Chapter 17 How are you going to Thank Gege?

The sun flickered and fell on his handsome face like an immortal demon.

Ying Zijin was taken aback.

After a while, her eyes narrowed and frowned slightly, how could she remember this metaphor.


"Qi- Qi Shao..." Lu Zhi was stiff and reluctantly smiled, "You, why did you come here without telling me in advance?"

Fu Yunshen ignored her. He straightened up lazily, bent his lips, and laughed: "Kid, it's a coincidence."

Ying Zijin returned to her senses and looked up.

The man's body was leaning slightly, and a faint scent of agarwood emitted out from his clothes, entwined with his breath, it smelled fascinating.

Those peach blossom eyes are deep and affectionate, always looking gentle.

His eyes can almost drown a person when he takes a serious look at them.

"Thanks..." As soon as she spoke, she was interrupted by him, "Brother doesn't want to hear these two words anymore."

Fu Yunshen patted her on the head, hooking the ending sound: "How long have we known each other? You're still polite."

Ying Zijin gave a look: "..."

It takes 24 hours to calculate, and there is not enough time for a day.

She glanced at him but still didn't care about his claim and actions.

Forget it, if he treats her well, then she will follow him.

On the side, Lu Zhi's face turned paler.

what happened?

When did the adopted daughter of the Ying family hook up with the seventh young master of the Fu family?

Not to mention the Lu family, even the Ying family must respect the Fu family.

Lu Zhi bit her lip, recalling the previous words of the man, and she panicked even more.

At this moment, Fu Yunshen finally glanced at her with a loose tone: "Five hundred thousand, the Lu family is very short of money?"

Lu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't figure out how to answer.

When she hesitated, Fu Yunshen picked up the phone and made a call.

At the same moment, at a villa area a few blocks away from Zhongshan South Road.

Lu Fu* was relaxing at home drinking tea and reading the newspaper when his cell phone rang.

He didn't want to pick it up but when he saw the number, he was flustered and quickly picked it up: "Qi Shao, what do you want me to do?"

The Lu family recently got a big order, and the Fu family is the person in charge. They still need to rely on it.

As a result, he just picked up the phone, and the first sentence on the other side was: "I heard that your Lu family is short of money."

Father Lu was startled but didn't respond.

Here comes the second sentence.

"I'm afraid you can't pay, it's better to put the order in the North District."

The man said lightly, with a smile in his voice, no joy or anger, but there is a lot of pressure.

In the shop, Lu Zhi also heard it, her eyes widened suddenly, and lost her voice: "Qi Shao, you can't..."

Fu Yunshen hung up the phone and tilted his head: "Huh?"

Lu Zhi's hands and feet were cold, and her lips trembled fiercely.

She never thought that her whim on wanting to teach a lesson to the adopted daughter of the Ying family would cause the Lu family to lose a million-dollar bill.

The Lu family is not a big family, millions are enough to hurt them.

Lu Zhi couldn't say a word, so she could only grit her teeth and look at the girl.

Blame her!

If she hadn't come here to buy medicine, the Lu family wouldn't need this kind of unwarranted disaster.

"Ying Zijin, you are really enough." Lu Fang in the warehouse behind couldn't stand it anymore. He walked out with a calm face, "This is not a big deal at all, why should it be like this?"

He was annoyed again: "It's just a joke, and you didn't lose money. How about this, I promise to do your math and we'll let this matter pass?"

Lu Fang knew that Fu Yunshen was a dude, and he's doing this just to please the woman, so the breakthrough was still in this soil bun.

He doesn't know why she got into Fu Yunshen's eyes, and deserves to be treated like this.

Ying Zijin raised her eyes and felt that this person was a bit familiar: "You are?"

Lu Fang's face turned blue when he heard such question: "..."

They have been classmates for one semester, she doesn't know who he is?

Is she pretending?

"Ying Zijin, don't pretend." Lu Fang sneered, "Your grades are at the bottom of the class. If you don't improve, you'll be kicked out from the elite class. You do not want to lose face, right?"

Ying Zikin glanced at Lu Fang again, still didn't remember who he was but remembered something else.

Qingzhi Middle School has an elite class for each grade, which is composed of the top 50 students, so after each exam, the elite class will change.

"Do you agree or not?" Lu Fang was very impatient, "You have to think about it. No one can help you make up...what is with your look?"

Why is she looking like he's a fool?

Lu Fang was angered.

Ying Zijin raised her hand and knocked on the cashier counter, faintly saying: "Wrap the medicinal materials and send them to the opposite hotel."

"Plea-please wait a moment." The cashier hurriedly began to check the list, of course it was impossible to collect the money.

She is just a small employee who can't afford to offend anyone.

Lu Zhi looked at the golden iris flower on the black card between the girl's fingers, and was stunned.

Isn't that...

Lu Fang was very angry. He wanted to step forward but Fu Yunshen stood by.

The man lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

He's a dude but there's an inexplicable faint energy coming from him.

Lu Fang couldn't help but shiver.

In less than ten minutes, three hundred catties of medicinal materials were ready, and Lu Zhi could only watch the Lu's staff send out the people she hated with a cold face.

It's very eye-catching.

"Sister, they are too much." Lu Fang hammered the table abruptly and bitterly said, "Wait for a few days when the school start, I will make her look good."

Lu Zhi also held back uncomfortably, with weird yin and yang: "Just because she climbed a high branch now, she must be very proud."

She still doesn't believe Ying Zijin can really tie Fu Yunshen for a lifetime.

Lu Zhi shook her head, and just when she was about to give Ying Luwei a short report, Lu father's phone number called her first.

"Dad..." She just opened her mouth, and there was a roar from the phone, "What dad? I don't have a daughter like you! Get out of here!"


In the hotel room.

Fu Yunshen glanced at the medicinal materials piled on the ground, and was about to speak, but then he watched the girl slowly take out an electric pressure cooker from her backpack.


Ying Zijin supported her chin with one hand and the medicinal materials with the other. After weighing a few times, she threw it into the pot.

I don't have time to make my own medicine furnace, I can only use this instead.

Before leaving the underground market yesterday, she bought some jade.

While extracting the essence of the jade and injecting it into the electric pressure cooker, Ying Zijin raised her head: "Those two Weibo..."

She is also very interested in the current new technology and things, and she is about to start learning.

Hearing this, Fu Yunshen raised his eyelashes and smiled at the end of his eyes: "How are you going to thank Gege?"

Ying Zijin closed the lid and pressed the key. She was very casual: "Keep you up overnight."

Fu Yunshen made a face, his peachy eyes narrowed, still smiling, his voice was gentle, but it sounded dangerous when she listened: "Kid*, brother has a question for you."

Ying Zijin crushed the used jade and sprinkled the powder on the ground: "Huh?"

"Such words—" He leaned down unhurriedly, the man's eyes were leveled with the girl sitting on the ground, "Who did you learn from?"

Lu Fu* - Father Lu. As for mother, it is 'mǔ' (ex. Lu Mu)

Kid* - it's actually 'xiao pengyou' which can mean kid, child, or little friend. I chose kid, obviously. Hahaha I just thought of a mafia brother meeting a high schooler. (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈)ƅ̋