Chapter 29: Slapped the entire elite class' face


  With this sentence, the whole classroom went silent again.

  The students couldn't help but took another look at the corner. With this look, all the rebuttal voices were swallowed back into their stomachs.

  The girl sat there quietly with sunlight dyeing her brows and eyes in pale gold.

  She doesn't have any deliberate embellishment, but it inadvertently made her beauty exhilarating.

  Is this kind of beauty really something that people can have?

  To say that is demeaning the face.

  Ying Feifei was furious: "Do you dare to say this in front of Xiao Xuan?"

  The classmates glanced at each other, didn't speak any more, and began to read again.

  There is only a five-minute break between the morning reading and the first class. Some students go to collect water and some go to the bathroom.

  Ying Zijin was holding her elbows, looking boredly at the English elective eight, her thoughts drifted to the time when she was in country Y.

  At that time, people still spoke Middle English*. Modern English has been simplified a lot so it was quite fast to learn.

  After five minutes, the class bell rang, and the first class was English.

  The English teacher is a woman in her early forties whose surname is Deng.

  She walked in on time, holding a stack of papers in her hands: "Everyone knows the results of the final exam, so now I'm going to return your papers."

  "This time the questions are very difficult but everyone did well in the exam."

  The students breathed a sigh of relief.

  After all, the papers of the Qingzhi Elite Class were too abnormal that the whole network mourns for them.

  It's just like English, sometimes it's harder than IELTS*.

  "Zhong Zhiwan, 123 points, first in the class." Teacher Deng said while announcing the results, "...Lu Fang, 94 points, Ying Feifei..."

  Until there was only one paper in her hand but did not read the results.

  Teacher Deng pushed her glasses, and with a kind voice she said: "Yingzijin, come and get your papers."

  Ying Zijin nodded and walked forward.

  Lu Fang was unhappy: "Teacher Deng, you have read all of our grades, so why don't you read hers?"

  When did she know that Ying Zijin who got 30 points in English test, can be considered to have performed well?

  Teacher Deng smiled with a good temper and said, "If classmate Ying agrees, you can read it."

  Lu Fang immediately looked at the girl, arrogantly saying: "Ying Zijin, don't you mind letting everyone know your grades?"

  Ying Zijin took the paper from Teacher Deng's hand and walked on.

  Lu Fang was completely ignored by her, and didn't even look at him.

  Lu Fang was so mad.

  Ying Feifei gloated: "Zhiwan, I saw it. She only got 25 points in the exam. It's too shameful, no wonder you don't want others to know."

  Zhong Zhiwan did not respond, musing, lost in thought.

  "Okay, let's discuss about it now." Teacher Deng picked up the chalk, "I will call someone to answer the question in a while, if you can't answer..."

  The students suddenly wailed.

  Even Zhong Zhiwan only scored 123 points, which shows how perverted the question is.

  Ying Zijin glanced at her own paper, pondering.

  Okay, it seems that before she woke up, she is really a scumbag.

  Teacher Deng's lecture is not fast, and she will take care of students with weak English, but she can't tolerate someone wandering in her class.

  A chalk stick was thrown over: "Lu Fang, recite your answer on the 64th question on reading comprehension."

  Lu Fang looked at the question and found that he had made a mistake.

  Moreover, he couldn't understand a word in the options. He was a little dumbfounded, sweating in a hurry.

  Seeing this, Ying Feifei said loudly: "Teacher Deng, I don't know answer to this question even after the exam. It must be difficult. But I just saw that Ying Zijin wrote it correctly, so she should be asked to recite about it."

  Zhong Zhiwan also raised her hand and smiled: "Teacher Deng, I also want to know how classmate Ying did this question. Can you ask classmate Ying to talk about it?"

  As soon as Zhong Zhiwan made a speech, many people in the class agreed.

  "Yes, Teacher Deng."

  "We are all very curious."

  The difficulty of this question is far beyond the standard, and no one in the class knows it.

  Teacher Deng frowned. Just as she was about to say something, in the corner, the girl slowly stood up.

  She held the paper in one hand, glanced at it, and opened her mouth casually.

  Lu Fang and Ying Feifei, who were about to ridicule her, heard a string of pure and fluent English accent: "..."

  Zhong Zhiwan turned her head abruptly.

  Ying Zijin finished the question in 30 seconds: "To sum up, the answer to Question 64 is D."

  Teacher Deng was pleasantly surprised: "Excellent answer. That's it, please sit down."

  Ying Zijin sat down and turned the pen to play.

  The whole body exudes the signal of "a group of rubbish".

  The whole class: "..."

  Ying Feifei couldn't believe it: "Zhiwan, did she actually..?"

  Isn't she a fool?

  The smile on Zhong Zhiwan's lips condensed: "Who knows?"

  At this moment, Teacher Deng asked again: "Zhong Zhiwan, do you understand?"

  Zhong Zhiwan blushed, lowered her head and said, "I understand."

  "Oh, you guys really disappointed me." Teacher Deng sighed, "You have been studying with me for so long but it's not as good as classmate Ying who came here halfway. After going home, you guys should study hard.

   The class was quiet, no one dared to speak anymore.

  One class soon ended. After class, Teacher Deng called Ying Zijin up.

  "During the winter vacation, did you practice oral English?"

  Ying Zijin raised her eyebrows: "Yes."

  "Yes. It's a good start. You are a little weak, and you can't do too difficult questions." Teacher Deng said, "I will give you some basic question sets. Are you free to go to my office to get them at noon?"

  Ying Zijin did not refuse this kindness, although she did not need to: "Yes."

  "Work hard." Before leaving, Teacher Deng patted her on the shoulder, "Don't take other people's words to heart."


  At noon, everyone in the classroom went out to eat.

  Ying Zijin took a bite of a tomato and looked down at the WeChat message.

  Her WeChat contacts are pitifully few, and the only ones who will send her messages are Fu Yunshen and Wen Tinglan.

  The former recently raised her as a child, such as today's one.

  [Yaoyao, did you have a good meal at noon? ]

  [No, I'm eating tomatoes.]

  She is very picky.

  Ten seconds later, Fu Yunshen directly sent a voice message.

  His voice has always been nice, low and deep, like musical notes jumping on the apex of her heart.

  [Kid, how long have we been apart and you're not obedient anymore. The meal must be delicious. ]

  [Oh. ]

  [Alright, it seems that I have to stare at you. See you at night to see if our Yaoyao became thin.]

  Ying Zijin stared at these words, rubbed her head, then put the phone back in her pocket.

  After eating the last bite of tomatoes, she got up and went to the English Teachers office.

  After knocking on the door, she walked in.

  Except for Teacher Deng, there is only one young man in the office.

  After the door was closed, Teacher Deng turned her head and said to him: "Mr. He, this kid gave me a big surprise today. Her accent is really good."

  That is not ordinary English accent, but Queen's English- a pure Royal British accent.

  It's incredible.

  He Xun faintly asked, "What's the use?"

  He Xun helped Teacher Deng teach a few classes to the elite class, and he naturally knew what Ying Zijin was like.

  Doesn't make progress, doesn't work hard.

  He dislikes this kind of student the most.

Author's Notes:

#the heroine broke the heart of an old father#

Queen's English: English spoken by the British royal family. Risen in the 18th century.