Chapter 13: Slapping with a Video

"Mom believes in you, and knew that you would wrong yourself." Old lady Ying's eyes were muddy but her eyesight was extremely sharp. "I don't know who it was, she knew it was her little uncle who booked the hotel room but still took a bath inside... "


Zhong Manhua's expression changed again.

What can she say, it is a fact that Ying Zijin seduced Jiang Moyuan.

It was more than a month ago, on January 17th, not long after Qingzhi Middle School was on vacation.

As the new year approaches, Ying Zhenting is busy managing the company, and Zhong Manhua is going to send Ying's Eldest Miss to O Zhou for an academic exchange study.

This is an opportunity that was finally won, and there is absolutely no room for error.

There's no doubt who is more important between the eldest or second miss.

However, it was her own daughter after all and Zhong Manhua couldn't completely relax her mind. She wanted to send Ying Zijin to the Zhong family, but the Zhong family was reluctant.

Fortunately, Ying Luwei offered to take care of her. Zhong Manhua stayed in O Zhou at ease for a few more days but before she came back, there was news that Ying's adopted daughter shamelessly seduced her little uncle.

She immediately booked a ticket and flew back to Shanghai, only then did she know what had happened.

Jiang Moyuan has always used Queen Central Hotel when working for long hours. This is something everyone in Shanghai knows. The Presidential Suite on the 18th floor of the Queen Center Hotel is his personal room.

But her biological daughter dared to take a bath in it!

If it's not the act seducing Jiang Moyuan then what else is it?

Fortunately, Jiang Moyuan cared about Ying Luwei's face and didn't publicize it, but he went directly to the door of Ying's house without mercy, and asked them to discipline their adopted daughter.

So even if this matter is suppressed, there were still rumors spreading out.

Zhong Manhua met the other giants on the road in those few days and was secretly ridiculed by them.

She really had enough!

Zhong Manhua suppressed her anger: "Hurry up and apologize!"

" Sister-in- law..." when Ying Luwei couldn't persuade her, she had to look at the girl, "Xiao Jin, aunt knows that it's not your fault. Come and coax your mother or she would hurt her body."

Ying Zijin long legs slightly bent and stood leaning against the door. She lifted her eyes after hearing what Ying Luwei said: "Do you think I'm blind?"

" Xiao Jin, how are you blind? You are not... …" Before she finished speaking, Ying Luwei suddenly reacted, shocked, "Xiao Jin, how can you say that? If it weren't for Moyuan, we would not be able to find you."

She frowned, obviously a little unhappy.

Jiang Moyuan is the target of the young ladies in Shanghai who they want to marry most. Why is she blind?

Isn't she scolding her too?

Ying Luwei pursed her lips and bowed her head, looking sad.

How can the old lady Ying bear her daughter being sad, she was so angry that she laughed: "Sure enough, she came from a small county town. She is vulgar and only knows how to speak nonsense!"

The servants naturally heard such a big movement.

They looked over curiously, their eyes full of contempt looking at the girl.

Zhong Manhua's fingers were shaking, she had never been so embarrassed.

Moreover, this embarrassment was brought to her by her own daughter. She gave birth to her just so she could treat her like this?

When she thought of this, Zhong Manhua's blood flowed up, her head was congested that she burst in anger.

She finally couldn't bear it, and quickly stepped forward. When she was about to slap her again - in the silent living room, a woman's soft voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiao Jin, you go to Queen Hotel Room 1801 and wait for me. I prepared bath items and new clothes for you inside. After you take a shower, go to the beach with aunt, okay?"

"... "

Zhong Manhua was taken aback, surprised, "Luwei?"

The old lady Ying was also a little surprised.

Ying Luwei suddenly raised her head and looked at the girl in disbelief.

It's just an ordinary call, why is it still recorded?

Ying Zijin tossed her cell phone boredly, and turned off the recording: "Is there anything else?"

The new technology of the 21st century is good, and it doesn't take her much effort.

This phone is also good. It will automatically record when you call.

The old lady Ying was suddenly embarrassed.

Her old face froze, changed color from green to red, and then panicked.

Thinking of what she had said before after listening to this record, she wished to find a place to hide and bury herself.

Ying Luwei quickly reacted. She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Mom, sister-in-law, I'm the one to blame. I forgot about this. It was me who let Xiaojin go but I went out for a trip and let Xiaojin wait for me. I didn't expect Moyuan to come back early. In fact, nothing happened. I don't know how it spread like this."

Then she smiled apologetically: "I'll explain to Moyuan later. Mom, sister-in-law, it's really not Xiaojin's fault, didn't I tell you?"

She said so with so much sincerity.

Zhong Manhua put her hand down, glanced at the girl with a complicated expression, and then sat on the sofa again, silent.

The old lady Ying was so embarrassed that she just wanted to get over the matter quickly. The crutches in her hand knocked on the floor again, her eyes were stern, but she lost her previous domineering arrogance: "Okay, since you are not after the Jiang's mistress position, why did you push down Wei'er?"

This sentence instantly revived Zhong Manhua's anger that has just been put out. "You know that your little aunt has hemophilia and you still do something like this?"

"Mom, sister-in-law, it's not..." Ying Zijin hadn't responded yet but Ying Luwei answered first with her eyes widened and looking anxious. "What are you talking about? Didn't I tell you? No matter what happened, Xiaojin still came still to help me."

"Luwei, you don't have to explain for her. She is used to telling lies. It was like this before too. Are you going to let her get used to it?" Zhong Manhua was furious and slammed the table, "Ying Zijin, go and apologize to you little aunt!"

Ying Zijin lowered her head to adjust the phone's volume, then put on the headphones to put an end to this noisy sound.

She could barely accompany them for few more seconds, and couldn't waste Fu Yunshen's kindness.

But this action completely angered Zhong Manhua, and her heart and lungs ached again: "Do you know what people say about you on Weibo?!"


How heavy is this accusation?

Even she feels ashamed!

"Sister-in-law, the people on Weibo don't know anything and I was scolded too." Ying Luwei pursed her lips and smiled, "When I go back, I'll talk to the company and these remarks will disappear soon."

Hearing this, Zhong Manhua became even more angry and pointed at the girl: "Look, your little aunt who is still thinking about you, what about you?!"

At this time, the butler who was checking Weibo suddenly said: "Madam, old lady, it's not OK, someone released a video of the banquet at that time."

"Video?" Zhong Manhua was also surprised, "Let me see."

It was a private New Year's banquet. How could there be a video?

If there is a video, isn't there no room for concealment?

"Videos are good." Old lady Ying sneered, "With this fact is in front of us, the lie will be broken without attack."

The butler hurriedly handed over the phone and placed it in front of Zhong Manhua and the old lady.

Ying Luwei seemed to be aware of something, her expression changed slightly and she wanted to stop them.

But the video played automatically, and it was too late when she wanted to turn it off.

In the picture, the woman walked down the stairs gracefully, halfway through, she withdrew her right foot, stepped on the skirt, fell downstairs, and suddenly grabbed the girl behind her with one hand.

The girl was obviously a little confused but held the stairs hand in time, and didn't fall down with her.

This video, which was less than twenty seconds long, was directly linked to the first hot spot of 17 hot searches.