"You are not really that naïve, are you Alex." The voice in the water said accusingly. "There is no way he will ever let you go, you will never be free of him."

"Perhaps," I defended myself, "but he knows I would be a threat to him if he didn't honour the terms of our agreement."

"That's exactly why he will probably kill you after you won't be useful to him anymore." Alex half screamed at me, worriedly. "Think about it Alex! There is a reason why the king ordered the extermination of our kind. We are a threat to the throne and I'm willing to bet on the fact that the prince is already planning your death."

She had a point. King and the prince are cruel, greedy, power hungry and willing to do anything to secure their place in the world. What does a word to a 'worthless whore' mean, when you are willing to feed your father with poison to steal his crown.

Damn, Alex. What were you thinking.

"You're right." I admitted to Ro. "What would I do without you."

"Die by your own stupidity, probably." Ro joked and we both laughed.

After that, we chatted some more before we said our good-byes.

Still being in a good mood from seeing my sister again, I started fishing, while singing myself a happy melody.

Two fish in, I heard steps approaching and my body stiffened. I eyed my surroundings and saw the familiar dark figure approaching. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him, but this funny feeling in my belly made the eye-roll less satisfying than usually.

I went back to fishing and just as he had reached me, I happened to catch another fish.

"I've been waiting for you at the house." The cold voice said. "And I don't like waiting."

"Too bad. I'll have to make you wait more often then." I teased, taking great satisfaction at the glare he shot me.

"I have an assignment for you." He said slowly. "There is going to be a ball in three days and I need you to attend it, make a scandal and embarrass the king."

"A ball?" I asked flabbergasted. "With dancing and dresses?"

"Yes, that's what a ball is. This is a perfect assignment for you to show me how well can you work under pressure and how well can you improvise." He explained, voice bare of emotion.

"But balls are so boring." I protested, "I hoped for something with a little more action."

At that, if my eyes didn't deceive me, he smirked. "Don't worry, there will be a lot of action. After all, you will have to make sure I don't capture you."

Ok, that's a thrilling enough twist. "Oh, no problem. I beat your ass before, I can do it again."

"First of all," his icy voice sent a shiver down my spine, screaming 'danger ahead', "you did not beat me, you cheated. Second of all, this time you are not allowed to use magic."

"No magic? What if I get caught?"

"Don't get caught." He suggested sternly, helpful as ever. "You have three days to come up with a plan. I've left maps of castle's halls on your bed and I will bring you a dress and a mask in two days' time, so don't worry about that either."

Mask? Great. These rich people really don't have anything better to do with their lives, do they.

He was about to turn and leave, when I remembered my outfit.

"Thank you." I half whispered, not really excited to thank a tyrant-to-be. He looked at me, confused, clearly not expecting me to thank him. "For pants." I elaborated and studied his face closely, hoping it would reveal something.

Nothing. He just nodded and stalked away.

After he left, my fishing attempts were less than successful, so I decided that I have enough fish and it's time for me to go back to the house.

There I spotted my roommates training, Melian shooting arrows and Evren throwing knives. I have showed them my catch and asked them to help me prepare lunch.

After we ate delicious fish a la Evren, we went back outside and just rested for a while.

"I didn't know you can cook." Melian told Evren. "I don't think I have ever had fish this good before."

"I used to work as Covyn's personal servant." Evran elaborated.

"And how did you go from being his personal servant to being this?" I asked, not really knowing how to define our professions.

"After him and I grew close and I told him about everything my parents have taught me, he had decided there is a better use of me than just ironing his clothes."

"You were friends with the prince? That must have been interesting." Melian said with disbelief.

"Actually, we were closer than that. We were in love." At his confession, Melian and I exchanged astonished glances.

I don't know how it is in your world, but here, sexuality is fluid and we don't limit ourselves or worry ourselves with something this unnecessary. Everybody is free to love anybody, gender wise, and no one will judge a person based on their choice for a lover. We weren't much into labels, either. Everyone just did what (and who) they pleased.

What amazed me, was the fact the prince was associated with a word that had letters L, O, V and E in it.

"Was your love real, like mutual?" Melian asked after initial shock.

"Yes. I loved him and I believe he loved me, too." Evren said a bit sadly. "But our love wasn't exactly desired, since he's a prince and I a nobody, and after the king found out about us, he had me removed. A few years later the prince recruited me."

He loved him? I can't believe it! Covyn, prince of ice is capable of love? What is next, zombies?

"I'm sorry." Melian, being a better person than me, empathized.

"Yeah, what happened to you was unfair." I joined after a moment.

"Yes, but that's in the past and however unbelievable it may sound, I am actually happy it happened." He looked at Melian. "After all, if it didn't I would probably never have met you."

At his words Melian melted and gave him a small kiss, a kiss that quickly intensified so much that I had to leave.