Chapter 26

Techno left the scene as a great fire burned down the remnants of L'manburg. A bloody map taken from the corpse of Tubbo led him to Quackity's base. Each step of his foot carried the weight of 100,000 souls. Kicking open the door nothing was found.

Techno searched everywhere until he noticed a little button hidden under the desk. Pressing it, he heard many contraptions shifting and clanking on the floor as a secret basement was hidden.

His steps echoed as he descended into the abyss. The darkness embraced him as he journeyed forward. He arrived at a dark corridor where he stared into the abyss. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. A pair of gleaming red eyes appeared as he walked into the room.

Lights blinded Techno as he stood back and pulled out his blade, ready for any attack. The lights dimmed as they returned to normal. Techno slowly looked up as he took in the features of the man.

Combat boots, Loose pants, white collared shirt.

And a tie adorned with a red jewel.

Techno's found his own face staring at him. "Who are you?" The man sat on the broken throne as he laughed. "I'm you from a story that was long discarded, a draft of you." Techno narrowed his eyes. "Surely you have known by know that everything was simply destined to happen?" Techno asked "What does that have to do with your previous statement?"

Technoblade? grinned "I'm the you from a previous discarded story that was so close to finishing. Yet the A?*t*r abandoned my world and simply put me here. Oops looks like I wasn't allowed to say that."

Techno readied his sword "It'll be too confusing so just call me the Blood God, my title at the last fight. My reason? to take your place." Techno steadied his blade as he called got ready to switch between pearls and potions.

"So I'll kill you and finish my story!"

Techno's eyes filled with icy blue colour as his red ring glowed around his pupils. He expected it to be hard yet just everyone he had ever saw, he also had the red strings tied around his limbs. A future glance warned Techno as he ducked only to find a blade where his head used to be.

Techno swung the blade up as the blood god tilted his head slightly causing it to miss. "I hope you realise the stupidity that you are attempting." Techno kept swinging at his draft, "I'm the draft you that almost made it to the end! How do you expect yourself, someone who hasn't even reached the story's climax to defeat me?" Techno grinned "I don't but I know myself well enough to know what I'm going to do next."


Techno grinned only to realise his draft was smiling sinisterly. "Thank you."

Darkness enveloped both of them, Techno shouted at his draft "Why are you laughing!" The blood god laughed "I do must thank you. I've been waiting for this, this is what I lack to become the main character once again!"

"Come to me voices!"

Silence covered the expanding area as red eyes slowly appeared in the darkness. Techno stared as the he stopped hearing the voices in his head while the eyes slowly moved towards the blood god's side. The blood god laughed as he shouted "Finally! I can finish my story! You will be discarded just as I once di-"

He shut up as the eyes speared various spears and weapons of blood into his back. Techno laughed as he heard the voices.

"Do it, take his power!"



"The plot thickens!"

"DO IT!"

Techno walked over to the weakened Techno before looking at the core of string in his heart. Stabbing it he could feel all his experience, all his life and death battles and his stats. Techno grinned only to grim as he heard one of the voices.

"Your next battle will be your end."

Another one spoke.

"It will be the end of the legend."

And another.

"It'll be your end."

"Do you wish to continue on this path?"

Techno looked behind him as he sighed "I've spilt enough blood, however if I fall back all those deaths will be meaningless, it'll be disrespect towards those who have fallen by my blade."

The voices nodded.

"Your final destination is within the laptop."

Techno walked over to the laptop as words started appearing.

[You have made it to a place no other person has reached.]

[Your legend will have to end soon]

[Do you wish to enact the final battle which will seal your fate?]

[Yes] <===


Techno covered his eyes as he found himself in a corridor. It was a normal corridor to a room like one you would find in a house. A sound of keys tapping could be heard as he approached the door. He opened the door only to find a person tapping away on a laptop. Yet he noticed that every action he took, every thought he had was written down before he could do it.

The person stopped typing.

Until he started again. Techno watched as the man continued to write everything down. Techno looked around the room as it was plain. A simple wooden desk was used along with a simple led lamp. His clothes were meager as he could only see a few casual clothes along with two pairs of school uniform.

The person stopped typing and turned around to ask.

"I'm sure you're here for your final battle?"

Techno readied his blade, the person simply sighed "I'm the Author, simply put I'm the one who controls this set of reality."

"Just call me Author. Your final battle for the end of your legend ends now."

Techno lunged only for a few words to be typed.

[The room shifted as it grew into a huge arena.] Techno looked as the Author continued to type.

Technoblade lunged at the Author only to be stopped by an invisible wall.

The person turned around on his chair.

"I'm the Author, my words are your will."