The Silver Bracelet

Percy POV

I don't know why I took Annabeth out to the museum. I saw the flyer in my mom's magazine, and I thought that Wise Girl would enjoy it. And, she did.

While Annabeth refused to call it a date, I didn't have a better name for it. The surprising part was that I enjoyed my time despite having no interest in learning about architecture. I liked watching and listening to Annabeth become so excited and passionate.

It was my first date in years where nothing physical or sexual happened between me and the girl. It was a pleasant experience. I didn't mind it at all.

I missed school Thursday and Friday because the middle dosage of every chemo cycle was always the worst. Surprisingly, my friends didn't notice the pattern of me missing the same two days of every month. I guess another reason why I wanted to spend time with Annabeth is because of how bad the week was.


I was so glad that the chemo cycle was over the following week. It was a rough cycle, considering I had no alternative pain relief. The side effects hurt a lot, but I managed to hold on. So, a week without cancer therapy felt amazing.

"Hey Percy, you're finally here," Piper cheered.

"Why were you waiting for me?" I asked curiously.

"Well, you're part of the reason why we all became one big happy, friendly family, so you have to be here for the announcement."

"Piper, what announcement?" Annabeth asked the question everyone was having.

"Well, Jason and I were thinking that next Saturday marks 1 month since we all became friends, so we should have a party," Piper squealed happily. Piper loved parties.

"Um, this was all her idea," Jason said quickly.

"Piper, this isn't something to celebrate," Annabeth said quietly. I looked over at her as she looked down at her lunch. Wise Girl really didn't like or want to lose this deal. Honestly, it was so hard not to give up during this chemo cycle. I didn't realize just how much sex helped as an alternative pain relief method.

"Sure, it is. We're not celebrating the deal, we're celebrating our friendship. This party is happening. Everyone be at my house tomorrow by 6."

Everyone agreed.


"Annabeth, wait up," I called as I ran towards her and her friends in the parking lot. I kept forgetting to give back the bracelet that she left in my car. It was a pretty, silver bracelet with a few owl charms attached to the chain. I only noticed the bracelet this morning, a full two weeks after our non-date.

She sighed as I approached. "What do you want, Percy?"

"I was just-"

"Hello Annabeth, is Jackson bothering you?" a deep voice asked from behind me. I hated that voice. Both Wise Girl and I turned towards Luke.

"Oh hey Luke," Annabeth said. There was a certain lightness in her voice that I didn't like because it indicated that Annabeth had a history with Luke. "No, Percy wasn't bothering me at all, but I'm not sure why he's here," she said turning to me with curiosity.

I didn't realize I was still glaring at Luke until Annabeth nudged me.

"Wise Girl, you left your bracelet in my car after our date," I said as I handed the bracelet back to her.

Her fingers grazed my hand as she took the bracelet. I couldn't help the sparks of ecstasy and warmth that came with her touch. Annabeth took the bracelet and closed it in her hand. There was deep emotion in her eyes as she looked at me. Clearly, the bracelet meant a lot to her.

"Thank you, Percy," she said with a small, but genuine, smile.

I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"You two went on a date?" Luke asked boldly. I could see the venom in his eyes and danger on his face. A danger that burned me a few years ago.

"Luke, it wasn't a date," Annabeth said firmly.

Luke and I both turned to Annabeth as she stared at us.

"So, do you have an answer for me, Annabeth?" Luke asked with a hint of aggression. Annabeth seemed surprised by his reaction. However, I knew about Luke all too well to be surprised by how aggressive and dangerous he could be despite his outer facade.

"Luke, um, I don't have an answer for you. To be honest, I don't think that us getting back together is a good idea," she said softly.

Wait? Annabeth and Luke had dated before. I didn't even know. But again, I didn't interact with Annabeth much until a few weeks ago. At least, she said 'no' to Luke now.

Luke's expressions sparked with anger as he turned his glare to me. "Annabeth, I thought that we had something special before I had to move away," he said with calculation. I could see the fakeness in his voice clearly though.

"Luke, we aren't the same people anymore. I've moved on from you."

"Yea, and effectively went to the player of Goode High, I see."

Annabeth was taken aback as her own face showed anger now. "You don't get to judge me Luke because you're judgment is all misconception. Plus, it doesn't concern you whom I associate with anymore. I wasn't sure about my decision before, but now I definitely am."

With that, Annabeth twirled on her heels and stormed off to Thalia's van. They drove off quickly.

"She's mine, Jackson," Luke said menacingly.

"Luke, maybe you have a habit of stealing other people's girls, I don't. However, she isn't yours anymore. In fact, Annabeth is her own person, not an object to possess."

Luke laughed cruelly before getting close to me. He was taller, but not by much.

"She's mine, Jackson. I know you have your little deal, but she's still gonna be mine," he said as his voice lowered.

"You don't deserve her, Luke. Hell, I don't even deserve her, but I'm not gonna let you hurt her as you did with so many before."

"Oh, you mean Calypso amongst others."

Her name struck a nerve, but I held back my anger. A fight with Luke would get me nowhere. However, I wasn't the helpless teenager I used to be. I couldn't save Calypso before, but I can save Annabeth.

"Luke, stay away from Annabeth. You want to get to her, you'll have to go through me," I said firmly and confidently.

He laughed again before saying, "that's not much of a challenge, Jackson."

With that, Luke walked away. I could sense the danger and aggression radiating off of him. Damn. Dealing with him again is gonna be a bad idea, especially given the fact that I had a much bigger issue (ie my cancer) to worry about.


Piper's house was huge. I guess I should've expected it considering Piper is very rich because her dad was Tristan Mclean, a famous actor and model.

"Piper, all the parties have to be at your house, my god," Katie exclaimed. I couldn't agree more.

"Honestly, I love hosting parties, so absolutely," Piper said laughing.

I was the last to arrive at the party because I had an appointment at the hospital. My November chemo had started again yesterday. Also, Dr. Solace was going over the new chemo regimen with my mom and Paul, my step-dad.

Honestly, the new regimen was quite daunting because it was greatly intensified compared to my current cycle. But, this was what was necessary for kicking this cancer to the curb. I hoped.

In no time, a game of Truth or Dare started. After all, it was the classic high school party game. We all sat in a large circle, and Piper spun the bottle. Of course, luck was not on my side since it landed on me first.

"Percy, truth or dare?"

I sighed. "Truth."

"All right, tell us something about yourself that no one else knows."

I froze as tension spread through my muscles. There was one clear thing about me that very few people knew about, but that had to remain a secret.

"I wish you gave me a more specific question," I said. "Let's see, uh, um, I have kissed a guy before."

They all just stared at me before laughing. My face turned red a little, but that seemed like the best response to satisfy the question.

"Percy, you made out with a boy?" Annabeth asked between laughs.

"Ok, no Wise Girl, I only kissed him for like 5 seconds because I thought he was a girl."

That elicited even more laughs. My eyes stayed on Annabeth as she let out melodious laughter. It took several minutes for everyone to calm down so that we could resume the game. A few more rounds passed by with quite entertaining events. Leo had to stick peanut butter in his curly hair, The Stolls had to tape their shirts together and sit in a single shirt for a few rounds, Frank got a wax, etc, etc.

Finally, Thalia spun the bottle, and it stopped on me again.

"Oh come on, some people didn't even go yet," I exclaimed.

"Nope, the rules are the rules, bro," Jason said.

"Sometimes, I hate you, Jason," I said as everyone laughed. We were all having such a good time. Annabeth joked with me throughout the game (while mine were sleazy/player innuendos, hers were mostly insulting), yet it was a very good time.

"Alright fine. What is it, Thalia?"

I was nervous because Thalia was a savage. Plus, I knew that she didn't like me one bit. Even Annabeth seemed to enjoy my company more than Thalia. She didn't like me because (1) I was a player (2) I hurt her friend, Rachel, even though I didn't do any kind of manipulation, and (3) I added the condition that Annabeth had to sleep with me onto our deal if she lost.

However, Wise Girl agreed to it, though. I thought she would back out, but I've learned that Annabeth was strong and prideful; she never backed down.

"I dare you to sit in a bathtub full of ice!"

I stared at her in shock as a few tentative cheers exploded around the room. I wasn't too comfortable about this. The cold environment usually didn't help the side effects I had with chemotherapy. Most of the side effects from yesterday's chemo faded away this morning, but you never know.

"Are we sure about this, guys?" Grover asked. His eyes were pleading with me not to take this deal. It probably wasn't a good idea, but I didn't want to back down and subsequently bow down to my cancer.

"I'm fine, Grover. Let's do this!" I exclaimed to everyone.