so many good thing in one day.

its been (4) hours after i came out of my cave, and found a very bountiful meal of monster carcass all over the forest floor, i helped myself to the free meal of monster parts...


[ host has level up

host has level up

... level up]


i have been eating the whole time i came out here and, i have to say those =tail mouth= dose all the work for me,... i dent even have to do any thing, but it takes a lot of stamina, but think of it this way, as long as i keep eating i don't have to worry about stamina because it goes back up after i eat some monster parts, so this is the best thing i got so far,... but i can still feel the taste of the monster parts, but i can still deal with that to some extent. but i decided to check my status for any changes,.....

"OK lets check for changes in my states =status"





AGE = 5 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit


rank = 2

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit

LEVEL = 6 {XP = 340 /800}- N.Evo Lev 20

{HP = 100/ 150}, {MP = 80/265}, {SP = 40/150}

ST = 28

AG = 29

VT = 30

IN = 53

CM = 5

MT point {40}

+storage 25/30+(level up card (4)

{ skills active}

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]dark acid beam[]

{skills passive}

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[]life leech[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]acid tall mouth[]


darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...)



TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

after viewing my status, i then went back to my one woman feast, during the whole process i had many system notification that the system sent me... but i just ignored it and not pay it any attention.... but a little through my eating, i decided to check for any thing interesting....


[host has extracted from.....stone monkey ...=rock skin

host has extracted from ....stone monkey...= iron teeth

.......stone monkey...=rock mussels

........dark millipede...= 50 poison hands

........dark millipede ..= ghost hand

........dark millipede...= multi eyed vision

......evil cat .....= dark from

......evil cat .....= dark claws

........blood tiger....= scared mark

........blood tiger....= crimson red blood

......blood tiger....= blood vision

......blood tiger....= blood mussels bear...= black tendor bear.....= 4 arms of darkness bear.....= cures jaw

...... evil eye ....= cures eye

.......evil eye...= sprite eye


and the list keep going on and an on, if i was to count it will be at list 40 or maybe 50 or so, i took the privilege of taking the mana core of some of this monsters after another hour or so, i came to realization that this dead monsters are attracting other monsters so i decided to leave, at list for now.

why you ask?,....well i will just say.... f*ck you who knows what kind of monster this corpse will attract, let alone the number of them that will come looking for a free meal, but i will not seat still and wait for them to come and eat me, any way my cave is almost destroyed and i have already taken the major cores from the big monsters and put them in my storage and also some of the monster parts, so it is not all that bad, i left some space in my storage in case i find any useful things on the way....,as i was ready to go i stated running and activated ring was an amazing felling

" wooooo, this is crazy how fast am i now,... woooohoooo this i sooooo amazing..."

i said as i zipped throw the corpse of many monsters into the forest, i ran i became a little to excited of my now amazing abilities,...just then i thought of some thing interesting, i then jumped on a tree 3.5 m tall, tuned and looked at the next tree, only 2m away, i smiled as i jumped to the next and used my claws as a stopper and then jumped into the next one,...i continued forward on the tree as this went on for some time, i found out that my travelling speed have increased greatly, plus i enjoyed the feeling of looking down and seeing all the monsters i avoided by doing this, which gave me a simile on my bunny face but who cares.....

as i was moving on the trees,.....i suddenly i looked down saw a group of 25 ant,..... 21 were dead and the others surrounded an eagle like bird, which was dark sliver in colour, 5 meters tall but this bird looked half cooked, one wing gone, the other broken, but it was still struggling to fight back the ants and stay alive, i hid my self in the tree and enjoy the show.....

after about 45 min the ant remaining where only 3,but they where all in very bad conditions, i also was a little surprised by this eagle like bird which was suppose to be bead, but it was still was alive, i think it is time for my act..... the eagle was on the forest floor, it was all most taking its last breath, i jumped down from the tree and ....activated my skills

"=tail wipe= plus =back acid beam="

boom,...boommmmmmm .....voooooomm

when my attack hit, it created a dust wave, when it cleared and i saw the aftermath of the attack, i could only smile, i used the skill four times more ,...

boooom.....bannng ...booooooooom..

as the beams flew, i could only shy because one of the ants got away, the rest are all dead even the eagle,....i smiled and said

"the worst kind of enemies are not the the once you see, that have strong cards in their hand open for every one to see, but the once which you don't see but has stronger cards than you"

i said as i jumped of the tree with my tail flowing in the air and landed on the forest ground. i did not think twice and put the remain corpse in my seem that the eagle was a very strong monster, how do i know you ask, well because i levelled up 8 time after, killing and eating only a little part of it, i would say it a let down but who am i to complain !

" life is only good if you are on top,.. OH well let get go....!"

