expression is calm, without any fluctuations: "That's pretty awesome."

"You should watch less dramas in the future. Theses dramas are all fake." Fu Yunshen only treated her as a child, and didn't think much about it. Instead, he said, "That hot search, don't worry about it. I will solve it for you."

Ying Zijin raised her eyebrows slightly: "Hot search?" She took the phone from her ear, opened Weibo again, and checked the hot search list.

She has always learned things very quickly.