River's Cries


It was River's scream.

The blonde-haired girl shouted as she carried the still-alive body of her elder sister in her arms.

Embedded in Sea's chest was a long blade!

From this Jake could understand everything.


A few seconds ago, as the last one to get out of the hole, Jake found himself facing the strongest attack in the trap's collection.

It was a huge blade that shot at him at an insane speed. The moment Jake spotted it, he didn't think but instead dodged it.

The person behind him, Eden, also did the same. 

Renee and Sea weren't in the way of the blade, but River was! The woman immediately got shocked by the presence of the huge blade.

She was not as fast as the ones in front of her. So, she couldn't evade in time.

Luckily, her sister was right beside her!

In a fast motion, Sea pushed away her sister, but couldn't move her own body in time.