Two and One

Jake floated back to the second door. It was the hardest one to close.

'It is the radiation. I can't get closer without affecting myself. Hmmm…..,' examined Jake.

There a faint red hue in the space around the door. It constantly spread wide, expanding until it threatened to fill everywhere.

This red hue would somehow travel out of his mindscape and reach every part of his body.

It would soften his bones and weaken his mind beyond what he could comprehend. This would cause him to have dark circles under his eyes and reduce his stamina and healing rate.

It was why he always looked like he just escaped from the underworld.

Focusing the door, Jake analyzed, 'Radiation....This is my mindscape. I should have total control, but I cannot just simply will it away. It requires a normal approach…..However, I can cheat a little…..'

Following his thoughts, a light purple energy surrounded him. It encased him like an armor.