
"There comes a stage for every living being where they are required to develop an energy core. It is compulsory for progress. Think of it, Humans, demon beasts, spirit beats, and other races….why do they have a power core, a sort of nucleus to power their moves?" ambiguously said Quinn.

Jake could understand the angle that Quinn was coming from.

He fiddled with his energy construct as he gave his own theory, "...The former power core, which is the heart for humans can't keep up with the newly improved body. Hence, the creation of an energy core, which would take care of all [Spirit Essence] related issues. Going by that, if one wants to upgrade his weapon to the [Sky Rank] then he would want to create one."

However, each energy core was unique to an individual. One cannot accept another person's energy core.

So, how should they know a weapon's energy core?

How would they know what core fits a weapon?