Chapter 7

Techno stared at a small white dog. "Floof?" The dog slowly turned around to look at Techno. "Did you eat my pizza roll?" Floof silently attempted to walk away only for a pair of hands to grab him.

Techno gave a glare to the small dog. The dog shivered as it whined. "So it WAS you Floof." Techno sighed as he simply opened his fridge and microwaved another pizza roll. Techno jumped down the hole as he fell and landed in the vault.

Placing his hand on a black cobblestone wall near the potions, a button popped out as he pressed it back in. The wall opened as pistons and levers could be heard shifting, the gears could be heard grinding against one another. The wall opened with a 3x9 to reveal Techno's "Wither Skull Collection" only one side of the wall was covered however.

Techno smiled as he opened blast furnace, a useful item he had obtained from the shop. It would melt ores faster and more efficiently. He threw a hefty amount of gold coins into the container as he waited for it to be melted into gold.

The Black Witch began to ponder if she should drag Techno with the others to the 21st floor. Techno maybe would agree but he might not because of his so called "research". She sighed as the askers thing would be to give him a call.

Techno smiled as it was there in front of him. Using his coins, he melted them into gold before he coated the apple in the molten gold using the "crafting table" in reality it was just a table that allowed him to craft using his mana as a base and his intent as the outcome.

In which he had discovered an item that was listed in a crafting book catalogue. The golden apple and enchanted golden apple, Techno smiled as he wiped his sweat from finishing the last bit before he blanked out.

The Black Witch made a call but it didn't go through which caused her a bit of concern. If a call didn't work then going there in person would definitely work.

The Black Witch walked into the cabin only to find nothing so she assumed that he was in his Vault. The Vault however remained devoid of life, only the sounds of potions brewing could be heard.

The Black Witch decided to locate him using his phone, the sound of a phone ringing could be heard through the wall. The Black Witch was stunned as she tapped the wall and found it was hollow. She slid her hand along the wall in hopes of triggering an activation of some sort.

Her hands slid over a bit of the wall as a button popped out. She pressed the button back into the wall as pistons and gears could be heard grinding and shifting the wall. The wall slowly sunk to the bottom of the floor as she found the pink haired man sleeping on the floor.

"What in the world?" On the wall in front, it was covered in the skulls of the black skeleton creatures they fought in the "Nether Realm" Taking on one of them was hard, but Techno has a wall covered in their skulls?

Turning back to Techno she assumed that the gold coloured apples were the product of his project. Just feeling the mana in the plain gold apple it was immense, whereas the other one had a glowing purple sheen to it.

The Black Witch simply slapped him, only for her to feel the pain instead. She hopped on the spot in hope for the pain to go away. "What is his face made of?" Techno stirred as he stared at the Black Witch "HEH?" Techno's eyes sprung open as he heard the voice.

The Black Witch screamed as Techno woke up like a reanimated corpse.

"My apples!"

Techno looked at the table and sighed as they were there, 4 golden apples and 1 Enchanted Golden Apple. Anymore and he would have died from using more mana than he could handle.

The Black Witch explained everything to Techno as he took it all in and decided that he would come once they got onto a hard bit.

Techno handed her a crystal that would teleport him to the crystal once mana was infused. Techno sighed as he exited the Vault to eat his pizza roll.

The steaming pizza roll gave of wisps of steam as it slowly beckoned itself into his mouth. The taste was exquisite, well should have been until a white blur passed his face as he tasted emptiness.


It was ON!

The Black Witch sighed as she left Techno and Floof to their antics.


Gong Ja POV:

There was silence in the Great Library.

Hunters with weak stomachs felt nauseous. Hunters with strong stomachs, thought prudently while staring at the quest that jumped out in front of their eyes.

Only the Constellation.


Only the librarian opened his mouth while fluttering his 5m long sleeves.

"Please clean the vomit yourself. Isn't that just basic manners? The hygiene of the library can only be maintained if all the users work hard."


The librarian clapped lightly. On the backside of the bookshelf. From the dark corners of the shadow, unknown things came close. It might've seemed human at first glance in terms of running limbs…

The Witch squinted her eyebrows.

"… Bookmarks?"

The unidentified things had bookmarks as their bodies.

There was even a strange picture in the middle of the bookmark. Servant clothes? Maid clothes? Anyway, the clothes that were worn by maids of the old were engraved as pictures.

"Ohh. You pointed it out exactly. These are bookmark maids!"

The librarian went "Ehem", and assumed the hands-on-hips pose.

"They will be looking over the lot of you until you clear the 30th floor."

The bookmarks that had maids engraved on it, bowed down.

"When you want to eat or go to the bathroom, tell the bookmark maids. Though they look like that, they are still quite capable."

"Monster…..right? For starters?"

The librarian covered his mouth with his sleeves.

The Constellation's eyes were smiling.

"You can think of it that way."

The librarian's eyes were grinning, but his voice didn't have the same feel. The Hunters flinched. The voice of the Constellation, which had been consistently bright, was cold for the first time.

"Everyone, you should be mindful of a few things while staying here."

The librarian said.

"First. Never touch a book without the great me's permission. Just don't touch it. These are all hard-earned books that I shed blood and sweat for. These are the one and only Apocalypses in this universe. Bastards who don't even ask the consent of the owner and touch these books carelessly…"


At that time, a Hunter cursed out.

"What a load of bullshit? In the end, aren't you the boss monster, you bastard?!"

"… Hmm."

"Hey! You guys arm yourselves! The quest is a whole load of shit, we just have to kill that guy and we'll be able to clear up to the 30th floor. 'Great me' my ass! If 300 people attack him together, we'll be able to beat him anyways!"

Everyone became noisy.

The librarian didn't particularly stop the instigators. He just smiled and watched silently. Upon seeing the silence of the Constellation, the Hunters became more amped up.

"Us too, we can beat that little kid! Even a greenhorn such as the Death King or what not cleared the 20th floor alone."


Were they trying to win me over?

"Is there anything we can't do?! Huhhh!?"

When the instigator pointed at me, several people looked towards my direction. Everyone was of different ethnicity. The colors of their eyes were also different. However, the glare in their eyes and the colors of their emotions were the same.

Envy. Jealously. Greed.

They were all the feelings that I was very familiar with.

"You all, leave me out of this! No, all the top 5 guilds should stand down!"




A/N: I'll do the Omake in the next chapter and by the way. Who said that it's only this world? Who said that Techno wouldn't die in some way? Who said a certain skill won't do something?


Post your theories of what might happen.

Clue: [EX][Never Dies]