first day in a new world( part 2 final)

hello everyone my name is Lucy and i have a very big problem, last night i eat a lot of very interesting things, now what i eat was not the problem, no, no, no infarct some of them tasted very good, but the problem was what they gave me, you see i need this things called Mt points which i use to get stronger, and the only way currently possible to get it is by eating a lot of monsters, but there is one problem the monsters give so little of it that it is not help me to get as strong as i want to survive in this world and the only way to get a large amount of this points is to kill a very strong monster, Eg a monster at lord class. ooooo did i forget to mention am a rabbit....ooooo, i did now you see my problem how in hell is a WEAK monster like me suppose to kill some thing like that..., and with that i came to a conclusion

"haha.....hah..ha , i f*cking hate this world"

" and why am i so poor...., what ever i still can chose at list two MT or one semi-powerful one, let see what i really need now is a strong means of attack ,i would like to have the acid mouth tail but unfortunately for me i do not have enough point,....ok so that lives me with only poison gland,..... sliver fangs nail, which i think is the best , i wish i hard more points .... shyyy "


[host can always go and hunt for more monsters to increase Mt point in the system]

" oooo in case you haven't noticed i am a little on the weak side of things"


[system can alert host of potentially dangerous monsters to host on the hunt, so host can flee if needed to and the system can scan the general in a 1km radius around the host for the general location of weak monsters within host strength rang in the current environment]



"why did you not tell me about this before, so i could have stopped warring a little about how to get more points"




[host did not ask....]

i was left speechless again by what this stupid system said, which reminded me why i hate it so much, after all is said then i began to think carefully what i can use, the effect of poison is not weak but take time to take effect which at that time i will be left open to attack, but sliver fang and nail will cause damage forwardly and i will also have it on me at all times.... so i came to a conclusion

"system let go with sliver fangs and nail "


[sliver fang and nail selected commencing MT, time needed (2hur 12minte) .....10%.....15%]

after i gave the system my command and confirmed that i took it, i could final look up and see the morning sun and confirm that the day will becoming better and concluded that the view out side was beautiful, i could still feel small pain on my paw and teeth but i did not mind . it was less painful because i could feel less after what happen yesterday and decide that i need to get strong fast so as not to get my self killed





[...70% ...89%.....97%...100%, MT complete host has accrue sliver fangs and nail with the skill claw host current condition has stabilized ]

after some time of waiting and surveying my environment from inside of the cave to looking around the cave inside from the sport i was , i herd the system notification and decided to check my status for any new additions

"ok , let see my statues again , status"





AGE = 3 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 5 {XP = 16/120}

{HP = 20/ 20}, {MP = 46/60}, {SP = 20/20}

ST = 10

AG = 7

VT = 5

IN = 13

CM = 2

MT point {20}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)


(auto heal as long as mp is sustained)


(coat the paws nail or claw with mana doubling the damage(sub skill claw slash and fang bit ) , 25mp)

after i checked my status i was amazed by what i saw i not only got a state bust but also got two(2) new skills but that all died when i saw my Mt point that are remaining, after checking for a little while i realized that i can now move my body freely that means, that i regained control of my body then i stud up i also realize that i had grown buy about 5 external cm and my wound are all healed up, so i spend some time look at the changes in my body, which include my sliver fang and nail (which meant claw).

after checking my self out i decided to test my new weapons, so i went to some corpse in the cave and did a slashing motion and was surprise that even without the skill my rabbit sliver claw could cut through skin of some corpse like paper which made me very happy of the result but when i used the skill claw on the cave wall i made a 5cm deep dent on the wall which scared me when my claws have not even touch it .and i was trilled i made the right chose about my MT.

" after checking my self and testing out my new weapons plus seeing there effect i have to say now i have a little more confident to go out and hunt, now time to go and hunt but i will still be a little careful, but they still gives more exp and MT point than this coupes "

i said as one can see a weird serious but careful look on my rabbit face as i started to hop toward the exist of the cave.