The Waves

It felt like teleportation; The trip back to his mindscape.

Having been teleported before, Jake recognized the feeling of losing his balance.

His mental mind slurred as he got catapulted to his mind. Everything became black as his body fell on his bed.

The man was born in darkness. Man shall live in darkness.

It was a phrase that depicted the world of darkness as the natural home of mankind

Granted, Jake wasn't human, but he was still a living being.

Beneath the natural instinct to fear the world of darkness was the warm feeling one gets from it.

Jake was all alone there. He could see nothing. He could feel nothing except the dark.

No thoughts. No disturbance. No complications. No light!

It was just him breathing….

He had no idea whether he was walking or flying. It felt like walking but he couldn't feel any sense of balance…...a sort of gliding.

It shouldn't be like this.