
Minutes ago, Jake was busy rummaging his thoughts.

It was easy for him as he kept evading the wraith's attack. However, it became too strange for him.

'Something is wrong. A wraith is far stronger than this. It should be able to cause me substantial damage,' analyzed Jake.

It wasn't that he wanted to be injured, but he had entered the fight expecting an injury.

Yet, the fight was lukewarm with both sides exchanging weak attacks.

On Jake's side, he couldn't increase the scale of the battle due to their enclosed location. If he went all out, he would destroy the building.

However, what was the reason on the wraith's side? If anything, it shouldn't be concerned about the location, but be fully focused on eliminating him.

Dodging the wispy knife that came out of the wraith's body, Jake realized something, "It's clearly holding back, like me but for a different purpose. My purpose is plain, but its purpose should be....stallling!"