Chapter 15: Adoptive Father

Fu Yunshen didn't care much: "Huh?"

This time, the other person responded immediately.

"The three people are all on the hunting list. I have sent you the information."

"You can't die yet before I even get to meet you."

Fu Yunshen moved his eyelashes and chuckled, "Don't worry. We are going to meet."

The red words faded and the screen returned to normal. On the empty desktop, there were three more folders named-

Sharpshooter No.4;

Killer No.5. ;

Hypnotist No.7.

Fu Yunshen's eyes scanned over it but did not open the folder to look.

He closed the computer, stood up, raised his wrist to take a look at the time, and then went out.


Today happens to be the last day of 2020 New Year. On the 15th day of the first lunar month, there are many lantern vendors on the street.

Although the sun at 12:30 is brilliant, it isn't glaring. It is just right and warm.

Ying Zijin turned her head and looked at the few children who were skipping rope not far away, her eyebrows loosened a little.

She's used to the days of fighting and killing and suddenly it became so quiet, that she felt it was unreal.

She leaned on the railing with her hands in her pockets, lazily looking at the scenery while reorganizing her memories.

The Jiang family has a charity organization that aids students, which specifically provides grants to students from remote areas.

She happened to be one of them, which was a very inconspicuous.

One year ago, Jiang Moyuan wanted to take her to Shanghai in the name of sponsoring her to study at Qingzhi No. 1 Middle School.

A very sudden decision.

She was not very willing at that time because her adoptive father, Wen Fengmian, had hereditary asthma and was very sick that he needed someone to take care of him.

But Wen Fengmian said that he has been like this in his life and cannot be cured, so he hopes that she can go out and have a better future.

But no one thought that going out would have such result.

The Ying family took her back but in the name of adoption.

Because Ying Zhenting suppressed the scandal of the lost eldest lady in the Ying family, he directly let his adopted daughter replace her original identity, including her name and date of birth.

In the beginning, Zhong Manhua and Ying Zhenting treated her well until Ying Luwei was injured for the first time, made a fool out of herself in the famous circle again and again.

Coupled with the comparison between Ying Luwei, the first lady and the eldest lady of the Ying family, an adopted daughter from a small county is simply incomparable.

Ying Zijin squinted her eyes.

The memory in her mind is only one-sided and she cannot see the full picture of the matter. Unfortunately, with her current calculation ability, it is not enough for her to directly watch her complete past and future here.

However, Fortunetellers generally do not count themselves.

Her memory tells her that since returning to the Ying's family, the Ying's family didn't allow her to have any contact with her adoptive family.

They fear that she would be infected with some bad habits and forcefully broke her contact with the Wen family.

Afraid of her escape, Zhong Manhua directly locked her ID card in the cabinet and warned her many times that she was the Ying's daughter. That she shouldn't go to Qingshui County and taken advantage by those poor people..

As for Wen Fengmian, they gave him one hundred thousand, thinking that Wen Family should be content. Afterall, people in the small county town have probably never seen so much money.

Although Qingshui County is not far from Shanghai City, only more than two hundred kilometers away, as Ying Luwei's blood bank, she has been stared at all the time by them, so she has not returned to Qingshui County even once for a year.

This is ingratitude.

Ying Zijin took out her ID card from her pocket and looked at it, having a headache.

New technology also has disadvantages, and it's hard to do anything about it.

If it's like when she was in O Zhou before, she could fly over with a broom.

But she has to go back to Qingshui County. Wen Fengmian is not in good health, and she has received too much from him that she cannot ignore it.

Ying Zijin thought for a while, picked up her mobile phone, and started searching for the nearest Chinese medicine store on the map.


After thirty minutes.

Zhongshan South Road.

As soon as she got off the taxi, Ying Zijin smelled a faint fragrance of medicinal herbs, which made her heart feel a little calm after not sleeping well last night.

She pressed her head, not knowing if it was because of the broken soul. When she woke up this time, she seemed to have poor control over her temper.

It seems that I have to practice some calming medicine.

Ying Zijin entered a bank.

There are few people in the afternoon and the service windows are basically empty.

The girl was still wearing a simple black shirt with meticulously fastened buttons. She was wearing a khaki coat, dark black trousers, Martin boots, and her hair raised in a half pony tail.

Abstinence and coldness.

This appearance is so outstanding that people who was passing by would look over.

When the number was drawn, Ying Zijin tilted her head and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the golden iris on the wall, her face had an unreadable expression.

After a while, she slowly remembered that this sign was drawn by her hand.

Unexpectedly, over the past few years, the Laurent family has developed their bank from O Zhou to all over the world.

The girl yawned and walked slowly to the counter.

The mist in her phoenix eyes was hazy, like the moonlight falling from a branch, lining the porcelain-white skin under the neckline, so beautiful that it makes heart tremble.

The lady at the counter blushed, and quickly looked away: "Hello, miss."

"First, take two thousand yuan." Ying Zijin handed over the black card and ID card, "then apply for a bank card and transfer one million in, thank you."

One million in other banks is a big number but it's not surprising at Laurent Bank, so it doesn't require much formalities.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The lady at the counter took the cards and quickly began to handle her business.

Ying Zijin thought for a while, and asked: "How long can I save money with you?"

The lady at the counter was stunned, and then replied, "As long as there is a proof, it can be as long as possible."

Ying Zijin nodded, lazily leaning on the chair and yawning.

Maybe her gold can be returned to her.


Opposite, in the Chinese medicine shop.

Lu Fang was lying on the cash register to do his homework. After writing for a long time, he couldn't finish the final derivative question, and threw the book in annoyance.

He got up, ready to find some snacks but when he looked up, he caught a figure behind the glass window.

"Sister, who's that?" Lu Fang was half curious and half contemptuous. "She came from a county, why did she go to Laurent Bank? Does she have money?"

Laurent Bank is the only major international bank in the world and those who can register are the rich and wealthy people.

Ying Zijin from Ying Family. She is just an adopted daughter with no status, and her grades are still at the bottom of their elite class.

"Who?" Lu Zhi was busy writing the list, and just glanced casually when she heard the words.

With just a glance, her complexion sank.

Lu Fang said: "Sister, didn't you say she tore faces with you yesterday?"

"Isn't it?" Lu Zhi sneered, "She got no skill, big tempered, and she really thinks I want to help her recover?"

If it weren't Ying Luwei who came to invite her, an adopted daughter didn't deserve her service.

Lu Fang was about to comfort Lu Zhi, but was surprised to find the girl out of the bank Laurent, and then came towards the direction of their shop, couldn't help but be surprised: "Sister, why is she coming here? Is she going to buy medicine?"

Nowadays, Chinese medicine is far less popular than Western medicine. Their store is pure Chinese medicine, usually only hospitals order from them, and there are few scattered customers.

"Here to buy medicine?" Lu Zhi snorted, "Don't sell it to her."