The Bounty Hall

Looking at the outer sect's map on one of the pages of the thin book, Jake tried to find something that would lead him to his destination...….whatever his destination was?

'Hmmmmmm….that should be the place. The bounty hall' smiled Jake.

Its location was closer to the inner sect, where all the sect members lived.

Leading Kaleyx, Jake followed the route while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

He kept noticing the increasing amount of individuals who wore robes with an owl insignia on them.

'Those are the sect members,' he thought.

Only they could confidently wear the outfit and trot around the streets like they were kings and queens.

Evidently, as he got closer to the inner sect, the duo saw more people like them.

It seemed that they were graded as the robes they wore varied from things like designs to more obvious things like color.