Battle of the Ages(2) - Synchronization!

The winds caressed the surrounding. 

It brushed the face of Jake and kissed Cheyenne's face, linking them together.

Two uniquely distinct individuals, yet like-minded at the same time.

One only cared about himself and could be said to have reached the cusp of the concept of neutrality.

The other, an enigma. Someone who has proven to be as much unpredictable as her opponent. She cared enough about her close ones, enough to initiate a fight with the one person she didn't want to battle with.

Two figures whose stare-down said the whole story. They had fought before, but it was a contained fight.

Now, there were in the Dark Forest, a place that symbolizes freedom. 

Nevertheless, there was sure to be blood spilled on this perfect ground!


'What a sad life?' Jake sighed.

If he had a choice, he wouldn't want to fight with Cheyenne, but he knew it was inevitable.