The Golden Egg

"Lights knows not to…..." repeated the butler-like creature.

No matter how many times it recited it, it couldn't gain an epiphany. 

The creature wondered what its queen meant. It understood that there was bound to be a deep meaning in her words.

After a lot of pacing, it decided to ask her, "My queen, forgive me for not understanding."

It bent its wispy head low, low enough to show respect to its queen.

The creature was a wraith!

Another netheran variant! It was the variant of phantoms and just below its queen in the hierarchy.

As it was born in the same period as the queen, it lived to serve her, like its fellow wraiths.

It worshipped her like a god, and even when given a choice, the wraith would surely choose to die for her.

This was the difference between the netherans and the other races.