Chapter 20

A/N: A little bonus for following through with this fic. I felt so sorry I just couldn't leave you guys with out something to think about. Enjoy your theories about the ending!

Fight for the Computer Arc. POG!


Techno arrived back as he decided that he couldn't take it anymore. The red lines and strings only reminded him as if everyone was a puppet. A puppet on strings acting on a mere author's whim.

He only got this sight after looking at the computer, but now he has this sight he would have to search the computer for answers. The only place that could have another laptop would be pogtopia.

Jchlatt stared as the computer wrote a bit more. He was in control of everything with this, or was he?

Techno walked up to the gate as he met two people waiting for him. A man wearing striped coat that was green and white stood there with a small teen wearing a red and white shirt.

"You're Techno right?"

Techno prepared for a fight however the man in striped clothes spoke "We need your help."

Techno narrowed his eyes and asked "I'll help depending on what it is. Plus I'm expecting something in return."

"I'm Philza and this little gremlin is Tommy."

"Is he an orphan?"

Techno brandished his sword and waved it at Tommy. Philza cringed and decided to help Tommy.

"No I'm his guardian for NOW."

Tommy relaxed until he heard Philza say for now. Techno sighed as he asked "So what do you need me for?"

"Power, we need to take down Jschlatt. He's a tyrant ruling this city thanks to this weird laptop he found."

Techno's eyes sharpened, "I'll help but I want to investigate this laptop after we get rid of Jschlatt."

Jschlatt watched on as everything happened exactly like the laptop wrote in real time.

"Oh my sweet laptop Larry."

Jschlatt hardened his eyes as he sent a command to send reinforcements the moment they try anything.

He shut the laptop as he turned around to leave.

Surprisingly he actually put a sticker on it that had the name Larry on it.


Techno decided that he would have to infiltrate it first. Philza and Tommy both had their weapons ready. Techno simply needed to know his one objective "So basically kill schlatt."

Philza nodded while Tommy gave a "Yep". Techno grinned as he climbed over the wall. "Sic semper tyrannis"

However what shocked him was that a squad of soldiers was waiting for him as he sliced and cut. Limbs flew as necks were slit, Techno was confused as the voices seemed to be getting more exited some of them were screaming "It's almost here, the end of the journey is soon!"

Techno motioned Philza and Tommy to follow, Jschlatt started sweating in his palms as the laptop did not mention how strong Techno was. Jschlatt panicked as he started calling for more reinforcements, Techno laughed as he talked with Tommy almost treating him as a little brother. Philza was more of a fatherly figure as he was the one who quelled the fire between arguments.

A stream of soldiers rushed at Techno as both Philza and Techno drew their swords. Jschlatt watched as the stream of blood and limbs slowly inched closer no matter how many soldiers he sent. A head rolled and touched Jchlatt's feet as he looked up only to find a blade in his chest.

The laptop sat on the desk as Techno's eyes glinted. "Let's take it back to some place safe before I start looking at it." Tommy nodded with happiness that the tyrant was gone, Tommy rushed off as he shouted "See you Philza at the base, I'm telling Tubbo that schlatt is gone!" Philza smiled as he slowly walked back with Techno.

They reached a small housing that was located inside a mountain. Philza smiled as he walked behind the place "Don't worry I'm just going toilet!" Techno waited inside as he studied the outside of the laptop.

Tommy walked in as he looked at Techno.


Philza clutched his chest as he saw a blade sticking from the back of his chest, the blade removed itself as he fell down and saw the perpetrator as he walked off. His vision soon darkened as he bled out.


Techno raised his eyebrow as he asked "Where's Philza?" Tommy smiled as he laughed "Don't worry Philza's simply having problems on the toilet."

Techno laughed until a blade ran itself through his back as a pearl flew in front of him and another blade found itself through his throat. Techno cursed himself as he gagged for air, blood filled his throat as he tried to breathe.

Techno fell down as he looked at the two traitors in front of him. Tommy kneeled down as he looked at Techno with a sad face. "You know Techno, I'm grateful though it didn't have to be this way. You're just too strong."

However as Techno slowly faded into darkness he saw Tommy suddenly glitch and he saw his body made out of words and were tied by strings.

Techno slowly faded into the darkness as he emerged into the endless abyss.

He looked around as this was comfortable, no need to get back out into the real world. However at this thought the abyss suddenly filled with multiple red eyes looking at him.

Techno clutched his ears as the voices screamed at him, they demanded that he not die. The ending had not been fulfilled therefore he was not allowed to die. The eyes looked at him as if daring him to deny their entertainment. A smile of someone he held dear brought him back to his senses.

"Right... I still have people waiting for me."

The voices stopped as they closed as if they were satisfied with the answer.

[The effect of Post-Mortal is being used.]


Techno awoke with a gasp as he looked at the blood around him before he looked at the missing laptop. He walked out only to walk to the back and there he was, the fatherly figure in all his glory, dead. Lifeless.

Techno slowly laughed as he vowed to get back at the two brats.