Voiceless Cry(End of the Arc)

Far away from the path the king and his group took, Jake was well on his way to the Dark Forest.

He didn't know he was very lucky, as he chose a channel not close to the palace, inadvertently stopping any chance of him meeting the escaping group.

While holding a [Light Crystal] in his hand, Jake navigated his channel as he continued hearing tremors from above ground.

This further ascertained that he had made the right decision to leave the kingdom on time.

If he had stayed, he would have been caught in the crossfire and his fate would not be in his hand.

It was easy for him to abandon Aztec.

Quite frankly, it took nothing for him to leave.

Jake was born special. He had no idea of who his parent was, or who he actually was, but at least he understood himself a bit.

Unlike what most people usually thought when they see him, Jake had emotions, just that it was hard to invoke them.